The truthf ui, startling tltle of a book abo' t Noto-bae, the only harmless. nuaranteod 1obacco habít cure. If you want to quit and can't, use ■"No-to-bac." Braces up nicotlnizea nérvea, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weakmej sain strenjrth, weig:ht and vigor Positu-e r-ure or money refunded. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist. Book at druKgist, or mailp"1 f ree. Addree The Sterling Eemedy Co., Chicago office 4 Eandolph St., New 5Tork, lo spruue St. Ten Day Excursión for $5. A ten day exursion to Petoskey and Traverse City and return, via the MichJ igan Central and Grand Rapids& Indi ana railroads, will leave Aun Arbor, Thursday, Aug. 27, at 8:38 a. m., arriving at Traverse City at 7 :00 p. va., aud at Petoskey, at 7 :50 p. m. Fare for the round trip $5. Tickats are goort for return by any regular train, until Saturday, Sept. 5, inclusive. Tbe special train will stop at Cadillac, Mauton, Walton, South Boardman, Kalkaska, Mancelona, Elmira, aud Boyne Falls. Passeugers for Traverse City will change cars at Walton. Baggage checked through to destination. The fine train service, ampie hotel accorumodatious at low rates, the rnany sights, the enjoyment and benefit you will receive, cannot fail to ruake this the excursiou of the season. Early applicatiou should be ruade for seats in parlor car. H. W. HAYES, Agent.
Ann Arbor Argus
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