As Viewed In London
The London Jnnaucial JNews, a gold standard advocate, is taking a haud in Arnerioan politics. It is out with the following editorial which is being freely qnoted by silverites : "There is a plain moral iu the reruark that if the United States would venture to cut herself adriit from Europe and take outright to silver she would have all America and Asia at her back and the coininand of the markets of both 'countries. The barrier of gold would be more fatal thac any barrier of a c.ustoru house. The bond of silver would be btronger than any bond of fiee trade. There can be no doubt that if the United States were to adopt a silver basis tomorrow British trade would be ruined before the year was out. Every American would be protected not only at home, bnt in every other rnarket. Of course, the United' States wonld suffer to a certain extent througb having co pay her obligatious abroad in gold, but the loss of exchauge ander this head would be a mere drop in the bucket as compared to the profit to be reaped from the markets of South Amerioa and Asia, to say nothing of Europe. The marvel is that the United States have not long ago seized the opportunity. It bas been a piece of luck that it has never occurred to the Americans to scoop us out of the world's markets by going on a silver basis, and it rnight serve us right if, irritated by the contemptible apathy of out government toward the silver problem, the Americans retaliated by freezing out gold. It could be easily done."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News