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O. E. Wagner is in Decatur for a two weeks' visit. Chas. Binder, sr., was iu Detroit Saturday on business. Mr. Riley Shoit, of Manchester, was d the city Saturday. Oliver C. Lutz is in Marshall pending a two weeks' vaoation. Miss Mamie Leonard is visiting her brother Ward, at Manistee. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Purfield are enjoying a week's visit in Chicago. Mrs. Amy R. Seavy, oí E. Madison st., h;is removed to Ft. Wayne, Ind. D. B. Cheever has been visiting friends in Lansing the last few days. Mrs. V. E. Guy, of Cantón, Mo., is in the city visiting her son, M. W. Guy. Aithur Brown and family are at their cottage at Zukey Lake for a short stay. The Misses Susa and Sara Whedon have gone to Bay View for a few weeks' visit. Mr. Jacob Walz, of Manchester, visited relatives and friends in the city Sunday. Miss Viola Fisher, of Louisville, Ky., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Young. Mr. and Mt'S. Calvin Boylan.of Sious City, Ia., are in the city visiting their parents. Capt. E. P. Allen will speak at the Gratiot couuty Sunday school rally Ang. 19. Mrs. Kate Holden and Miss Ruth Durbeim are spending a week at Whitmore Lake. j Mrs. W. VV. Bernau and children are speuding the sumrner in the Traverse Bay región. Mrs. Harriet Royal, of Tampa, Fla., is the guest of Judge N. W. Chsever and family. Miss Abbie A. Pond, of the public schools, is visiting friends at Jackson, for a few days. Ernest Pratt and sister Effie, of Chicago, are guests of Mr. aud.Mrs. M. P. Larnbd, of Hill st. Miss Sullivan, of the postoffice forcé, has goütí to Chicago to visit her brother Dr. T. J. Sullivan. Mrs. Charles S. Millen returned home froin her summer visit to North Lake last Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Sickley, of 7o E. Ann st., is in Chicago, where she will make a month's visit with friends. Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, of Sharon, is in the city for a few days, visiting her son, Martin J. Cavanaugh. Prof. H. V. Ames left on Tuesday for Columbas, O., to assume the chair of Latin in the university tbere. Mail Carrier Chas. Meyers is taking a two weeks lay off and resting up for the balance of the year's hard work. Mrs. H. E. Bennett and daughter, Miss Anua, have gone to Ithaca, N. Y., for a month's visit with friends. Mrs. W. K. Childs, who has had a severe and painful illness of some weeks' duration, is now slowly recuvering. Miss Nellie Mingay left yesterday morniug for an extended visit with relatives in Toronto and Bowruanville, Ont. Mrs. Vanderwerker and son Ernest and Miss May Wing leave Saturday for a three weeks' visit at Detroit and the Flats. John E. Hillmau, sexton of St. Andrew's parish, has gone on an ocean voyago in the hope of benefiting bis bealth. Michael Brenner atteuded the Bryan aud Sewall ratifloation meeting in Detroit Mooday evening aud took in the races Tuesday. Miss Emma E. Bower attended a meeting of the executive eominittee of the Great Hive L. O. T. M. at Detroit last Friday and Saturday. Prof. Lawreuce C. Huil, superintendent of schools at Lawrencevüle, N. J., is the guest of bis sistsr, Mrs. E. T. Edmunds, of W. Huron st. Mrs. T. Sohrnid and family, of Chicago, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Schmid's párente, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutzel, of Pittsfield. J. G. Halaplian, who has been in the city for several years attending the university, contemplates opening a private school iu Toledo in the fall. J. T. Mingay, of Toronto, Ont., who has been visiting his son, T. W. Mingay, and family fo? the past three weeks, returned home yesterday rnorning. William Page, lit '90, formerly of Ann Arbor, now of Chicago, is visiting frieuds in the city. Frosn here he will go east for a summer at the seashore. Mrs. T. B. Albro is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. Etta Post, aud daughter Arlene, of New London, Ohio, and Mrs. Jospheue Donly, of Brighton. Mrs. Albro gave a lawo picnic yesterday in honor of her guests. Clareuce Noble and Wanen Couners, who left hera some tioie ago to make a bicycle trip through liuiopc, wtote to their friends from G-lasgo .f, Sootland, of their safe arrival there, and of their intentiou to stürc at ooce on a tour around tha isiand ou tceir wheels. The letter was reoeived here on Sunday. Ed. Wolfel has beeu away this week on a trip up the lakes. Grove J. Ray and family are ia Conoord for a two weeks' vacatiou. Mrs. E. S. Cusbman and family have gono to Bridgewater for a vacaüon. Mr. and Mis. Will F. Stimson returned home Tuesday froui their nortberu trip. Mrs. J. E. Beal and son left Wedoesday for a two weeks' visit at her old home in Coaper. Mrs. 8. S. Divine left this moroing for Sycamore, 111., to visit her old home and friends. Miss Mary Blades and lady friends, of Hamburg, are visiting L. O. T. M. friends in the city Miss Eliza Armbruster and Mis3 Emma Weitbrecht are visiting the Misses Girbach, of Chelsea. Miss Louisa D. Giles went to Detroit Wednesday to spend a few days with her brother, Robert Giles and family. Miss Grace Benbow returned to Iowa Wednesday night after a short visit with relativos and friends in this city. Wra. McC. Allen, of Chicago, arrived here yesterday to attend the funeral of his father, James O. Allen, of Ann Arbor town. Prof. Andrew TenBrook left; for Adrian and vicinity yesterday to attend a family reunion. He expects to be absent from the city about three weeks. The following is taken from a Buffalo, N. Y-, paper. Two of the parties mentioned, Miss Carrie Watts and H. C. Watts, are daughter and son of our townsman, J. C. Watts: "H. C. Watts gave a coaching party to South Bay last Thursday afternoon to entertain Miss Carrie Watts, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Miss Clara Ball, of Buffalo, Miss E. A Barnum and Miss Maud Barnum. Mrs. Madella Frazer acted as chaperon.'