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Mr. G. H. Beach is in Adrián. Miss Alta Parker spent Sunday in Owosso. Richard H. Trovvbridge is in Chicago for this rnonfch. Dr. Harry L. Hall retnrDed to Cleveland last week. Mrs. Eliza Moore, of Thompson st., íb visiting in Detroit. Prof. J. O. Knowlton and faraily are visitiug at Charlevoix. Prof. D'Ooge and wife are visiting at West Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Ottmar Krapf, of Sagiuaw, is visiting relativas in the city. Prof. A. H. Pattengill and wife are visiting at Gore Bay, Ontario. Prof. Wairen P. Lombard and wife are visiting at Wawbeek, N. Y. Mrs. R. M. Beach, of South University ave., is visiting in Dexter. Prof. Wm. A. Campbell and family are visiting at Clark Lake, Mich. Prof. Wm. H. Wait and' wife are visiting in Chicago for the summer. Prof. F. P. Jordán and wife are spending the summer at Battle Creek. Instructor and Mrs. Clarence L. Meader are visiting friends in Battle Creek. Miss Sue Valentine, of Kalamazoo. is visiting Mrs. VV. F. Stimson, of E. Liberty st. Mrs. L. Boes and Miss Lydia Lutz have gone to Richmond, Ind., for a few weeks' visit. J. E. Beal and family bave returned from their visit with friends in Kalamazoo county. Miss Matie Schlenker, of Toledo, O., is the guest of Philip Lohr and family, of Packard st, Samuel Henne and Chas. Meyer are spending their vacation in Freedom, Scio and Lodi. Mrs. George Lutz, jr., and the Miases Amelia and Emma Lutz are visiting in Louisville, Ky. The Misses Ida Weitbrecht and Lizzie Kemper went to the Soo for a week's vacation Monday. Mrs. Dr. Taylor. of Denver, Colo., foriLü-rly Miss Ida Huil, of this city, is visitiug relatives bere. Prof. J. B. Montgomery has gone ou a pleasnve trip to Portage Lake, Port Hurón anti otber places. Eva, tbe'little dangbter of Prof. and Mrs. E. F. Johnson, is sufïering frora an attaok of typhoid fever. Prof. and Mrs. Fred L. Keeler. of Mt. Pleasant, are visifcing Mrs. Keeler's inotber, Mrs. M. E. Bliss. Prof. and Mrs. E. A. Lyman have gone on a trip to the Soo, and rnay visie Port Arthur before they return. Charles H. Towle, lit '93, law '94, is now editor of The Legal Adviser, a prosperous Chicago law Journal. Dr. W. J. Herdman and family and. Mrs. Herdmau's paren ts and sister have to Frankfort to spend a mouth. Mrs. A. L. Davis and Mrs.C.G.Darling and eh.üdren went to Whitinore Lake Monday night for a week's stay. Charles Callaban and family, of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly and otber relatives in tLe I city. I. H. C. Royse, and son Herbert, and graudson, Murrill, of Terre Haute, Ind,, are visiting Mrs. Bird, of S. State st. Mrs. Lewis Limpert and children have gone to Cheboygan, where they will meet Mr. Limpert and remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and grandson Robert, left -Wednesday for Grauger, O., to visit relatives for several weeks. Mrs. Dr. James McEutee, of Mt. Pleasaut, is spendiDg a few days with L. W. Gaffney and family oo S. Thayer st. Miss May Cody has secnred a position as teacher in the flrst ward sohool at Ann Arbor, to commenoe Sept. 1. - Saline Observer. C. E. üodfrey, wife and son, Ernest, attended tbe funeral of Mr. Godfrey's father, Charles A. Godfrey, at Cedar Springs on Friday. Prof. Earl W. Dowe leaves for Europe a week from tornorrow, where he will raake a year's stay for the special study of modern history in Germany. Seward Cramer, of Ypsilanti, who has been suffering from an attack of congestión of the liver, is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mra. D. Cramer, for a few days. Miss Emma E. Bower, great lady record keeper L. O. T. M., was the guest of honor at a Maccabee luncbeon given at the home of Mrs. Fred Johuson, of Ypsilanti, yesterday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark, who are speuding the sniiimer at Petoskey and other northern resorts were in the city to attend the funeral of Mr. J. H. Wade. They returned to Petoskey Tnesday morning. Mr. aud Mrs. Láveme Bassett, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bassett', of Bay City; D ■. Walter Booth, of Grand Rapids. ai;d mother (Mrs. Nelson Booth, of Ann Arbor, ) aud Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark arp eLijoying an outing at Camp Idlewild Portage Lake. Miss Ireue Duffy is visiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. Cole, of Packard st. , is visiting in Chicago, 111. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Williams have gone to Chicago for a visit. Mrs. M. M. Banghart, of E. Ann st., is visiting her son at Alma. Mrs. A. L. Noble left for Baffalo yesterday by way of the lakes. R. D. Whitiaan is visiting in Detroit and Cleveland for a week. Miss Amelia McLaren is making a short stay with friends in St. Paul, Minn. J. A. Keith and sou Harold, of Mt. Clemens, attended the Beal-Muma wedding on Wednesday. Rev. W. W. Campbell and family, of Coioord.Mass., are visiting his paients Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear, accompanied by Mrs. Goodyear's mother, Mrs. Comstock, are visiting in Buffalo, N. Y. W. W. Wedemeyer was in Stockbridge last eveniug, where he spoke at a ratification meeting. On Tuesday week he will speak at the Maccabee picnic at Saline. The engagement of Wm. A. Mogk, of this city, and Miss Nellie Ziuimerman, of Three Oaks, is annonnced. Miss Zirnniermann was formerly a student of the univesity. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Larned enjoyed a pleasant visit the flrst of the week f rom Mrs. L. 's sister and cousin, Miss Augusta Beardsley and Cassius B. Voorheia, of Clarkston, Oakland county. Fred A. Howlett is at Cavanaugh lake with his famiiy for a short visit and recuperating from the efifects of a boil on his neok wbich sorely grieved his spirits for a few days prior to his departure. Eugene Oesterlin, sr. , Cbristian Martin, John Mayer and John Lntz returned home from Detroit last eveniDg, where they had been attending the state oonveution of the D. O. H., as delegates for the local lodge. Prof. G. Langey and famiiy, who have been in the city for the past six weeks, have returned to their home in Daytou, O Prof. Langey has attended tbe sumnier school fnr the past two years and is so well pleased with the school that ne expects to return uqi summer.