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Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTV OF OWashtenaw, Thé undersigned havlngbeen appoiuted by the Probate Court for s:iid County, Uommissionersto ïeceive, examine and adjust all ilaims and dvmands of all persons agalnsl the sstate óf Korria Kiclunoud, lato oí SBid Couoty, deceaodd., hereby givo ootice tliat "six months from date are allowed, by order of s:nd Probate Coart, for creditürs to present tbeir claims agaiust the estáte of said dfceased, and tbat they will meet at the offioe of IC. B. Pond, in the City of Ann -rb r, in .-uitl ('ounly. on the t'ighth tlav of September and on the eighth un y oi December next, at len O'oloi 1; a. M. ot eacb of snid days, to leceivc, examine and adjust Baid claims. Dutcd JnueS, 18'i6. ELIHÜ B. POND. FREDERIC B. BR AUN, Coimiiisioiii'is. Estáte of Felix Dunlavy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of At a session of tbe Probate Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofüce. in the City of Ann Arbor. od Tuursday, the 161 h day of July, in the year one thonsaud eight hundred and ninety-six. Present, J. Wülard Uabbüt, Judgeof Probate. In the matter oí the estáte of Felix Dunkivy, deceascd. On readinj; andolina the petition, duly verifled, of Ann J. Dunlavy, prayisg that admiuistratiorj oí snid eBtale muy be g'anted to herseli, or BOine otlier suitable person. Theroupon it is ordcred, that Moi.rlay, thtlOth day of August next, :it ten o'clock In the forenoou, be assigned lor the hearing of snid petition, and thai the hpirsatlavv of Bald deeeased, and all olher pereoüb interusted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of suid court thn to be holden at the Probate office in the city of nn Arbor, and shov cause, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petitiouer ahould not be granted: Aud it isiurthei ordered that Baid peiitioner give notice to the peisons interested in said ewtate of thependency oí said petition, and the hearing thereof, a causint a copy of Ibis ordei to be published in the Ank Akbor Argus, a newepaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of henrinïiJ. WILI.ARD BABB1TT, [Atruecopy.] Judge of Probat Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the conditions of the payments of a certaln mortgage made by James R. Banh and Blanch E. Baeh, liis wlfe, to Johu Allen, dated the 9th day of March, 1893, and recorded In the Register's ottice oi' Washtenaw County, iu Liber 84 ol' Mortgages on page BÜ7, on theitrd day of January, W94, at 5 o'olock p. m., on wblch mortg"age there is claimed'to be due at the date of this notiee one thousand, onehundri ii and six dollars aud eighty cents, i$U6 ÍM) and uosuit at law or in equity liaving been iustituted to collect the auiount due on said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, thurelore, by virtue of the power of sale contaiued iu -said niortsasfe and the statute ín such case made aud provided, notice is hereby given that on Monday, the Htb day óf September, 18!)ü, at the east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mieb.. (that being the buildiDg where the circuit Court for said Couniy is beid,) there will be sold at public, auction to ihe highest bidder the ijremises described in said mortgage or so mucli t hereof as may be necessary to aatisfy the amount due on said mortgase and the legal oosta of this foreclosure. The premlsee so to be sold are described as foliows: I-ots luinibei' li'Jaud VU in Mille rV nddit ion tu the City t Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dated June töth, 1896. JOHN ALLEN. Thompson & Barkiman, Mortgagee. Attorneys for mortg-axee. Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS, DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE In the condltions oi fcwo cerialn mortgages, made by Josepb B. Bteere of the Oity ui Ajan Albor" Mioh&an, to Lewis 8. Andersuii oi Pittsfleld, "Washtenaw County, Michigan, bearingdate Marohl2th, 1881, eaohsecurmjj the payment of tbesum of TwoThousaud Dollars wlth Interest, (the same belngapari of the purchase money for the premisos i berein and hereinafter desorlbed),wnich said mortgages were reoorded in the Reglster's office lor Washtenaw County on töe l'.iih day of ri:, 1881, at 2Ví o'clook p. in., In Lihi i 55 of Mortgages, on pages 88 and ti9, botli of eald mortgagesbelng long past due, and whereas, by reason of saiddefault, there ïsclaimedto be due upouone of said mortgages thesum oí Tvvo Thousand Dollars and interest f rom Maroh 12tli, 1896, und apon t)e otber the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and Interest (rom Maren I2th, 18U6, each at seven por cent- and ao uit at law orin oquity havlng: been instituted to recover th amount duo on sald mortgages or auy part thereof. Now, therefore, by vlrtue of the power of sale in said mortgageá'Contained and of the stntutes of the tate of Michigan, notlce is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at public auction to the hiuhest bidder on Monday, the ü8th day of September, at 11 o'clock a. m., standard time, at tliu east front, door ot' the Court Houee in the City of Aun Arbor, (that being the wliere the circuit court tor said couuty is held , the premises descrlbed in said mortgages or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said mortgiifres and the legal costs of this loreclosure. The premises to be sold are deseribed as follows: That certain pieee or parcel of land sitúate in thu township of Pittsfleld, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Beginningon thequarter line runninj.' cast and west on section fourof said township at a point near the center of the soutli Ypsilauti road, soutli 64 degrees wesl B9V4 linK i' rom a hickory tree Slxlnchee in diameter and south degrees west 52 links trom a yeliow oaU tree eight 'inohea in diameter; thence north-westerly alonjr the center of said road 18 chalns aud 2S link: thenoe uorth 29 degrees west alongthe center Of saicl road 1 chain and 88 links; thence iiortb (SS'i degrees east o chalns and 32 links; thenoe Dorth 22!4 degrees west 1 cbaln and ."r links; i henee north 72 degrei g east 18 cbalns nel -io links; thence souto 2! degrees easi 6 chalns on the section line between sectlons three and four: thence north KUi degrees easi i'1 chains and 90 links; thence south on the line between the easl and the wesl half of the north-west quarterof sectil n three in townshlpand range aoresaid I5chatnsand681lnks to the quarter line oi :iid section three; i henee west on said quarter line 33 chalns and ri links to the center of said Ypsllantl road on the east and west quarter lim-s of section tour iu said townstiip to the place of beginning, containlng 64 acres and 9-100 of an acre, more or less. DatedJ une 29th, 1896. LEW1S S. ANDBBSON, Thompson & Habriman, Mortagee. Attorneys for Mortagee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News