Ministers Should Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. THERE IS NO PRÖFESSION, whose labors so severely tax the nervous sy stem, as that of the niiaistry. The derangement of the nerve centers of the brain by over work, frequeiitly brings oa attacks of heart trouble, and nervous prostration. Eev. J. P. Kester, M. D., Pastor D. B. church, London Mills, Hls., himselí a physician, writes Feb. 26, 1895: "Heart affection and nervous prostration had become so serious last f all that a little over work in the pulpit would so completely prostrate me Dr. MileS' that il seemed certain I must relinquish the work lieert Clire of the ministry entirely. Ij . Heart palpitation became ICSIüreS so bad that my auditors Hfüith would ask me if I did not XlCdlLU...... have heart disease. Last November I commenced taking Dr. Miles" New Heart Cure alternately with Dr. Miles' Nervine and derived the greatest possible benefit. I have just closed revival work of 10 weeks, preaching nearly every night and twice on the Sabbath. I can speak for hours without suflering as I formerly did. Hard working ministers should keep Dr. Miles' grand remedies on hand." Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold on guarantee, first bottle will benefit or money ref unded.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News