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Chancery Notice. THE TWENTV-SECOND JUDICIAL CIRcult for the state of Michigan. In the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Wasbteuaw, iu Chancery. Ella Barrington, oomplalnant, va. Charlea Y Harrlngton, defendant. It satlsfactorlly appearing to me by affldavltthatthe defendant, Charles F. Harrington, Is a non-resident of t liis state and that lu resides iu the State of South Dakoba: ou motion of E. B. Norrls. of counsel fon ïplainint, ordered tliat defemlant do causo hls apnce In this cause to be entered wlthfc tour montos daten f thia order; that In drlault tüereof the Uil 1 of complaint whlcli is Bied iu this cause be taken as confessed by the defendant. It is turthei or. dered that the coninlaiuaut do oause thi-. order to be personally served or duly pubIi8hed pursuaut to law. Dated. Ann Arbor, May9th, 1898. E. B. N0RRI8, E. D. KINNE, Bolioltor for Complaiuant. Circuit Judge. A true copy.] AxsiNOHUHü, Register. In Chancery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, TWENTV-SECOND Judicial Circuit, ín Chancery. Suit peuding in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw In Chancery. Allee G. Sherman, conipluiuaut, vs. Isaac E. Sherman, defendant. In this cause it appearing tliat defeudant, Isaac E Sherma,u, is a non-resident oí this state and isa resident of the State of 1 lorlda, theiefore, 011 motion of Thotnpsou& Harrimun, solicltors for the complainant, H Is ordered, that defendant enter hls appearanoe In sald oouit on or before fom monthg from the date of th's order, and tliat wlthin nveuty days the compUnnant oause this order to be pubüshed iu the Aun Axbor Argus, Bald publlcation to be oontinued once In each week for si. weeks in succession Dated April 11, 1896. E. D. KINNE. Thompson & Harriman, uu Judge. Bollcltors for Complalnant. Notice to Creditors, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY K3 of Wasutenaw, sa. Notice is bereby given, tnat by au order of the Probate Court for tha Oounty of Washtenaw, made ou the 13th day of July. A. D lSifi, sis muntha from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Alpheus Feloh, late of smd county, deceaaed. and that all creditors of said deceased are requlred to preseottheirclaimB to s:. id Probate Court, at the Probate Office iu the city oí Ann Arbor, for examination and allowauee, on or beiore the 13th day ot' Jajiuary next, and that auch claims wil] beheurd before sai'd Court on the loth day of Octobert and on the 13th day of Januaary nest ut ten o'clock inthe forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Anu Arbor. July 1?, A. D. lidfi. J. W1LLARD IIABBITT, Judgeof Probate. Estáte of John W. Cpwan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ot Wasutenaw, ss. At a seasionof the Probate Court for tne Couuty of Waahtdnaw, holden at the Probate Ottice in the city of Auu Arbur, oq Monday, the sixth day of July iu the year one thouaand eiht hundred and ninety-six. Present, J . Willaid babbltt, Judee of Probate. Inthe njaiter ot the estáte ot Juhn V. Cowan deceased. On readiuer and filiníí the petition duly veritk-dof Pamelia C. Talor, uüininistrator, pruyiüg that ahe may be hcensed to aell the real estáte wüereof said deceasL-d dicd scied. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday , the fuurth day of August ncxt, at ten o'olock inthe forenoon be uasiïjned tor the bt-:i: í 11 lt of suid petitioc and that the heïrs at law ot said deceased, and all otuer persone inierested in said estáte are required to al :i Bession ut Sfvic tourt, theü to be holden at the Probate Office iu thu city ot Auu Arbor. ín sal i couuty, and show cause, i i au y there be. wby the prayer of the petitiouer should uot be grailted. And u U furtber oidcreu.thalsaid petitiouer give uotice to the persons iuterested iu said estáte ut the pendency 01 said petition and the hearing tbere'if, by caualsg niopj of this order to be publialied in the Ann Afbou Akgus a uewspíiper priutedand :irculated in said couuty, three suocesaive weeks previous to satd day of hearing. J.WILLAKD BABBITT, [A true copy.] J adge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE condiuons of a eertaiti mortgage neariuK date the 4th day of December, 1591, made by Barbara Couiath, of the Townsbipof Aun Arbor. Washtenaw Couuty, Michigan, to Klusey & Seabolt, (David Klnsey and Moses Seabolt), and recorded Iu the office of Résister of deeds of said County, inLiberTiJof Mortsages, on page 620, ou the ath day of April, vsSi, at 2 o'clock p. m., ou which tnortjfage there la clalmed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of One Tliousand and Niuety Dollars and Seventy-Six Cents and no sult at law havius been instituted to recover the sanie or any part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of "the power of sale eontained in said mortgage aud the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby ïiven that oq Saturday, the luth day of October, 1S9B, at ten o'clock Inthe forenoon, there wili be sold at public auction to the hljjhest bidder at the east f rout door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor. (that beina the buildiüK where the Circuit Court for saicl county is held), the premlses described in sald mortgage or so mucb thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount then due ou said mortgage and the legal expenses of this foreclosurr provided for by law. 'f he premlses to be sold are desciibed as followe: A part of sectlou i", In the Township of Anu Arbor, Washtenaw Couaty, Michigan, commenclng at the south-west corner of land formerly owned by Caroline Hand, In the center of the Geddes road. thence westerly in the center of said road fourchalns and twenty links, tbence north parallel with the we?t line of said Caroline Hands land fourteeq chains, thence east three chains and ninety-two links to saifl Caroline Hands land, thence soutb on the west line of said Caroline Haud's land to the place of beglnnlnf? fifteen chains and tbirtynliic' links, contamine uve acres and three rodsof land, more or less. Dated July 11. 1896. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Thompson & H arriman, M ortgagees. Attorneys for Mortagees. TRUCK AND fcTORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 4S Fourth Ave., North Telephone 82.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News