Schaï)ers Pookstore WalT Paper F ROM # 3C A RQLL up. MARTIN SCHILLER, Bookseller, Stationer and Wall Paper Dealer. 19 E.Washington St. , Ann Arbor WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOK SALE- Seven-year-old bay mare, goocï .roadster, weigbt 1,000 pounds. Also abusgy and harness. Enquire of W. H.Clancy. 3 Láwrence st., Ann Arbor. 29-32 FOE SALE- The Dexter Basket Factory. . The factory. is now running its full capacity and we cannot keep up with orders, othev business prevents our running it. L. C. Palmer, Mattie E. Palmer. 28-33 WANTED- Lady of evperience to travel aid establish agencies. Salary and expenses paid. Cali or address 9 S. Ingalls st, Ann Arbor. 29-32 TO REiNT- Term of yearson shares- Stock farm, 200 acres, tillable land, ampie buildings, good f enees, well watered. Lessee to furnish stock. Is 2Í4 miles from best stock market in Washtenaw couoty. A. M. Clark, Ann Arbor; A. F. Clark, Saline. 3t fflEACHER of mandolín, banjo and guitar, ■- Hattie Long, 69 Miller Ave, HOESE WANTED- At 28 N. State Street, Ann Arbor. Mustbeyoung, sound and cheap. Weight about 1,200 pounds. Cali soon. FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE-Three farms, one close to Ann Arbor. 85 acres, flrst claS8 buildings, another in Lima, 100 acres well timbered and good buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, good ainple buildings. Cali on or address Wm. Osius, Box 1551 Ann Arbor, Mich. FOR SALE OR RENT- A new room house with a good barn, good well, two good cleterns, one and one-half lots of land. Terms easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. ■mt. PIANO TUNINÖ.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the ARGOS ornee will jaortiAa his attention. BIcyCLES- A strictly high-grade wheel at wholesale price. Only one in eacl) place. Cali or write. A. G. St. John, 9 Gddes ave., Ann Arbor. 29-i TO RENT- Large Commodious House, best location in city, for roomers and boardrs. Will rent all or part. Inquire at 47. División St. 39"32
Ann Arbor Argus
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