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County Democracy

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The democratie couuty convention called to select delegates to the state, congressional and senatorial conveution, and to elect a chairman and couuty comiuittee held in the court house, Ann Arbor, last Friday, was easentially a íree silver convention. It was very harinonious in its actions and if there was any under current of feeling, not a ripple of it was apparect on the surface. Shortly after 11 o'clock tnp convention was calleci to order by Arthnr Brown, chairman of the county committee, who stated the object of the meeting and called M. T. Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, to the chair as teruporary chairman. Mr. Woodruff in assuming the chair asserted tb at the honor was wholly unsought by him and he did not even know that he was poing choseu. He theu defiued his positiou on the politioal issues of the day, briefly. Walter Voorheis, of Superior, was elected temporary secretary, after John L. Duffy had decliued the noiuination. On motion of Martin J. Cavanangh, the chair appoiuted the folloWiUg cominittees : On Credeut'als - M. J. Cavanangh, Ann Arbor; Alfred Davenporf, York;' Hirarn Lighthall, Sylván. Oa Perinauení Orgauizatiou and i Order of Business - W. L. Watkins, Manchester; George Palnur, Ypsilanti; Miohael Breuuer, Auo Arbor. On Resolutions- J. Willard Babbitt, Ypsilanti ; Charles A. VVard, Aun Arbor; W. 3. Osborn, Sharon. J. Nelson Lewis. of Auu Arbor, on being called ou spoke for a few minutes on the silver question aud was heartily applauded for bis efïort. A recuss w;is theu taken uiitil 2 u'cock. It was 2 :30 before Chairman Woodruff rapped the couventiou to order, the delay being caused by some of tbe eredentials of the delagatious not having been hauded intj the committee. The comrnittee ou credentiais reported all delegations full aud reooimnended that they be adopted without reading. To this Densmore Cramer objected, but the convention promptly sat down on bim and voted to have tbe recommeudation of the committee carried out. The report of the committee on permanent organization and order of business was read and adopted as follows : 1. Election of one delegate-at-large to the state, congressional and senatorial conventions; 2. Conveution divide iuto the two districts and elect nine delegates to each conention ; 3. Ratifloation of such choice by whole convention; 4. Election of chairmau of couuty committee by ballot; 5. Electiou of couuty comittee, one member to be choseu from each voting precinct; 6. Committee reeommends the election of delegates that certainly will go (16 to 1); 7. Adjournment. Chairman Woodruff thanked the convention for the honor conferred on him, after whicn four tellers were elected, John Gilleu, Saline, Wm. Porsythe, Ann Arbor, Herman Gieske, .Manchester, John Terns, Ypilanti, and the oïcers wers duly sworn. The report of the committee ou resolutious was read by C. A. Wai'd, Auu Arbor, as follows: Whereas, tüe underlying principies of bimetallism have always been a part of the Democratie faith and since the demouetization of the silver dollar by the Republican patry its restoration to its coustitutional and tirne-honored place iu the monetary systein of our couutry has been the constant aim and ejdeavor of the Dernocrat party in congress, and, Whereas, the uational Deruocracy iu conveutiou at Chicago has deemed it wise to rnake the reiuonetization of silver at the old ratio of 1(5 to 1 to gold the principal issue iu the presidential campaigu now upou us, and, Whereas, this aud all other declarations of the platform are iu line with democratie precedent and trae democratie ) ment and wórthy of the loyal support of every democrat, therefore Be it resolved, that we the democrats of Washteuaw couunty in conventiou assembled do affirm our allegiance to the principies of the party as expressed by tüe Chicago platform aud pledge our uuqualifled support to the uoininees of that conventiou - to Bryau aud Sewell and silver, and Be it further resolved, that we exteud au iuvitation to all the electora who feel with us the injustice of the single gold standard to co-operate in effecting its overthro'w in the iuterests of the prosperity of the common people of the country. The resolutions were adopted uuanimously. The delegates-at-large to the several couveutions were nest elected unauiiuously as follows: To the state convention, M. T. Woodruff, Ypailauti; to the cougressional convention, Arthur Brown, Anu Arbor ; to the senatorial conventiou, John Gillen, Saline. The couvention then divided into districts and proceeded to elect the folowing delegates to the state, congtessional aud seuatiorial conventions: First district delegates: State - Hiraiu Lighthall, Sylvan, Jacob Barris, Lima, Win. Curlett, Scio, John O'Hara, Ann Arbor, H. W. Robjusou, Salem, Chas. H. Manly, Johu Kooh, Clinton Suyder, Aun Arbor, W. M. Forsythe. Congressioual - G. W. B?c kwith, Sylvaii, Thomas Youug, jr., Lyndon, James Welch, Webster, Samuel Feldkamp, Freedom, Philip Murray, Salem, M. C. Petwson, J. R. Bacb, C. H. Kliue and J. L. Duffy,Anu Arbor. Seuatorial - Frank Staft'an, Chelsea, Charles L. Hawley, Dexter, D. E. Hoy, Webster, C. L. Tuomy, Ann Arbor towu, N. E. Sutton, Northfield, Harry Douglass, Micbael Brenner, John Bauiugarduer, H.iT. Mortou, Aun Arbor. Second district dslegates: State - Cüristian Saily, Bridgewater, Jas. E. MoGregor, Ypsilauti, Walter Voorheis, Superior, Jame? M. Forsythe, Ypsilanti, A. D. Mclutyre, York, Dr. G. I. Post, Auguata. John Lutz, Saline, W. B. Osborne, Sharon, J. W. Babbitt, Ypsilanti. Congressional - Alfred Davenport, York, C. L. Yost, Ypsilanti, Nathauiel Schmid, Manchester, T. V. Quackenbush, Superior, F. G. Hammond, Augusta, Frank Jolinsoa, Bridgewater, F. E. Mills, Pittsfield, Philip Blum, jr., Lodi, Tracy L. Towner, Ypsilanti. í Senatorial - George Palmer, Ypsiianti, Herman Gieske, Manchester, Robt. Martin, Superior, Jos. Gump, York, Herman Reyer, Pittsfield, John Terns, Ypsilanti, W. A. Rassell, Angusta, Antón Gabel, Augusta, Ennis Twist, Superior. Martin J. Oavauaugh, of Ann Arbur, was the unamiuous choice of the conven tiou for county chairmau, and made a good speech in accepting the respousible pnsition. Arthur Browu, the ex chairmau, also made an enthusiastic speech endorsiug tbe choice of the convention. He was followed by Deustnore Cramer. The county committee was then named and is as follows: Anu Arbor city - lst ward, J. F. Schub, 2nd ward, Sid W. Millard, 3d ward, Walter Daneer, 4th ward, John Baumgardner, 6th wara, Chas. N. Manly, 6th ward, E. (.Continued on Eigbth Page.) COUNTY DEMGCRACY B. Norris, Tth ward, Chas. A. Ward; Aun Arbor town, Chas. Braun ; Augusta, Wra. A. Russell; Bridgewater, Tas. Jogan; Dexter, Thos. McQuillan; Freedoru, Hemy Kuhl; Lima, Wm. Covert ; Lodi, John Clark ; Manchester. W. L. Watkins; Northfield, Frank Dupcan; Pittsfleld, F. B Mills; Salem, P. H. Murray; Saline, Albert C. Smitb ; Superior, VValter Vorheis ; Sylvan, H. Lighhall; Webster, John H. Congdon ; York, A. D. Mclntyre; Ypsianti town. H.Stumpenhusen ; Ypsilauti city - lst ward, J. W. Babbitt, 2d ward, F. P. Bogardus, 3d ward, T. L. Tower, 4th ward, Lee N. Brown, 5th ward, W. F. Smith. Charles H. Kline, of Aun Arbor, wanted to see the delgates to the congressional convention instructed for Thos. E. Barkw irth and made a rnotion to that effect, but several of the delegates could not see it that way aud so espressed themselves stating that such a nourse was ooutrary to good democratie principies. The convention also seemed to be growing restive over snch an idea attd Mr. Kline withdrew hií motion. At this point Gus Peters, of Scio, got the floor and aired his views on the populist side of the question and the idea of fusiou until lie was called to order. The convention adjourned after resolutions of thauks liad voted to Arthur Brown and John L. Duffy, the retiring chairmau aud secretary of the county committee.


Ann Arbor Argus
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