Local Brevities
During their "Broken sizes sale" Jacobs & Allmand will keep their store open till 8 o'clock p. m. The annual meeting of the Michigan State Teachers' Association will be held at Lansing, Dec. 28th to 30;h. Becker's Light Infantry Band expects to conduct an excursión to Pnt-in-Bay and return sotue time in August. The interior of the Grand opera house is undergoing a much needed cleaning and fixing up at the hands of a gang of workmen,. Thomas J. Clark, a life prisoner at Jackson, died at the state prison Saturday of consumption, and his remains were brought to the university hospital Monday. There was a bad washout on the Ann Atbor road just south of the city caused by the heavy rains of Sunday, which delayed the trains somewhat on Monday morning. Charles Karcher, an old reident of Chelsea, aged 74 cut his throat Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. He then attempted to finish the job by jumping into the river. His recovery is doubtful as the windpipe is served. W. D. Adams has sold his house on S. Thayer st. , recently purchased of C. A. Ward, to H. B. Hougland, of Battle Creek. Mr. Hougland will move here with his family August 1. Transfer through Bach & Butler agency. The Livingston Republioan, Howell, says: "The Ann Arbor Railroad Company has had men here during the week, surveying the town and raaking a new map, snowing their interests. What else they may be here for we do not know." Wm. Illi's delivery horse ran away Thursday evening and in attempting to turn into the alley leading to its stable, in rear of the bakery on E. Washington st., it was thrown against the large plate glass window of Parker, Colburn & Schneider's store with such violence as to break it into splinters. The horse was considerably bruised and cut by the accident. Mrs. Anna M. Parshall, of Ann Arbor town. has filed a petition for divorce against her husband Charles T. Parshall, of the same place, on the ground of cruelty and drunkenness. She also asks for an injunction to restrain him ft-om disposing of the personal property belonging to them and for the custody of their only child, Roy N. Parshall, a boy of 11 years old. The injunction has been issued. On Thursday afternoon of last week President Winter, of the Street Railway Co., met with the board of pubilo works acoording to appointment. He at once informed the board that the company was opposed to moving the line from Detroit st., where it is at present looated, as it would cost over $3,000 to do it. A long discussion ensued but beyond tuis statement the meeting was fruitless and nothing was agreed upou. Now a prominent physician claims that the board-like throat environments worn by women are responsible for the prevalence of headaches and earaches and eyeaches, causing á mild forrn of strangulation. He says that more than one case of congested blood at the base of the brain bas been traced to this collar fad. It is also the cause of red noses, bad skins and other forms of repressed circulation. Which will my lady adhere to, health or fashion? The Postmaster General has issued an order requiring railroad companies to observe a law which has never be'.n fcnforoed respecting the free carriage of their letters. Hereafter all letters to station ageiits and officials will be required to have postage, but exception is to be made in cases where letters refer tö trains bearing them. A special farm of stamped envelope, such as is used by express oompanies, will be supplied the railroad companies and these must be canoeled on delivery to the train hands. This new order will become general immediately. Children's Day will be observed at the Germán M. E. obnrch next Sunday evening. The "Wolverine cyclers gave a uegligee party at their rooms last eveniug wbich was largely attended. The Sorosis has rented the A. W. Hanrilton property on E. Madison st., aud will occupy it during the ooming school year. Dr. C. M. Cobern will address the men"s meeting at the Young Men's Ohristian Assooation rooms on Sunday afternoon at 2 :45 o'clouk. Henry Meuth lost hjs sailboat at Whitmore Lake duriug the storm of Sunday night. It broke from its moorings and was swamped in the lake. The concert by Becker's Light Infantry Band last Saturday evening on the court house square, drew out qnite a large crowd of people who greatly enjoyed the music On Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jones, 20 E. Catherine st., their son, Ed. W. Jones was married to Miss Lavina Heibein, of this city. Stevens & Weinberg, of the Kindergarten on N. Main st., have rented the two vacant stores in the Pratt Block on S. Main st , and will occupy them as a billiard parlor and oafe. Mrs. Cornelia Kerr has sold her house on the corner of S. Fourth ave. and Packard et. to Mrs Minnie Adams. Transfer through Bach & Butler agency. Consideration $4,000. The committee appointed by the commoa oouncil to visit Detroit and investigate the macadamizing of streets were among those who took in the Young Men's Christian Association excursión yesterday. John B. Wells, of Superior, died Saturday at the home of William H. Spooner, in that town, of heart disease, aged 69 years, 1 month and 28 days His remains were buried in the Dixboro cemetery Tuesday. Col. John E. Tyrrell, of the First Infantry, M. N. G., has given notice that an election of major to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of Major John P. Sanford, will take place at camp, Saturday, Aug. 22, at 8 p. m., at the regirnental headquarters. J. C. Henderson, of St. Paul, Minn,. will succeed Lew H. Clement as manager of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. 's business. Mr. Henderson has for three years been secretary and manager of Dhe Schimmel & Nelson Piano Co. and comes here highly recommended. A large number of people took the ;rain at the Ann Arbr depot yesterday rnorning bound for Whitmore Lake to attend the annual picnic of the Young People's Society of Zion Lutheran church. They returued on the eveniug ;rain tired but with the reaolleotion of laving spent a very pleasant day. Michael Preskorn, of Northfield, got lis right hand caught in one of the dump carts of the Auu Arbor Railro-id construction tiains on Monday and it resulted in a fracture of the first three ingers of that member. Dr. J. A. VVessinger treated the fracture and Preskorn is doing as nicely as possible. Henry Todd, a resident of Webster for 56 years, died at his home in that township, on Sunday, aged 88 years 3e was born in New York state in 1808, and with his wife qarue to Webster in 1837. The funeral services were held at his late home on Tuesday morning and the remains were interred at Hamburg. August Mensing, of Chelsea, by his attorneys, Lehman Bros., has begun suit n the Washtenaw circuit court against the Michigan Central Railroad Co. He claims that owing to the negligence of the company's agents he received permanent injury Feb. 9, 1895, while alighting from a passenger train at Dowagiac. He asks $5,000 damages. McClure's Magazine for August is to be a midsummer fiction number, with short stories by Octave Tbanet, Stephen Crane, Clinton Ross, E. W. Thompson, and Annie Eliot. Stephen Crane's story will exhibit the hero of his successful novel, "The Red Badge of Courage," grown an old man, but still capable of a fine act of bravery ; Clinton Ross' will deal with Perry's historie fight and victory on Lake Erie; and Annie Eliot's will depict a sprightly [ove episode íd a Yale and Harvard Doat race. Next Sunday several members of the local Young Men's Christian Association will go to Chelsea to hold religious meetings. In the afternoon at 8 o'clock a meeting for men ouly will be held iu the M. E. church. It will be addressed by J. E. Benz, general heoretary of the association. Other short addresses will be made by G. G. Stimson and W. B. Phillips. The union services in the evening will be held in the Congregational church and will be addressed by H. G. Van Tuyl, of Detroit, president of the state executive committee of the Young Men's Christian Association. Other short addresses will also be made by Ann Arbor men. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Storms were 25 years married Wednesday evening of last week and their daughters determined that the event should not go unrecognized. invited a number of their friends to spend the evening at the Storms' home, No. 10 Lawrence st. On sorne pretence they induced their mother to go away from home for a few hours and then assisted by two or three young lady friends they wrought such a transformation that wben Mrs. Storrns arrived home, as the cougressman said, she "didn't know where she was at." The older members of the party took supper in the house while the younger ones were served out doorson the lawn. Everyone enjoyed the visit immensely and many silver mementoes of friendship were left behind by the guests as they departed. The Argus wishes Mr. and Mrs. Storms another 25 years of married life and happiness. The Yonng Men's Chri&tian Association boys are agitating the forrnation of a brass band. The faces of the court house clock look brilliautly cleau since they have beeu cleanrd and repainted. Ten members of the Lyra Maennerchor have been camping at Whitmore Lake during the past week. The city taxes are being paid in very slowly Capt. Manly says. Few people have a pletbora qí ready mouey and what they have got they hate to let go of. E. V. Hangsterfer has decided to close his confectionery business at Ypsilanti, Aug. 11. The fixtures of tbe store will be removed to his new braocb store on S. State st. W. B. Phillips and O. E. Butterfield caught 17 pickerel in a single day's fisbing at Bay View last week. At least that is what Phillips says and he generally tells just abont vvbat is so. Between 400 arid 500 people took the Young Men's Chrktian Association excursión train for Detroit yesterday ruoruing. That is only about half the nuiuber that went down last year. E. L. Schneider has invented an instantaneous bath heater. lts fuel is gas and it is claimed to be so economical in the use of it that the cost is almost nothing. With these recommendations it should meet with ready sale. The Light Infantry boys are receiving letters from all inds of circus performers relative to their secdbd annual midwinter circus which they are already planning for and which they state will be better than that of last year. ' Charles J. N. Jacobs, son of J. T. Jacobs, of this city, has sent home accounts of fishing that he has lately been taking a hand in at Catalina Island, in the Pacific ocean. Tunis and Jew fish were the kinds caught, the fish weighing frorn five to eight pounds each. A fire started in a lot of rubbish in the cellar of Mrs. M. Sheehan's house, 85 E. Huron st., about noon on Sunday. The smoke was quite dense and a quantity of the household furniture was removed before it was discovered that there was no great cause for alarm. A large crowd was attracted to the scène. Albert C. Schumacher and Herman Miller have formed a partnership and will in the near future open up another drug store in Aun Arbor. Both yonng men are well and favorably known to our citizens and there is no reason why they shotild not make a success of their vonture, as they have lots of friends. The store they will occupy is the one owned by Titus F. Hutzel, now occupied by A. Teufel. Mrs. George E. Hollister, the wife of Rev. George E. Hollister, a superanuated Methodist minister, committed suicide by hanging herself Monday morning while temporarily deranged by illness. While the rest of the family were at breakfast she tied the corners of a handkerchief together, slipped it under her chin, got upon the bed and backed up to the high corner booked it over and jumped off the hed and simply choked to death. She was dead when her husband went into the room after breakfast. City Clerk Mills lives in au odor - not of sanctity, but - of dead sparrow heads these days. The city pays a bounty of two cents each for sparrow heads and the way in which those sparrow heads are comng in nowadays is appalling to the smell. Glen says he believes some of them must be three months old. The reason for this unusual uumber of sparrow heads beiug brought in is that the boys want to go and see Buffalo Bill's Wild West show and are earning enough money in this way to do so. Some changes in business locations will take place in the near future. A. Teufel will remove his harness stock into the :tore now occupied by Camp Bros. at 57 S. Man st. The latter gentlemen will go out of the furniture business in which they are now engaged. The store Mr. Teufel vacates is to be remodeled by its owner, Titus F. Hutzel, who will have a new plate glass front put into it and an addition built onto the rear end of the building. When finished it will be occnpied as a drug store by A. C. Schumacher and Herman Miller wno have entered into partnership. Here is nsws for Ann Arbor people. Bryan's only opponent for the nomination on the Populist ticket at, St. Louis was an Ann Arbor boy. Seymour F. Norton, of Chicago, received 321 votes to Bryan's 1,042. .Nortou Hved with his parents over in the Fifth ward for several yeaïs early in the sixties and received his education in our public schools and in the university. In 1867 he graduated from the law department of the university. He has been a faithful and popular attorney in the Windy City for many years besides taking a prominent position in his party's conncils. Ia the recent conveution at St. Louis it was only the fact that strenuous attempts were made to cause a stampede to Bryan that made Noiton's vote so small. - Times. The Times tells a story of an Ann Arbor citizen who chanced to pass the dray stand ou the east side of the court house square at 2 o'clock in the morning a few days since and saw a drayman at his post at that early hour of the morning. The citizen awakenei the drayman, who was partially asleep, and told him what time it was, thinking he had gone to sleep and so remaiDed at his post longer than usual. He was greatly surprised when the man told him that he had just come from bome, where he had had part of a night's sleep, and had come early in order to get the position at the head of the line as'that position usually meant the seouring of the first job in the morning. He intended, he said, to hold the position until early morning, when his brother would relieve him. While in Chicago last week. Lew H. Clement sold 300 organs to a good firm. Randall & JoDes have purchased the large law hbrary of Judge L. S. Montague, deceased, of Howell. W. J. Booth, gave a very interesting talk Monday evening at the M. E. church on his travels in the Holy Land. A large number of Add Arborites attended the dancing party and concert at the Clifton House, Whitmore Lake, last Friday night. The heavy rain of Sunday last put a damper on the spirits of the large number of people who visited Toledo and the lakes north of this city. At the Tecumseh bicycle races last week, Paul C. Meyer lowered the 5tnile state record of 12:09, made by Glm P. Tbay. of Carson City, to 11 :38 2-5. Walter Toop has sold bis store on State st. to Ed. Hangterfer. Transier through the Bach & Butler agency. Consideration $7,500. Mr. Hangsterfer will upen a branch store theie next fall. At a meeting of the Ann Arbor Rifles held Monday night it was decided to take part in the German-American day exercises Aug. 27. A float will be built on which will be represented the Goddess of Libery. Fred G. Schleicher has sold his house on Detroit st., between Kingsley and División sts. , to Dr. H. J. Pearson, formerly of West Milton, Ohio, who will take possession at once and enter upon the practice of his profession. W. D. Adams bas sold his house on S. Thayer st., recently purchased of C. A. Ward, to H. B. Hougland, of Battle Creek. Mr. Hongland will move here with his family Aug. lst. Transfer through the Bach & Butler agency. The remains of Mrs. Harriet West, who died at her home in St. Louis, Mich., were brought to Ann Arbor and interred in Forest Hill cemetery Saturday morning. Rev. J. W. dippen conducted the services. Mrs. West formerly resided here. Harold Rettich, aged four years, son of Charles Rettich, was playing with a toy windmill one day last week, and while running at full speed with it held in his mourh, he feil and the toy was driven up into the roof of his mouth inflicting a serious wound. The 29th annual reunión of the Twenty-second M. V. I. oocnrs at Flushing, Aug. IS. This regiment has three surviving members residing in this county: Capt. Woodman, of Ypsilanti, Col. H. S. Dean and Private S. C. Randall, of Ann Arbor. Sixty pedagogues are here in attendauce upon the sumiuer inscitute for county teachers, which opeued Monday in the high school buiding. The instructors are ex-School Commissioner i M. J. Cavanaugh, Prof. M, A. Cobb, of Ypsilanti, aud Mi&s Celia Brennan, of Chicago. Col. W. F. Cody (Bnffalo Bill) personally participates in and supervises every exhibition given by his Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World. DuriDg the last twelve years he bas missed jnst twelve. exhibitions, aud that was one week he was away while exhibiting in Eugland six years ago. Attorney General Maynard has decided that a women who ovvns property m her own right, bnt which property ís assessed iu her husband's name, or in auy other name, may vote at school electious and annual meetings ou all subjeets. That the ereror in the assessruent roll does not lawfully prevent them from esercising the right. A large fruit grower of peaches in the lake shore fruit belt uses a remedy for borers whion he claims finishes up the worms in quick order. He digs away the dirt at the foot of the truuk ! deep enough to exposé the roots nearest Í the surface, and with the dirt forms a I basin several inches higher thau the ground level. This basiu he filis with I boiling water, which kills every worm in the roots and lower portiou of the trunk and does not injure the tree. The State Teachers.' Institute for Washtenaw county will be held in this city beginning Aug. 81, and olosing Sept. 27. Full iuformatiou may be had ou application to W. W. Wedemeyer, Ann Arbor. The institute law allows teaohers, whose schools are iu session at the time appointed for the county institute held under the direction of the state superintendent, to close their schools daring the contiuuauce of such institute, without forfeiting their wages, for as many half days as they are in attendance at the institute.