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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOR SALE- The Dexter Basket Factory. The faclöry is now running its ful] capacity and we cannot keep up with orders. Other business prevente our running it. L. C. Palmer, Mattie E. Palmer. 28-33 TO REJNT- Term óf years on shares- Stock farrn, 200 acres, tillable land, ampie buildings, good ferices, well waterecl. Lessee to lurnish stock. Is 2i4 miles f rom best stock market in Washtenaw county. A. M. Clark, Ann Arbor; A. F. Clark, Saline. 3t rflEACHER of mandolín, banjo and euitar, l Hattie Long, 6f Miller Ave, WANTED-At 2S N. State etreet, A n" Arbor. .Must beyouog, sound and cheap. Weiirlit about 1,200 pounds. Cali soon. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Three farms, oue close to Ann Arbor. Só acres, flrst cías buildings, anotlier in Litna, 100 acres well timbered and nood buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, sood ampie buildings. Cali on or addrcss Wm. Osius, Box 1?51 Ann Arbor, Mich. PIANO T.ÜNING.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will he in the city soon. Orders left at the AROüg office will jaooiAO his attention. Money ! Money ! To be frank, we owe some money and the parties we aie indebted to want it, and we will have to raise it ont of our outstanding accounts and stock of merchandise. Any who are indebted to us will please cali and settle either by cash or note for short time. It's not our desire to push anybody. Our entire stock of reliable shoes will be offered until AUGUST 29 at great sacrifice in price (until the night of Aug. 29. ) There are no paper soled sboes in our stook, but all made of best leather and at best faotories. JACOBS & ALLMAND, Washington Block, Washington st. , Ann Arbor. I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News