The Ann Arbor Argus
WHO AND WHY A SHORT STORY. WHO . . DOES YOUR PRINTING ? Business Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Notice Cards, Pamphlets and Books. WHY . . CAN'T WE DO IT? With our Fine Presses, New Type and Borders, First-class Printers, Prompt Attention, Fair Prices and Honest Work. WHO . . PRINTS YOUR POSTERS ? Hand Bills, Dodgers, Circulars, Advertising Cards. WHY . . CAN'T WE DO IT ? With Our New Poster and Dodger Type and Reputation for Setting the Best Posters in the City. t WHO . . S PRINTS YOTTE PROGRAMMES ? Announcements, Menu Cards, J Calendars, Blotters. . WHY . . S CAN'T WE DO IT ? With üur Pretty Type, Elegant Paper Stock an { Good Press Work. WHO WILL DO YOÜR WORK? And do it to your entire satisfaction. WHY . . CANT WE DO IT ? Have you tried us since we have fitted up Our office to do the neatest and most stylish work WHO . . l IS THERE OF YOU ? S That has not time to come and see us. t WHY . . CAN'T WE SEND ? ƒ Our city salesman around to have a little talk with you ? If you will just send us a postal card or S telephone No. 13, he will be there. WHO KNOWS But we may serve you to mutual S advantage and i WHY.. Will you not give us a trial? We request your kind consideration. (BEAKES & niNQAY.) Opera House Block, = Ann Arbor, Mich.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News