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Heart Disease Kills Suddenly But Never Without Warning

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Kew York, Aug. 4. - George Bell, the manager of the Lafïan Bnreau, died at Staniford, Conn., this morning of heart failure. Mr. Bell was born in the north of Ireland, and carne to this country about fifteen years ago. He went to Chicago and was for some years on the staff nf the Tribune of that city. He was widely known as a humorous aud descriptive writer. Fairbanks, Me., Aug. 4. - Mr. E. S. Bragg, blacksmith, who was almost helpless three years ago from heart trouble, aud was cured by Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, is strong and well and daily working at his trade. Minneapolis, Aug. 5. - Mrs. Susan S. Coats, 72 years old, died suddenly at Lake Street Methodist churoh last night. During the singing of a hyrnn she remarked to a friend that she had to sis down. She did so aud in an instant expired. Sbe was removed to her home where the cause of death was pronounced heart failure. Salubria, Idaho, Aug. 5. - Mrs. E. N. Elton, wife of Rev. E. N. Elton, pastor of the Baptist church, who had suffered several years with heart disease, has been cured of the trouble by the use of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Ligonier, Ind., Aug. 5. - Mr. Win. Rubaugh, of Jeiferson township, was found dead at is barn door by his daughter. After working hard all day, he had just eaten a hearty supper. Heart failure was the cause. He was 61 years old. Sunman, Ind., Aug. 5. - Jacob Mendal, an old resident, has been cured of heart disease by the use of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, purchased of Bigney & Co., druggists here, and desires all sufferers to know of the reruedy and what it will do.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News