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Death Of Will S. Cheever

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Died, at the famiiy residenoe, No. 42 E. Madisou st., Williarn Sylvester Cheever, aged 26 years, 1 1 ruonths and 32 days. Mr. Cheever was takeu with the first symptoms of the typhoid fever whioh was the cause of his death, about three weeks ago in Bay City, where he waa in the hardware business as junior partner in the firm of Martin & Cheever. He was taken seriously il L last Sunday week aud the Tuesday foilowing he was brought home by his father. The followiug day he took to his bed aud althongh everything was done that medical skill aud patiƫnt, attentive uursing could do, he grew gradually worse nntil death ended his sufferings this morniug. He was the ouly child of Mr. aud Mrs. Noah W. Cheever aud they have the siucere sympatby of a large ciicle of frieuds iu tbis sad honr of their bereaveruent. Mr. Cheever was a bright, promisiug youug man, a good sou, attentive to his busiuess aud gave promise of baviug a prosperous future before hiin. Oue of the sad features of his demise is the fact that he was engaged to be ruairied to a most estimable young lady froui Iowa, who only went home three weeks ago after a lengthy visit with her fiancee and his family.