Board Of Public Works
At the regalar session of the bcard of public works Wednesday tveniug President Stnitb aud Messrs. Ktech and Mclntyre wei e present. The board, reominended to the council that a new sidevralk be ordered in front of the Masonio block and the sidewalk ou the side of it relaid The bond of George Weeks f ir drawing stone aloug Detroit st. for rnaoadamizing purposes was approved and the president aud clerk of the board were authorized to sigu tbe contract on behalf of the city. President Snaith aud City Engineer Key who were appoiuted to investígate the matter of disposing of the water at the intersection of S. University and Washteraw aves. reconmieufW theconstroetioQ oí i-wo caich bnius to recnve the same au-i i bun rbu water bb alïuwed to take its former uüursM tbrnusrü tbe tavine. The repnrt --vas a(io;itnd and the engiuei' ordeiod to prtpare plaus and specifica! .oos. Tbe nity engiüFer was direct?(l to notify tb-j fPWer contrr.ctor ro cease filliuf; the reuver rreuclies by n.eans 'if teams i-ud süov]fi as it is eoutrury to their speciSatious. Tb engineer vta= otderpd to prepare a statement i tbe condición oí the sewer pipe ou Washten tw avti aud tbat tbe saive te placed ca fiie iu co:jnc-ctioa with thp pipe. The plans aaf] sp.-eifi atiucs fr inacadamizing Detroit U Vvure ïefeired to tbe conucil. Tbe matter of changicg tbe grade of the sidewalk at the corner of Churcb st. and S, University ave., desired by H. T. Morton, was referred to President Smith and Engineer Key. The clerk was instructed to procure a book for the city engineer in which i shall be kept a record of all crosswalks built by the street commissioner together w"th the material used, date when constructed and cost of tbe same. The co-itract óf Rettich & Hochrein to furnish a bath tub for tbe engine house was referred to President Smitb with insrructious tbat if they do Dot proceed with tbfl work at once the contract will bó let to the nest highest bidder.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News