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Pingree Got There

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The lepublicau state conventiou, which resulted in the uomiuatiou of Hazeu S. Piugiee for goveruor, was called to order iu Lockerhy hall Grand Rapids at 11 o'clock "Wednesday rnorniug by D. M. Ferry, chairmau of the state central coruniittee. The 833 delegates watched the proceediugs with coats off aud perspiring features. The delegates occnpied the main floor of the hall and as there were just 751 seats in the gallery with abont 10 applicants for eaeh seat, evevy available bit of space was soou filled. The boxes on eaoh side of the gallery were filled with ladies. The hall was siruply tritnmed iu red white and blue bunting with the American flag. Mr. Feny in calling the meeting to order made a brief speech from type wr'tten copy, in which it was noticeable that the man he described as the one who ought to receive the nomination did not at all fit the man who did get it - Mr. Piugree. Victor M. Gore, of Beutou Harbor, was introduced astempcrary chairmau, and his remarks were also strongly tinotured with an anti-Pingree flavor. Iu fact it was plainly evident that with the leaders of the convention it was a case of "anyone to beat Pingree. " Mr. Gore's speech was a sound ruoney speech from start to a finish and was received with euthusiasrn, eapecially his caustic remarks about Bryan, tbe Chicago convention and the "Popocratic" platform. At the conclusión of Gore's address he was wartnly congratulated by Chairiaan Ferry and the delegates applauded aud waved flags for seve'ral minutes. Dennis E. Alward, of Clare, was then made temporatry secretary. The St. Clair delegation split then bobbed up the first thing wheu Col. Atkinsou moved that the Pingree delegates from that county be given places on the floor. C. E. Miller moved that the matter be referred to the committee on ciedentials. Then followed an animated disoussion on the subject between Lou Bnrt, of Detroit, and Lincoln Avery, of Port Hurón. Byron S. Waite, of Detroit, then made a short speech which had a pacific effect and the delegation was accorded seats ou the floor. At 2 :30 p. m. the conventiou met bnt none of the committees were ready to report. To fill in the time speeches were made by Samuel W. McCall, of Massachusetts, Congressmau Smith, of Grand Rapids, and still the committees were not ready to report. Chairman Burch, of the committee on credentials, carne into the hall and asked for time untü 7 p. m. to finish the labors of the committee. A rnotion to adjourn wa3 then made by George A. Farr, a Bliss man, and amid the groans and hisses of the Pingreeites it was declared carried by Chairniau Gore. At ? p. m. the convention reassembled and Chairman Burch carne onto the platform and announced that the committee ou credentials was still j uuable to report on the delegatious from Alger, Aranac aud St. Clair counties, but that the credentials of all the rest were ready to be acted on by the conventiou. The report as received was adopted. J. Wight Giddings, of Cadillac, was recomniended for permanent chairman, and Burton Parker, of Monroe, for secretary, the order of business was settled and then Mr. Giddings addressed the convention. The committee on resolutious made its report and the platform as reported by the committee was adopted. While waiting for the report of the committee on oredentials the convention agreed to proceed with the nornination of candidates. D. D. Aitken, of Genesee, was placed in nomination by Judge Charles H. Wisner, of Flint. The next speaker was Chas. E. Townsend, of Jackson, who nominated James O'Donnell. The name of Senator A. O. Wheeler was proposed by Judge A. V. McAlvay, and then amid much cheering Benton Hanchett, of Saginaw named Col. A. T. Bliss for the position of governor. By far the greatest enthusiam was shown when Wayne county was reached in the roll cali and Hazen S. Pingree was placed in nomination by Charles Flowers. At 9 :45 the ocmmittee on credentials carne in with two reports on the St. Clair delegation, six of the committee by Cbairmau Buroh recommended the seatiug of the anti-Pingree delegtiou, while five of the committee through Judge H. H. Hatch, of Wayne, recornmended the seating of the Piugree delegation. A long drawnout oud heated war of words followed on the question of which delegation should be seated which finally closed when C. R. Miller, of Adrián, made a motion as a substitute that both delegations be seated with half a vote per delégate. "Don't let us wash St. Clair's dirty linen. Let theru do it theruselves. I favor sittiug down upou this flght. " John Atkinson, of Wayne deaianded the vea aud nay vote npou Miller's substitute, aud a roll cali was ordered by couuties which resulted in 406 yeas to 402 nays and Mr. Miller's substitnte was oarried. After toe chairrnan had announced the íesult of the ballot pandemónium reigned and the chairmau's decisión was loudly questioued. Finally at 12 U.j a motion to adjüurn was put and carried although the Pingree men tried their utmost to bring on a vote for governor. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning when the convention again met, both parties were still confldent of victoiy Pingree's nomination was seconded by speeches from J. L. Cox, of Battle Creek, and W. W. Wederneyer, of Aun Arbor. It was the latter who gave the first intimation of how His Honor stood on the financial platform. "We are loyal to the republican party," said he, ''Hazeu S. Pingree bas ahvays been a loyal repnblicau. He stands not with one foot, but with both feet and the whole 200 pounds of his body on the St. Louis platform." F. E. Knappen, of Kalamazoo, George A. Farr, of Grand Haven, and E. N. Bates, of Allegan, seconded the uominatiou of A. T. Bliss. Col. C. V. DeLaud, of Jackson, secouded the nomination of Jas. O'Donnell. The convention then proceeded to a ballot. The first ballot resulted in 833 votes being cast ; necessary to a choice, 41T. Pingree had 339, Bliss 286, O'Donuell 83, Wheeler 56, Aitken 47, Conant 22. The last three were at no time in the race. In the second ballot both Pingree and Bliss made gains at the expense of the other caudidates, tbe vote standing Pingree 358, Bliss 297, O'Donnell 78, Wheeler 49, Aitken 34, Conant 17. The third ballot was taken at 1 :15 p. m. It stood : Pingree 405, Bliss, 308, O'Donnell 89, Wheeler 17, Aitken 14, Conant. Pingree lacked just au even dozen votes of getting the nomination and it was a foregone conclusión that the nest ballot would see birn nominated. At 1 :38 the final roll cali was made and Piugree got 449 votes to Bliss' 293, O'Donnell 79, Wheeler 17, Conant 2. The nominatiou of Mr. Pingree was then made uuanimous. It was 5 o'clock in the afternoon wheu Mr. Pingree was escorted into the hall aud made his speech of thanks for the nomination. The rest of the state ticket was then nominated. Thomas B. Dunstan of Houghton was unanimously nominated for lieutenant-governor. Washington Gardner, of Calboun, was nomiuated for secretary of state. The rest of the ticket is : For treasurer - George A. Steel, of Clinton ; auditor-general - Roscoe D. Dix, of Berrien ; attorney -general - Fred A. Maynard, of Kent; state land commissioner - William A. French, of Presque Isle; superintendent of pnblic instruction - Jason E. Hammond of HillsJ dale; member of state board of educatiou - W. Simmons, of Clinton. The convention concluded its labors at 8:15 p. m. after one of the hottest fights that ever occurred in a republicau state convention in Michigan.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News