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Mrs. A. Kelley is quite ill. Mrs. H. Sill is on the sick list. A. R. Dexter is visiting friends in i N. Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. E. Case are visiting Deuwt friends. Mr. and Mi-s. Sayles are visiting friends in Ohio. Business is qniet in progressive Milan for the present. .Miss Nina Lockwood' is eutertaining Miss Lamb, from Rollin. The Misses Emma and Minnie King are Visiting friends in Ohio. Miss Julia King left Wednesday morniug for Cbattanooga, Teun. Mrs. Luoy Clark has returned from a five weeks' sojourn at Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Rouse, of Saline, visited Milan friends Sunday. Gold and silver couversation is the order of the day in progressive Milau. Prof. and Mrs. Geo. A. Dsnnison left Tnesday for a visit with Ypsilauti friends. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Marine City, gave Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse a cali Tuesday. The Milan Cornet Band will take part in the band tournament at Teoumseh Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Dexter and danghter Leana, are tentiug on Lake Brie near Monroe. W. E. Sprague, of Jackson, was' the guest of his sister, Mrs. G. R. Williams, the last of the week. ' The Presbyterian ladies will hold their tea social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Err Palmer, on Tolen st. , Tuesday afternoon. The W. C. T. U. ladies will hold their meeting at the Presbyterian ohurch, Thursday, and Mrs. Sheppard, of Moorevüle, will addiess them. Too warm for items. The thermometer registered Saturday 100, Sunday 104, and Monday from 98 to 100, until the rain and wind storm cooled the atmosphere. Mrs. Wilkinson, who has been the guest of her danghter, Mrs. Geo. Minto, for several weeks, returned to her home in Vernon, Micfa., the last of the week. Dr. S. Chapin attended the funeral of his -brother, James A. Chapin, at Bennington, Shiawassee oounty, last week. The deceased was a man of sterling worth and was loved and respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife, three daughters, two brothers and two sisters, who deeply mourn his loss. He was the brother of the late Mrs. Harper and is well remembered by many of the Milan people, who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News