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Populists Of Illinois

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Chicago, Aug. 12. - Just now interest in state politics is centered in the Populist State couvcntion, whieh meets Wednesday at Springfleld. The question is whether the Populists wili indorse the Democratie ticket or content themselves with only nominating Altgeld, putting up straightout Populists for the rest of the offices. It seems, however, to be a foregone conclusión that, despite the fact the Populists are themselves split into two factions, Altgeld ■ will be nominated. But what kind of a deal can be máde as to the remaiuder of the ticket is only a matter of conjecture. For some time it is known, that the Democrats have been laboring to bring the Populist factions together, a conference beiug held late Monday afternoon for this purpose, ïuesday the story was given out in certain quarters that a compromiso had been effected, and that on the basis of a divided representation of the Taylor and Bnrns delegations, har' mony had been restored in the Populist camp. Beek Vïay Be Dropped. In line with this story was another to the effect that the Populists are to be given a place on the state ticket, besides certain appointive positions, which are known to be political plums well worth the picking. To do this one of the candidatos on the Democratie ticket will be asked to resign, and it is said W. F. Bock, the candidate for auditor, wil! be the man. Should this deal be carried out, either Taubeneck or Chairman Maxwell of the Populist state central committee will be named in place of Mr. Beek. The above, however, is only one of the many stóries which could bc heard in political circles ïuesday, and, therefore can be taken with a liberal allowauce of doubt as to its correctness. Auother one, which leaves an equally good brand of probability, is fchat the Populist convention will split on the proposition of indorsing the Democratie state ticket, and that the bolting delegates, or rather, those hcaded by Burns, will hold a ''middle of the road" convention, and, after nominating Altgeld, put up a straight-out Populist ticket. Will Demand Admittance. Color is lent to this story by the fact that the Burus faction held a convention Monday night and deoided to send 342 delegates from Cook county, who will be on hand at Springfleld demanding admittance to the convention. It is claimed that this dek'gation, if seated, would oppose any indorsement. of the state ticket, except as to Governor Altgeld. But, as Dr. Taylor and his following are in full control of the party machinery in this county, they will also have a good deal to say as to the seating of the Burns delegation. This state of affairs. together with the extreme probability that Burns and his crowd will not be allowed to particípate in the gathering, is made the basis for the belief that a "middle of the road" convontion will be held.


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