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It is stated that Mr. Bryan may take the...

It is stated that Mr. Bryan may take the... image
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It is stated that Mr. Bryan may take the stump and rnake several politioal speeches in Michigan dwing the coming carupaign. Tbo system of profit sharing between employers and ernployed has been abandoned by some thirty firrns who tried it íor a term of two or three years. It failed to work as the employees did not share in the losses when they carne. At the Chicago convention that norninated Win. J. Bryan, of Nebraska, for president, Michigan cast 9 votes for Bryan on the first ballot, 28 on the second, and solid support from then until the fifth ballot, when he received the nomination. In Atchison, Kansas, the republican connty convention voted down by twothirds majority, a resolution indorsing the St. Louis platform, and both the papers of Atchison city have repudiated the action of the national convention. They are being followed by very many more papers in that distrassful state. Mayor Pingree got a big boost for the republican nomination for governor of Mi higan, on Monday, when the 97 delegates from Wayne connty were instructed by the republican couuty convention to vote as a unit for him iu the state oonvention at Grand Kapids, Aug. 5. "Pingree" was the only name mentioned at the convention in onneotion with the nomination. Charles Flowers, of Detroit, will present the name of the mayor to the conrention. Bryan's speech in convention gave hiin the nornination for the presidency. Before the delivery of his masterful oration he was not regarded as a possibility. The only other instance of the power of oratory by a delégate in convention to obtain the prize was in 1880, when Garfield's speech pïaciug John Sherrnan in nomination as Ohio's candidate, resulted in the overthrow of Sherman and the selection of Garfield. The latter's speech captivated and captnred the conventiou, and if he bed not beeu a delégate he would uot have been the noininee. Speaking of the proposal of the board of regents to establish a printing outfit at the University of Michigan, in order to do the printing for that iustitntiou, such as the annual announcernents, catalogues, etc., and also to enable the prefessors to get their books in print at oost, the Flint G-lobe, which has always been a staunch supporter of the nuiversity, its editor being a gradúate of the literary departraent, has the following to say : "This proposition uiay be a bJuff to euable the nniversity to get the Ann Arbor printers to lower their prioes on work for tbat institution or it inay be in real earnest. But it looks to the Globe as though it would be against public polioy for the uuiversity or tlie state to set itself np iu any business that would compete seriously with those industries already established by private enterprises. There is a vast ainouut of rooney invested in printing material iu this state - capital that is taxed every year for the support of the nniversity. There is no question that the necessary printiug for Michigan nniversity can be done by private offices as economically and probably inuch more economically thau it can be done by the university. " The prices on printing in Ann Arbor, and that done for the nniversity forrns no exception, are already so kv, Mr. Globe, that if they were reduced any fnrther, the margin would be represented by a 0.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News