AMERICAN SILVER I TRUSS. a i L c ' E - L --' if5- LIGHT, 3 H ; S? COOL, 8 Jf Easy to Wear. 3 Retains X o pressure on Severest V Hips or Back. !7 Hernia I No understraps. L■ Iwítb Comfort. Kever moves. cc 't n MANÜFACTURED AT 290 flain St., BUFFALO, N. Y. Weakness of Men Quicklj-, Thorousrlily, Forever Cureil yjis by a new perfected sclentlflo ff rl - method that cannot fail unV lessthecaseisbeyonclhurnun ffú tS altl' You feel Improveil tho ul íCfY V fifst day, feel a Ijeuefit every H7 a'. soon know yourselt a rjfcféS. y,''- iuí? among meu la body, xflfflW}lv-váár?lm'11'' íl:l" Drains and fWKiywWíífllÍML 'osses .r.ded. Every obstacle f'rrJ lMlmlto llnPPy marrled Ufe re'"■" 1"-1JI"''mov"d. Serve forcé, will, energy, wlien falling or lost, are restored by thls treatment. AU weak portions of the body eninrged aud strengthened. Wrlte for our buok, wlth ex. planations and proofs. Sent sealed, free. Over 2,000 ref erence8. ERIE MEDICAL CO., l: "wn:. herz, NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. Ü0U8E, SlGH, ONAHENAL AND FRESCO PaUiTKR. rilding, calcimining, glazing and paper naug mg. Allworkis done in the best style and f arranted to gif e satiBfaotion.
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