Real Estate Transfers
Martin Alford and wife to Willis and Martin Alford, Augusta, 2,200. Dewitt C. Fall and wife to Edward L. Seyler aDd wife, Ann Arbor, $3,500. Laura J. Halleck toWm. J. and Marilla Sebriug, Ann Arbor, 2,000. John T. Halleck, by executor, to Wm, J. and Clarilla Sebring, Aun Arbor, Sá,000. Wm. D. Adarhs and wife to Charles E. Hisoock, Ann Arbor, $4,900. Louisa Johnson to Cathran JBuehler, Ann Arbor, 1,100. Patrick McKoue, by beirs, to Kate Rheinfrauk, Chelsea, $275. Theresa Hangsterfer to August Herz, Ann Arbor, $150. August Herz to John Luippold, Ann Arbor, $800. JVIary Hale and Alexander Hamilton to John R. Miner, guardián, 4,300. Patrick McKone, by helrs, to Margaret McKone, Lyndon, $700 Same to same, Lyndon, 1,100. John Bañe, by admiuisírator, to Charles L. JRaue, Whitmore Lake, $1,600.50. Auditor General to James Kearns. Ann Arbor, .$12.34. Same to sanie, fonr descriptions of laúd in Aun Arbor, $1 each. Charles E. Hiscock to Charles A. Ward, Ann Arbor, $500. Same to Rosa Ward, Ann Arbor, 81.200. Ira W. Crippeu to Carrie W. Crippeu, Superior, $1. Rosa A. Speeehly to Frederick J. Schleede, Ann Arbor, $3,375. John J. Fergusoa to Priscilla Ferguson, Aan Arbor, $1,000.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Martin Alford
Willis Alford
Dewitt C. Fall
Edward L. Seyler
Laura J. Halleck
William J. Sebring
Marilla Sebring
John T. Hallock
William D. Adams
Charles E. Hiscock
Louisa Johnson
Cathran Buehler
Patrick McKone
Kate Rheinfrank
Theresa Hangsterfer
August Herz
John Luippold
Mary Hale
Alexander Hamilton
John R. Miner
Margaret McKone
John Raue
Charles L. Raue
James Kearns
Charles A. Ward
Rosa Ward
Ira W. Crippen
Carrie W. Crippen
Rosa A. Speechly
Frederick J. Schleede
John J. Ferguson
Priscilla Ferguson