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Mrs. John Wotzke is visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Stofflet and family are at Portage Lake camping. B. St. James and family are enjoying a six weeks' outing at Whitmore Lake. Mrs. S. E. Higgius, of Toronto, Ont. , is the guest of Mr. and Mis. J. J. Qnarry. Prof. H. B. Hutchins and family are spending the snmmer at the seaooast in Maine. Geo. Dengler and wife have been spending a few days' vacation at Silver Lake. , Miss Ora Sperry went to Bay View Wednesday, where she will stay for two weeks. Miss Anna Wesch went to Jaokson Wednesday to visit friends for a week or ten days. Moses Seabolt and Daniel Hiscock are away on a trip up north to the Soo and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Duffy, of Pittsburg, Pa., are visitig Mrs. Galick, of N. Main sr. G. Josenhans and family are visiting relatives in Saline and York for a oouple of weeks. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Schroen are visitiug relatives uear Saline for a i conple of weeks. Prof. and Mrs. E. F. Johnson are making a short visit to their old home in northern Ohio. Rev. Henry Tatlock left Friday for New York to spend several weeks in study and research. Mrs. O. M. Martin left Tuesday for Dodge's Point, a pleasant summer resort near (Jheboygan. Mrs. Fred Gall, of Chicago, was bera attending the funeral of the late John G. Gall, on Wednesday. Mrs. R. A. Beal is spending a short time with relatives and friends in Gregory and Plainfield. Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Tyler have gone to Leslie to spend a conple of weeks with the doctor's sister. Elliott A. Herdman is spending the summer vacation with bis parents, Dr. and Mra. W. J. Herdman. Rauney C. Scott arrived in the city Sunday from Honolulú. He says everything is lovely over there. Mrs. M. A. Jourden, of Bucyrus, Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Gillis, of E. Liberty st. Mrs. B. F. Watts went to Flint on Monday, vshere she will spend the summer with her sisters and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodyear, who were visiting in Detroit last week, left there Monday uiorning for a two weeks' stay at Orion Lake. Mrs. Charles Sweeney, of Marión, Ohio, is visiting her parents, JRov. and Mrs. J. H. Schweinfurth, of 8. State st. Nate Stanger and Herman Gnndert have been at Whitmore Lake this week enjoying a brief vacation from business. Miss Hattie Haviland, of Saginaw, is the guest of her nnole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rhodes, of the north side. Ed. V. Seyler is taking bis two ■weeks' vacation at present. The Soo and Mackinac Island is where he ia spending it. Rev. J. M.Gelston bas taken a oottage at Bass lake, where be and Mrs. Gelston and family will spend two or three weeks. Henry A. Kyer, of Seattle, Wash., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Seabolt. He left Sunday eveuing for the Soo and Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Elmer E. Beal went to Howell, Satnrday, to attend the wedding of Mr. Green, of Pinokney and Miss Winegar, of Howell, whioh took place Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Boylan went to Howell, Tuesday, to visit friends Wednesday they attended the weddipg of Mr. Green, of Pinckney, to Miss Winegar, of Howell. James E. Murnan, clerk at th Cook House, has gone to New York city to spend a month's vacation. He w ill visit his sister in tbat city art of the time. C. A. Collier is aiting as day clerk during Mr. Murnan 's absence. Prof. W. S. Perry, vno has been atteuding the National fiduoational convention at Buffalo, A. Y., has gone to his old home in t)at state for a brief visit. He will aVio visit his son, Paul, who is employid on the New York World. Mrs. Danipí W. Tilton, of Thompson st. , who harresided in the city for four years eductfting ber children, will return sheftly to her former home in Montan. One son, Lester, is still in the hih school and will remain to continubis studies. Kiss Anna Burlingame, of Grand Rapids, who graduated from the Ann .rbor high school with the class of '94 and who for the past year bas been in the training scbnol of Bntterwotth hospital, Graui Raí iris ís hpeudii.g her vacation with her uuole aüd uunt Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Suttou, of Northfield. Miss Burliutam will ïe.tnrn to Grand Rapids Sept. 1 to complete her conrse and folluw ' er profession as a trained nurse. Miss Sara Whedon is attending the Epworth League training school at Ludington. Henry Hangsterfer, of New York, is visitiug his cousins, E. V. Hangsterfer and sisters. öeorge G. Stimson is eujoying Ta week 's trip up the lakes to the Soo and Mackinao Island. Mrs. S. E. Sheehan and children and Mre. N. H. Drake spent yesterday at Whitmore Lake. W. W. Wedemeyer will spend Snnday iu Detroit with his friend, Elmer J. Ottoway, of the Free Press. Evart H. and Ranney C. Scott were in Toledo, O., Monday, looking af ter their business interests in that city. W. W. Taylor, '93 lit, chemist for the Missouri Furnace Co., St. Louis, Mo. , is visiting his mother for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Schrnidt, of W. Huron st. , and Chas. Stabler and wife have gone to Base Lake for a few weeks. Miss Bertha Feiner and her nephew, Ralph Barker, left yesterday morning for a visit with her brother at Clinton, Iowa. Mrs. McJanet, ■whohas been the guest of T. H. Wadhams, on N. Main st, for some time, has returned to her home at Mt. Pleasant. Dr. Jos. Foster, who has been Dr. Carrow's assistant for a couple of years, will sail for Europe July 29, to study at Vienna and Berlin. Mrs. George Holden, Miss Tinnie Masten and Miss Marnie Hine went to Whitmore Lake on their wheels yesterday and spent the day. Ed. A. Munyon, a former resident of Aun Arbor, was in the oity for a day or two the early part of this week, calling on old friends. PoRtmaster and Mrs. S. W. Beakes left Wednesday evening for a trip to Bloomingburg, N. Y., Mr. Beakes' old home, and other points. J. 3. Quarry left yesterday morning to spend a week's vacation at Parkhill, Ontario. His wife and her mother. Mrs. Higgins, accompanied him. John Winter, H. H. Humphrey and Wm. S. Conant, of Detroit, were in the city Wednesday on business conneoted with the Aun Arbor street railway. Miss Florence Sterrett has gone to her home in Decatur to spend a few weeks with her parents. She was accompanied by Miss Nina B. Davison. Mrs. Charles H. Callahan and family, of Chicago, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly. Mr. Callahan is expeoted in about two weeks. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Hnll left yesterday for Williamsport, Pa., to take up their residence there. Mr. Huil haviug been ohosen pastor of the Disciplás' church. Rev. T. % Young, J. Harold Montgomery, Fred Hefflebower, the Misses Belle Leinou, Susie Dorrance, Brnma Alesander, Viola and Maud Hess have gone to Milwaukee, Wis., to atteud the B. Y. P. U. couverjtion as delegates from the Young People's Union of the First Baptist cburch of this oiiy. Miss Cavanaugh, who bas so ably conducted tho primary department of our public school for the past year, lef t TneBday for her home at Ann Arbor. Miss Cavanaugh leaves a host of friends behind, both among the children and grown np people, who will undonbtedly be sorry to learn töat she will uot return. Mrs. J. t. Hunt accompauied