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There was a man who bought a wheel, He bought it for his wife. And throusrb the streets this man would reel A-risKing of hie life; Just so his wife would learn to ride, With swift and agile bouadR, He galloped onward by her side- 8he weighed two hundred pounds. Of course, he jouldn't keep the pace, And soon he traveled henee: His love a tandem now doth grace- Her second hub has sense? Henry Pipp has the contract to build Ed. Seyler's new house on Thompson st, for $3,000. Ernest Kern, aged nine years, son of Rudolph Kern, of the north side, is seriously ill with an attack of appendicitis. The $35 prize diamond ring in the couuty ohampionship bicycle race at Ypsilanti last June has been awarded to Harvey Stofflet, of Ann Arbor. Prof. Daniel Putnam will have charge of the editorial columns of the Ypsilanti Commercial, -which has recently been purchased by Rev. Harold Sayles. Darwin E. Hand, of Ann Arbor, has been granted a restoration and increase of pension and Sarah E. Congdon, of Chelsea, has been granted an original widow's pension. The ested choir of St. Andrew's ohurch, accoinpanied by Prof. R. H. Kempf and the Misses Durheim, Condon and Ottley, enjoyed a day's outing at Whitmore Lake last Friday. Mr. Barbara Sautter, wife of John G. Sautter, died at the family home in Northfield, Monday morning, ,aged 58 years. The funeral services were held Wednesday and the remains were interred in the fifth ward cemetery. Two heavy suits for damages have been entered in the circuit court by Charles H. Kline. They are Mary Burke, of Northfield, vs. the Ann Arbor Railway, amount clainaed $2,000; Hattie M. Bond, of Saline, vs. the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway, amount olaimed f5,000. The Bach & Butler agency has effected the sale, for $5,500, of the Health Instituto at the corner of E. Jeffe.-son st. and S. Fourth ave. The institute formerly used this house as headquarters for its students in the medical department of the university, but has now established a school of its own in Chicago. Keene Fitzpatrick. the trainer at the U. of M., is about to leave Ann Arbor to accept a similar position at Yale for the ensuing year, where he will succeed M. F. Murphy. In the departure of Mr. Fitzpatrick the U. of M. boys lose one who has done a great deal for the athletic interests of the university, and who has done much to elévate the sport of football. The North American Review for August opens with a masterly paper by Sir Walter Besant on "The Future of the Anglo-Saxon race," in which he traces the rise and progress of the Anglo-Saxon race, points out the characteristics whieh have made it so successful, and discusses the means by which its position of commanding influence and power in the world may be maintained and strengthened. A. B. Covert, taxidermist of the U. of M. museum.went to Adtian, Friday, where he removed the hides from two deer whioh had died at the Page Zoological park in that city. He brought thein back with him and will mount theni. The Page people have been very unfortunate with their animáis since June I, a buffalo, an elk, and three deer having died. All of which Mr. Covert has taken care of. Rev. L. Yarger, of Atchison, Kansas, will preach in Trinity Lutheran ohurch of this city on Tuesday evening, Aug. 11. He is the Western secretary of the board of church extensión and is noiv visiting the churches through Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana speaking in the interests of this work. He visits the mission in this city as one of the churches reoeiving aid through tho board. Bveryone is invited. A new cement walk has been laid in front of Shetterly's barber shop on S. Main st. Wm. S. Drew, of Dexter, and Wm. Jackson, of Ypsilanti, have been granted an inorease of pensions. The remains of Fanny Wagner were brought frorn Adrián Tuesday and interred in the Fifth ward cemetery. Miss Lizzie Kenney will sing "Calvary," at St. Thomas' Catholic ehurch at the 10 o'oJook service Snnday morniug- A regular teachers' exaniination for all grades will be held in the court house, Thursday and Friday, Ang. 30 and 21. The scenery and drop curtains of the Grand opera house are being thoroughly overhauled and repainted by Vet Arrnstrong. The Alpha Phi sorority has rented and will nest year occupy George Wahrs house corner of S. División and E. Ann sts. The nevr brick crosswalks being laid at the intersection of Main and Hurón sts., was a muoh needed imptovenient and will be a boon to pedetrians. Mrs. Henry Binder is making preparations to have a new house built for herself on the south side of E. William st., betweeu S.Main st. and S. Fourth ave. The Light Infantry will attend religious services in a body the Sunday morning prior to going into camp, (August 16,) at the First Presbyterian church. A boy was arrested by the officers Monday morning for scattering bilis on the streets oontrary to the ordinance. He was released on promising not to scatter any more bilis. Mr. Rossiter G. Cole and Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner were united in marriage last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gwinner, 22 S. Fourth ave. On Monday night some burglars attempted to effect an entrance into Mrs. John G. Gall's house on N. Fifth ave. They were frightened away, however, before they secured any plunder. i City Attornay Kirk, of Ypsilanti, has been instructed by the city council to proceed against the bondsman of C. P. McKinstry to collect the shortage between him and the city of Ypsilanti. The board of director of the University School of Music at its meeting Thursday evening of last week passed a resolution of thanks to Marshal Peterson for services rendered during the May Festival. W. H. Fields, on behalf of the arrangement commictee of Lucullus Social Club, wishes to thank the citizens who helped by donations and by their presence to make the Emancipation Day "cake walk" the success that it was. Harry Hayler, of the Farmers and Mecbanics Bank, had his new American bicyole stolen on Friday afternoon. It was a $100 machine, No. 6,251, finished in rnaroon enamel, stripe in white, with rat trap pedáis and toe clips, and weighed 24 pounds. The Ann 'Arbor Rifles will drill at the Light Infantry Armory nest Monday evening. They will take part in the Germán Day procession, Aug 27, and say they will have the bandsomest float ever seen in Ann Arbor. It will represent the Goddess of Liberty. At the meeting of the Michigan Womau's Association held in Traverse City, Thursday of last week, Miss Emma E. Bower, of the Ann Arbor, Democrat, presided. At the eleotion of officers she was elected one of the members of the executive board. Mrs. Lillie M. Healy, by her attorney E. B. Norris, has filed in the circuit court, a bilí of divorce from her husband, Frank H. Healy, with the custody of their daughter, Iva C. Healy. She alleges cruelty and nonsnpport as a basis for the divorce songht. Mrs. Jacob Keck, of W. Liberty st, went to turn ont the gasoline stove on Sunday evening pnd in doing so took hold of the valve with her apron. The flame of the stove set fire to it and it was quickly communicated to her dress. Thoroughly frightened she called for help and her cali was quickly responded to. A vigorous rolling arounc in the garden put out the frames auc beyond the fright, Mrs. Keek was not much hurt. A dispatch from Cleveland saya rail road offiials will test the right of Post master General Wilson to prohibit them from carvying their own and the letters of other roads. The Lake Shore railroad will make the test. lts superintendent has issued an order to all of the road's employés to carry mail pertaining to the business of the road and letters for other roads relating to joint business affairs. Postoffice Inspector Stuart, to whom the enforceinent of the postal laws falls, said he had not heard of any agreement to test the law, but if the Lake Shore desired to make a test of it the government would be very apt to accomodate it by prosecuting the violators. - Adrián Evening Telegram. Pickpockets reaped quite a harvest among the crowd that tbronged the city Monday. The snfferers were mostly ladies. One of them lost f45, anotber $37, and other small sams were also taken. A special deteotive who aocompanies the Wild West show, placed nnder arrest Monday murning a pickpocket who gave bis name as George Ward and his residence Lansing. Sneak thieves were also about. Some of them went through Paul Saauble's house, 4(3 S. División st., while the occapants wpre out watching the Wild West parade. They helped themselves to jewelry, watohes and chains to the value of over $50, also to Mr. Snauble's newest suit of clothes. When they left one of them left his old hat behind him, [probably as a memento of his visit. Burglars entered the house of B. St. Jaraes, sr., 37 E.Catharine st..Tuesday DJght and stole a few dollars. Otber louses in the neighborhood were also ried during the same night. The Third Ward Record Breakers 'ailed to make a record wheu rhey )layed the South Lyon baseball team at South Lyon, Saturday, and were defeated by a score of 8 to 11. The lst battaliou of the M. N". G., onsisting of Ann Arbor, Adrian, Ypilanti and Tecumseh companies, leave or camp frotn here on a special train Tuesday ruorning, Aug 18, at 9 o'clock. A short address on an important subeot vrill be given at the Yonng Men 's Christian Association rooms nest Sunday at 2:45 p. ra., by Rev. J. C. Speekman, pastor of the Germán M. E. church. The rumor that Charles A. Ward had jurchased the Deruocrat is denied by Miss Bower, its proprietor, who says hat although such a thing was talked of there is nothing further as a foundation for the rumor. Three bold tramps, who had been valking into houses in the second ward and demanding something to eat were arrested by Officer Armbruster Wednesday morning, two of whom claimed to come from Chicago. William Kuebler, a young man about Z'2 years of age, was arrested Wedneslay afternoon by Marshal Peterson on a charge of stealing hides and pelts 'rom Jacob Laubengayer, the butcher. 3e is in jail pending nis examination. At the meeting of Goethe Commandery, U. F. of M., last evening, Dr. J. A. Wessinger was elected coimnander vice Herman Allmendniger resigned. Miss Mary F. Miley was elected a trus:ee to fill the vacancy cansed by Dr. Wessinger's election. The Washtenaw, Livingston, Wayne and Oakland County Picnic Association jas named Saturday, Aug. 29, as the day for its auntial gathering and the grove at Wbitmore Lake as the place. The management is determined that the picnic of 1896 shall equal in interest any of the past. Pete W. Ross, lic '92, who is well mown to many of our citizens, is to be married Tuesay, Aug. 18, at the Universalist church, Mason, O., to Miss Munn Bruske, of that palee. They will be at home at Paynesville, Minn., after their wedding trip. Congratulations to yourself and bride, Pete. Walter Hawkins, one of Ypsilanti's pioneers, died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at his residence on Cross st. He has suftered several months from a partial stroke of paralysis and from dropsy. The deceased was for many years ono of the city's most prominent citizens and interested in a number of aer enterprises. Tne funeral will take place from his late residence on Cross st., Ypsilanti, tomorrow at 4 p. m. The flrst seotion of the erection of the new St. Thomas' church - its foundation - is about completed. It aas been decided to build the first story of the tower also this year, about 17 feet in height, and the coqtraot bas been let to Koch Bros., who did the rest of the -work, for the sum of $1,090. The material used in the tower will be Beid stoDe with sandstooe trimmings and four grey granite columns on the State st. side. Cards are out announcing the wedding on Wednesday nest at 3 p. m., at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muma, 108 E. Huron st,, of Miss Anna Estella Muma to Mr. i Rice Aüer Beal, of the State Savings Bank. After the ceremony the young couple will go for a short wedding trip and will then go to housekeeping in a house on S. Second st., which will theu be ready for their occupancy; John Seyfried, of Ann Arbor town, got mad at his horse on Tuesday because it would not pass by a barrel, and getting out of his wagon he took club and struck it across the leg, breaking it. Humane Officer Peterson is after tbe cruel fellow and when he is eaugbt he ■will doubtless receive the just penalty for his vicious act. Anotber man who led a horse off down the river road and let it die is also wanted by the offlcer. Edson Wetherbee, of Detroit, has comtnenced suit against the Michigan Central R'y. Co. for $10,000 damages clarned to bave been sustained on Maroh 22, 1895, by his horse ruDning away while on the bridge crossing over the railroad tracks ou Beakes st. He asserts that the railroad company allowed the bridge to remain in an unsafe condition after it had been ooudemned by the city and state anthorïties. William B. Smith, of dowell, was in the city visiting his sister. Mrs. Spencer Sweet, on Tuesday. It was ais flrst visit to Ann Arbor since 1838. At that time an agitation was in progress to remove the postoffice from lower town to the store which is now Mrs. Wm. Caspary's property, at the corner of E. Ann st. and N. Fourth ave. Mr. Smith first passed through Ann Arbor in 1828 on his way to Howel!, where he has since resided. In the course of a drive aronnd the city, in spite of not haviug been here for snch a long time, he reognized many old landmarks. An attempted hold np aud robbery on a man named Markham, in the neighborhood of the tollgate on S. Main st., was perpetrated by sorae uüknown person on Wednesday night. It was frustrated, however, by tbe plucky conduot of Mr. Markham. When the fellow caught hold of Mr. Markham's hors-e's bridle, that gentleman promptly used the butt end of his wbip on him with anoh good effect that he made off. He then went into Mr. Sperry's house, wbo lives near by where the attack was made, got a revolver, and went back in search of the highwayman His search was fruitless as also was that of the offioers who went there in response to a telepbone mussage, so it is not known who the man was. Born. to Prof. and Mrs. E. H. Mensel, Tuesday night, a danghcer. The leoture on "Silver and Gold vs. Gold" given by J. F. Orton, in the law lectura room Tuesday evening, was only slimly attended. The Young Men's Christiaa Association oleared 8' for its building fund by the excursión to Detroit on Thorsday of last week. Reginald Spokes contributed enough to ruake the aruount .$100 and the building fund now amouuts to -.'.OOO.