Condition Of Crops
Chicago, Aug. 11. - The reports as to eondition of the orops throughont the country and the general effect of the weather on the growth, cultivation and harvest of same' were made Tuesday by the directors of several climate and erop sections. The reports received at Chicago were as follows: Illinois - Very hot dry week except good showers in north counties. Corn generally doing finely and maturing rapidly. but late corn needs rain in central and southern counties. Heat . practically stopped threshing and plowing, although shoeked grain was mostly threshed. Broom corn cutting well begun. Indiana- Hot weather eontinued. Several rains, heavy and injurious to wheat, oats, hay and corn in localities. Threshing and plowing progressed slowly. Corn maturing rapidly. A good erop of clover i is being hulled. A great erop of peaches packed. Toniatoes are ripening, millet ready to cut and potatoes ripening. Iowa - High temperature and sunshine with moieture have caused rapid growth of corn and much of the early planted will be ripe enough to cut by the last of August. Good progress has been made in staeking and threshing except in southern counties. Michigan - Drought in northern section relieved but more rain needed there. Oats considerably damaged by wet weather, but slowly being secured. Potatoes and beans in good condition. The applc erop is immense. Fall plowing quite general. Wisconsin - Corn has been greatly beneflted during the week by the high temperature and abundant rainfall and a heavy erop is practically assured. Grain is being stacked but in the southern and middle sections it is m poor aondition owing to heavy and frequent rains which thoroughly soaked it while it was'in rhe shock. Threshing is in progress. Tobacco is doing well and pastures are improving.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News