The County Ticket
A few weeks from now the democrats of Washtenaw couuty will be called to bold caucuses in the several voting precincts to ehoosa delegates to represent them in the county convention that will have as its most important dnty the plaoing in uornination of a ticket that shall in conjunction with the national and state tickets carry them forward to victory at the election to be held Tuesday, Nov. 3. That this naay be au assured fact it is necessary that the best meu for the offices who will also be the best vote getters shonld be placed in nomiuation. Every deiuocrat in Washtenaw county should lay aside his prejudices in this campaign in the interest of the cornmou cause, for it is only by presenting a perfectly solid front to the eneruy that victory eau be attained this fall. This year, we as democrats, are confronted with an unusual state of affairs in Washtenaw county, that of seeing republicans in every county office but one.and they would have had that had the election for its incuuibeut been held two years ago. The old adage "Possession is nine poiuts of the law" holds in this case as well as in many others and the possession of the offices is a point of vantage which is greatly in favor of the republiean county ticket this fall and should not be made light of by our owa party. No stone will be left uuturned by these men who are now in office and who will in all probability be reuominated, with oue or two exceptious, to secure tlieir re-electiou, aud in this they will receive the hearty support of their fellow partisans. Therefore, as we said before. it is for the most vital interest of the democratie party at large that in the selection of its county standard bearers the utmost harmony aud good judgment be exercised so that ou Nov. 3 Washtenaw may roll up one of its old time rousing majorities for the democratie national, state and couuty tickets which has in the past earned for it the prond title of "the banner democratie county of Michigan." Under snen circumstances it would be a prudent thiug to salect as delegates to the next eonvention the democrats of the best judgment in each township and to sink personal preference for oandidates in au earnest effort to put up the strongest ticket . Every man on the ticket sbould bring a strength to it. Below are give the names of those whom the Argus has heard prominently mentioned as candidates for the several county offices.: Por sheriff- Hiram Lighthall, of Sylvan ; Meiven C. Peterson, of Ann Arbor. For clerk - Jacob F. Schuh, Ann Arbor; Willis L. Watkins, Manchester; Marcus Cook, Dexter. For register of deeds - Alfred Davenport, York ; James H. McKinstry, Ypsilanti. For judge of probate - J. Willard Babbitt, Ypsilanti; E. B. Norris; W. G. Doty, W. D. Harriman, aud Thomas D. Kearney, of Ann Atbor. For prosceutiug attorney - John P. Kirk, Ypsilanti. For treasurer - Heury Braun, Ann Arbor towu. For circuit court commissioner - Patrick McKernan, Aun Arbor. For coroners - Dr. E. A. Clark and Martin Clark of Aun Arbor. For surveyor - No one heard of. But tnese are not all the names that are likely to come before the conventiou by any meaus.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News