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Justice Pond's Court

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Johu Seyfried, who in a üt of anger broke his horse's leg witli a clab on day last week was arrested by Marsha Petorson and taken before Justice Pone on Priday. He pleaded guilty to tb charge and paid a fine of 5 and $3. 1 oosts. William Marshall was before Justice Pond, Tuesday, charged by his wife Caldonia Marshall, with assault anc battery, in which she alleged she wa strnck in the mouth. Marshall pleadec not guilty and the oase was adjournec nntil Monday. Both psrties are col ored. Kittie Hendersori made coroplain aganiast Mrs. Myrtle Green, Monday before Justice Pond, on a charge of as satilt and battery. The case carne np for trial Tuesday and the evidence showed that it was a general wordy war, in which more than the coinplainant and defendant were implicated. A good mauy epithets of a very uncornplimentary nature were indulged in by al parties and Mrs. Green struok Miss Henderson. The case was adjournec until Weduesday nest. As in the preceding case all the parties were colored. On Tnesday night a bowery dance was held in Relief Park for which Wm. McMahon and Jas. Parsous furnished the mosic with a violin and a gnitar. During the evening a young man natned Wm. Norton, a stranger, who could play both instruments assisted in the music. Whilst he was playing the violin during one of the dances a storm came up and MoMahon asked him to hold the guitar alao while he put out the light. When McMabon looked around again Norton had disappeared. Marshal Peterson heard on Wednesday tbat Norton had gone to Ypsilanti and took the motor for that place. On the road he espied a yonng fellow in a cornfield witb a goitar under his arm. Suspecting he was the man he wanted he went over and arrested him. Brougbt before Justice Pond yesterday morning he pleaded guilty and stated that he had sold the violin to a farmer for 50 cents. He was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correotion.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News