Ann Arbor R. R. Excursión Rates. Camp Meeting at Hazlett Park on C. & G. T. Ry. near Lansing - One and one-third fare for round trip. Tickets sold July 30 and 31 and every Thursday during the inonth of August, good returning to Sept. 1. Camp Meeting at lsland Lake near Brighton on U. L. & N. Ry. - Tickets sold on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdays, good returning till Sept. 4. Epvorth League Training Assembly at Ludington - One fare for round trip. Tickets suld to July 25, good returning to Aug. 15. Mnsic Fest Assembly Grounds, Ludington - One fare for round trip. Tickets sold Ang. 1-8, good returning till Aug. 15. Twelfth Peninsular Saengerfest, Lansiug - Oue fare for the round trip, Aug. 4, 5 and 6, good returning to Aug. 7. National League of American Wheelrnan, Louisville, Ky. - Rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets to be sold Ang. 9 anil 10, good retnruing to Aug. 17. G. A. R. Encampmeut at St. Paul, Minu., Sept. 2 and 4 - One cent per mile. Knights of Pyrhias Uniform Rank, Cleveland, Ohio - Oue fare for round trip Ang. 22 to 31, good for return Aug. 31. The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell tickets at reduced rates as below at one fare for the round trip. Cleveland, O., Aug. 23, 23 aud 24, return limit Aug. 31, acoonnt of Knigbts of Pythias Uniform Rank. G-rand Rapids, Miob., Sept. 7 to 11, return limit Sept. 12, account State Fair. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 7 and 8, return limit Sept. 12, account Sons of Veteraas of the U. S. A. Mihvaukee, Wis., Aug. 23 and 24, return limit Ang. 30, account Republican League National Conveutiou. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 17 and 18, return limit Aug. 25, account Young People's Christian Union, United Presbyteriau Church. Owosso, Mich., Sept. 16, 22, 23 and 30, return limit Oct. 5, account of State Camp Meeting, Seventh Day Adventists. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 1-7 inclusive, rejurn limit Sept. 14, account International Fair. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 12, 13 and 14, teturn limit Oct. 20, account Aunual Convention Brotherhood St, Andrew. One and one-third fare on certifícate plau. Tickets to be sold commenciug three days prior to date of meeting: Cleveland, O., Society of American Florista, Ang. 18-21. Cleveland, O., American Library Association, Sept. 1-11. Indianapolis, Iud., National Keeley League Aug. 18-20. Flint, Mich., Detroit Conference M. E. Church, Sept. 9-15. Lansing, Mich., Michigan Conference M. E. Church, Sept. 16-21. Pittsbnrg, Pa., American Micrcssopical Association, Aug. 18-20. Three Rivers, Mich., I9th Michigan Volunteer Regiment Reunión, Sept. 16-17. Od each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we will sell tickets to lsland Lake, Mich., near Brighton, on L. L. & N. , at fare of one and one-third for round trip return limit,Sept. 4, account camp meeting. St. Paul, Minn., G. A. R. National Encampment, tickets sold Aug. 30 to Sept. 1, return limit Sept. 15, at a rate of one cent per mile. E. S. GILMORE, Agent.
Ann Arbor Argus
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