Death Of Miss Catherine Mclntyre

Misa Catherme Mclntyre died at her home in Nortbfleld, Tuesday morning, of asthina, aged 56 years. Miss Mclutyre was the eldest danghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mclutyre, ana was bom on the farm where she died, in 1840. She was a sufferer trom asthma from the tirue she was an iufant, although at times she was able to do a good deal of work about the house. Her death carne quite suddenly at the last. She leaves three brotbers and three sisters as follows : W. H. Mclntyre, of Ann Arbor, John Mclntyre, of Grand Rapids, and Patrick Mclntyre, of Northfield; Mrs. Nathan Nixon, of Ann Arbor town; Mrs. Cady, of Plyniouth, and Mrs. Clancy, of Northfleld. The funeral sei i-ices were held at St. Patrick's church, Northfleld, yesterday moming at 10 o'clock, Rev. Fr. Goldrick offloiating. They were attended by a large gathering of her old neighbors and friends.