Fargos Are Missing
Chicago, Aug. VI. - C. Ë. Fargo and Edward A. .Fargo, president and secretary, respecfcively, of C. H. Fargo & Co.. the big shoe dsalors who íailod last week, have left the city. Diligent inquiry upon the part of Newman, Xorthrup & Levinson, attornoys for the reeeiver of the insolvent concern, have failod to olicit any traoo of the missing shoe dealers. Thio fact canie out in Judge Gibbons' courc Tuesday morning, when the above named attorneys appeared before his honor with .a petition asking for a rule upon Cratty Bros. &i Gray, MaeLaren. Jarvis & Cleveland, commanding them to eoine into eourt and submit to an examination relative to the whereabouts of the missing men. The order was entered, returnable at 3 o'clock ïuesday afternoon. Friday evening C. JE. Fargo was served with a summons and also subpoena issued by Master in Chancery Cooper, direoting him to appear the foilowing morning and testify touching the assets of the defunct company, and the eondition of the Corporation. Mr. Fargo was tendered $1.25 witness fees by the bailiff who served the subpcena, which lie accepted and kept. Iii a Vain Search, Saturday morning preparations wero made in Master in Chancery Cooper's office to go on with the investigation, but Mr. Fargo did not appear. The attorneys ior the reeeiver went before Judge Baker Montlay to secure a rule against Mr. Fargo, citing him to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. Judge Baker refused to enter the order unless the defendant was notifled of the motion The attorneys then went before Judge ■Gibbons and secured an order. It was when they went to serve this upon Mr. Fargo that they learned of the latter's absence. C. E. Fargo Uves at 1840 Calumet .avenue, and when the court' s oitleer arrived there he fouud the premises in the hands of tho servants. From the coachman it was learne.l that the master of the house had lel't tho city Sunday night, but erauts could give no iuformntion as to his wheraibouts nor s ate wheu h would Tdturn. Kolh liruthers Gone. Bacoming alanned, the rjsidence of Edward A. Fargo, .'71(5 L.ike avenue, was visited. A luaui hero toli the same story of Edward A. and his family. She also was unable to s.iy wheu the members of the family would return or whither they had tone. It has since been learned that C. É. Fargo left the city between 10 and 11 ■o'clock Sunday night, taking a train out of the Union depot. It is kuown that the Fargos possessed some 1335,000 worth of open accounts, and it is charged by the attorneys that it is to make some Iraudulent disposition of these important assets that the Fargos have left town. The bilí for a reeeiver, under which tho citation commanding the insolvent partners to appear before Master ■Coopor, charged similar intent upon the part of the defendants.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News