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Local Brevities

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The public schools of this city will reopen Sept. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sweet had a daughter born to them on Monday night. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman O. Walters Saturday evening. All the old captains of O. A will meet at Camp Snyder next Sunday and will be entertained there. A minoi's pension has been granted to Mrs. Helen L. Davis, of Delhi Mills. W. K. Childs was the agent through whom it was obtained. The engagement of Dr. Leander Pitt Kapp, of this city, and Miss Edith Maude Doane, of Forest Hill, Mich., has just been announced. Since the opening of the bicycle trade this season Clayton, Lambert & Co. have sold over 250 wheels, the Crawford taking the lead in sales. The annual meeting of the W. H. M. S. of the M. E. church takes place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. Hendrickson on S. State st. The bursting of a water main in front of Adams' bazaar on S. Main st. Monday night, caused considerable trouble to repair as well as gathering quite a crowd around while it was being done. On Saturday, at the English Lutheran parsonage, Rev. W. L. Tedrow performed the marriage ceremony which united the lives of Mr. George Arthur Mitchell, of Republic, and Miss Ella J. Miller, of York. While in Chelséa on business last Saturday the Argus man saw the following notice posted over a well-known saloon in that village: "No politics - just in the saloon business for medical purposes only. Tommy McNamara. ' ' Dora Anderson, of Ypsilanti, filed a bilí iu chancery Monday to compel her partner, Carrie Potts, to come to an accounting of the proceeds of their business. They have been carrying on Beam's dining hall, Ypsilanti, for some time. Florence, the 11 weeks' old child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Northrup, who are staying with friends in the third ward, died Saturday of cholera infantum. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon and the remains were buried in the German cemetery on Jackson ave. Rev. M Meyers, who 30 years ago was pastor of the Germán M. E. charch of this city, presided at the quarterly meeting of that church on Sunday and preached two sermons. Mr. Meyers is now 71 years old. He had not been back to Ann Arbor since he left the city until last Sunday. The name of Andrew T. Hughes is mentioned as a candidate for .nomination for the office of register óf deeds on the democratie ticket. Wm. Waleh is mentioned in connection with the nomination for sheriff. Emanuel Wagner, of this city, and George J. Mann, of Lodi, are making eyes at the treasurership. Lawrence M. Duggan, of Ypsilanti who recently moved bis shoe stook to this city, made an assignment Monday rnorning to J. D. Ryan, of all hisgoods, chattels, merohandise, book accounts; furniture, flxtures etc., for the benefit of his creditors. His liabilities amouut $1,100. His stock will inventory between $1,400 and $1,500. Master Harry Daley, of Detroit, will sing a solo at the Baptist church Sunday night. The Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity has leased Mrs. Dunster's house, No. 23 S. División st. , for nest year. Sergeant William Cooper, of the Light Infantry was awarded the silver medal for the best paper on gaard duty. Mrs. Walter L. Taylor fell down the cellar stairs at her home on the nortli side Monday and broke her ankle in two places. Yesterday and today a large number of teachers have been in the city taking the examinations for the different grades of certiflcates. Those of our business men who feel inclined to particípate in the Germán Day parade with a float, etc, are re - quested to cali on Titus Hutzel Eugene J. Helber's trotting stallion Flashlight, won the 2 :35 race at Stockbridge last Friday. Flashlight is not only a speedy animal bat a large and useful oue also. Schumacher & Miller, the new drug firm, have opened an office over Teufel's harness shop, which they will occupy in getting things teady for opening their new store Becker's Light Infantry Band furnished the musio on the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the Ar-X bieter hall, at Ypsilanti, Thursday afternoon of last week It also furnished the musio for the dance in the evening. i Plnms never were known to rot so badly as this season. Fully 100 bushels have rotted on the trees before they were ripe on G. J. Nissly's grounds. The Messrs. Davenport report the same conditioo in their orchards. - Saline Observer. Next Thnrsday, Aug. 27, an excursión will be run from Detroit to Ann Arbor. Fare for round trip, $1 ; children half fare. The train leaves Detroit at 9 a. m. and returns at 6 p. m. It will stop at the following stations : Dearborn, Wayne and Ypsilanti. Editor Osband, of the Ypsilantian, and John Lang, got into sucb a warm discussion of the mnch abused 53-cent dollar near the Neat house, Ypsilanti, Friday evening, that it required the best efforts of Office Thumm to disperse the crowd that gathered to listen to tbem. To keep everybody from tumbliag over themselves in their desire to nomioate him for every office on the democratie ticket, from governor down to ooroner, M. T. Woodrufï, of Ypsilanti, has made the following statement to the Washtenaw Times reporter: "I will not run even if asked and, if nominated, I will not turn over ray hand." Sooae delay is being experienced in gettingstarted on the wprk of equipping the motor line with electricity, but the work will be completad within 30 days from the time it is commenced. The engineer will have the plans for re-equipment ready this week. At the meeting of the Ypsilanti common counoil Mondáy night the. franchise of the cumpany was renewed for 30 years. Thomas Norton died at 1200 John R. st., Detroit, on Saturday, aged 55 vears, from the effects of an operation which be had performed about two weeks ago to relieve him of au abcess. 3e was a resident of DixboTo and bis remains werp brought home for interinent. The fuiieral servioes w.ere held Monday morning at 9 o'clock in St. Thomas' church and the burial was in St. Thomas' cemetery. Only three bids wero made to supply :be connty with coal fcr the conrt honse and jail. They were as follows: Henry Richards - Grate coal, $5.64 per ton; egg, stove and nut, 5.T9; soft coal (lurnp, ) 2.79. Louis Ronde - Grate, $5.37; egg, $5.59; soft, 3.25. M. Staebler- Grate, $5.33; egg, $5.57; soft,domestic lurup, 2.45 ; steam lunip, $2.35. Mr. Staebler's bid being the lowest he was awarded the contract. The arnount needed is about 150 tons. Mts. Elizabeth Calhoun, of the town of York, has filed a bilí for divorce from her husband Charles Calhoun, of the same town, on the grounds of cruelty and that he has committed adultry with one Mary Loumann. She asks for an injuuction to restrain tbe defendant from disposing of his personal property, also that Calhoua pay the cost and expenses of the snit ss she is destitute. The couple have one son six years old, of whom Airs. Calhoun asks to have charge. Harry Colemau, editor of the Oakland Post, who was visiting friends here the latter part of last week, has challeuged any person ia Oakland oounty to a debate on the finanoe question. He agrees to open the columns of the Post to any person who wishes to defend the gold standard theory, allowing one column per week for any number of weeks that the person debating may desire. He will thea take the arguments up in detail and agree not to use more space in reply than is occupied by his opponent. The editor of the Hndson Gazette tells of an employee of his paper who " 'dreamed a dream' wherein he thought he was looking at the second page of the Gazette and discovered that the date in Dr. H. S. Humphrey's ad. was wrong. What the balance of the dreain was be cannot remember, but when he went to the postoffice for the early morning mail next day, the first epistle he took from the box was one from iJr. Hnmphrey, statii g that the date in his ad. was wrong; it should read 'will be at tbe Comstock House, Aug. 22,' instead of Aug. 28." Now, if the editor could train that young man, or have him so trained, that he oould dream tbat subsription and advertismg bilis were being paid and then be able to go down to the office and flnd snch was the case, what an immense arnount of good he won ld do these days? Charles A. Ward has been appointed secretary of the democratie county oonimittee. A good appointment. Ü J. O. Schlotterbeck, of the University, has received a scnolarsnip in Berlin for valnable vvork on seeds. A rattlesnake having six rattles was killed on Spring st. Wednesday by little Albert Suott, son of Architect George Scott. Two refrigerator carloads of fruit were shipped from this city to Bnffalo, N. Y., on Tuesday night by the fruit growers in tbis vicinity. The Republican Press Association of this state, will meet owAug. 26 and 27, at Port Hurón. A nnmber of excellent paper are being prepared for the occasion. Jas. Doyle, the joung man -who was shot in the left lung by a highwayman in Detroit on Wednesday of last week was a first year law in the nniversity last year. Fite in a waste basket ïn the Kindergarten billiard hall in the Masonio block, cálled out tbe fire department at 0 o'olock Thursday morning. It was easily extinguished. The annual conference of the Michigan colored Methodi&ts pecurs in this oity August 26-31 inclusive. About 30 ministers are expected. Bishop Arnett, of Xenia, O., will preside. Saloon business, like every other, is suffering from the effects of hard times. It is said that local saloon keepers will shortly combine and sell no more 5 cent whiskies. - Dexter Leader. Eugene Mutschel had a severe attack of heart trouble on S. Main st., Mouday afternoon. It was so bad that he feil to the sidewalk. He has had quite a serious time getting over it, bufc is better now. The university accounts are being audited for the past year by the finance committee of tbe regents. Prof. W. H. Pettee has been employed as an expert accountant to go over tbe books and vouchers. For the accommodation of the people comine to Aun Arbor, next Thursday, Germán Day, th3 Ann Arbor Railroad will sell tickets from all points on its line between Toledo and Owossp to Ann Arbor for one and a third fare for the round trip. One of our business men will address the men's meeting at tbe Young Men 's Christian Association rooms next Sunday aftemoon at 2:45 o'clock, en the subject: "The rich man and Lazarus." All nis fellow business men are invited to be present. An excursión train from Toledo which arrived in tbe city about 11 o'clock Sunday morniDg brought 400 people to take part in a picnic with the local Germán societies. A veiy pleasant afternoon was spent. Tbe afïair was under the management of the Germán Day committee and a nice little sum was realized to help along that celebration. Some mischievous person stuck a knife into the tire of a bieyele which stood in front of Goodyear's drug store ou Saturday. The same trick was perpetrated on one standing in front of Tncker & Oo.'s bicycle livery on Monday morning. Such actions as this are in the highest degree deserving of censure and people gnilty of them should be punished severely. McClure's Magazine for September will cootain a paper on Dr. W. T. G. Morton, the discoverer of ansesthesia, by his wife. Dr. Mortoa's discovery established painless surgery, and Mra. Morton's paper is the intímate personal bistory of a heroic battle for a new idea. It has special interest at this time, because in October, there is to be a public jubilee in honor of Dr. Morton's priceless service to humanity. The paper will he fully illustrated. It may not be generally knovrn tbat the legislature of 1887 passed a law forbidding any person not a member of the G. A. R. to wear the badge or button of that organization, uuder penalty of fine of not to exceed $20 or 30 days in jail or both. The law provides the same penalty for using the badge of the Loyal Legión of the ü. S. by tbose not entitled. It may also be of interest to snme to know tbat a person to be entitled to a badge in either of these orders must be a member in good standing. Robert M. Buechler, died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Buechler, 89 W. Third st., on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, of consumption, aged 20 years. Mr. Buechler was up to the time of his giving up work last fall a shoe clerk in W. Allaby & Son's store. He was one of the teachers, in the Zion chureb Sunday school and was well thought of by his friends and acqnaiutances for hie quiet and unássuming, but kindly disposition. He bad been a snfferer from the disease which ended bis life for two or there years end although hfi was treated for it by expert medioal men ha grew gradnally worse until he passed away. The funeral services were held at the Zion Lutheran churoh ednesday afteruoon at 3 o'olock Rev. A. L. Nicklas offioiating. The Grass Lake ,News says : "Try and get your neighbor to let ont bis overcbeok a few holes. How wonld a man get along wheeliner a wheelbarrow witb an overoheck on? How cnnld a goose swim with an overoheck? Wbere would there be any comfort to a cow with an overcheck that pulled her eyes npward into the blazing light of the sun? And yet it wonld be more rational, more humane, more decent, to use an overcheck on the above creatures than on a poor horse, who patiently and ancomplainingly hauls you along the road while that instrument of torture cruelly pulls up his head till his nose sticks straight out and his eyes are half blinded by the sun. He can't see where to step and the oords of his neck are in exquisito pain It is a wicked outrage on a ncble animal!" Bom, to Mr and Mis. Martin J. Cavanaugh, August 13, a girl. Prof. E. F. Johnson's little daughter, Eva, is convalescing f rom her recent attaok of typhoid f ever. Nearly 100 persons are taking the examination for teachers' certificates at the court house yesterday and today. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry is the crack cornpany of the First battalion and has 82 men in oamp, with its full complement of offiers and non-commissioned officers. A democratie mass meeting will be held in Ann Arbor, Saturday, Aug. 29, at which Hon. Tim Tarsney, and Chairman Fred A. Baker, of Detroit, will be the principal speakers. 'At the session of the colored Grand lodge, K. of P., of the eastern and western hemispheres, held in Detroit on Wednesdav, J. J. Hall, of Ann Arbor, was elected P.G.C., and. J O. Scott, G. M. at A. Rev. Dr. Cobern, pastor of the First M. E. cburch will preach bis last sermon to an Ann Arbor congregation nest Snnday morning. In tbe evening a farewell platform meeting will be held in the il. E. churoh. The sewer contractors have been notifled by Mayor Walker not to remove the stone that is dug up along the William st. sewer, as the city wants it for inaeadamizing purposes. It is estimated that there will be fully 1,000 yards of it. The Ypsilanti Arbeiter Verein has appointed George Richel. of that city, naarshal of its forces for Germán Day. ïc has also hired the Maccabee band to preoede it in the parade. A special motor will te run for the accommodation of Ypsilantians. There is some talk in bicycle circles of building a bicycle tiack. Ed. Staebler, who is one of the strongest advocates it has, says the track would pay for itself in two meetings, and quotes as an example the Kalamaoo track which paid for itself in one meeting. Virgie A. Comiskie, of Ypsilanti. has eutered snit in the circuit court against the city of Ypsilanti for $10,000 damages for injuries cansed by falling into an excavation at the corner of Ballard and Emmet sts. , Ypsilanti, on May 10 last, there being no light or railing at the excavation. She asked the ypsilanti council for $5,000 for these injures and it refused to grant her lequest, henee snit. Lehman, Smitb & Stivers, of tbis city, are her attorneys. Mrs. Frederika Barbara Lntz, wlfe of George Fred Lutz, of this city, died at 1 :20 Wednesday morning of hearr failure. Mrs. Lutz' maiden name was Kuehnle and she was born at Korntbal, Wortemberji, Nov. 5, 1S2R. With her pareuts she oame to this country iu 1887 aud settled in Soio. She was married April 17, 1849, to G. F. Lutz. She leaves behind her a husbaud, two daughters and three sons. The funeral will take place from the house at 2 p. ru. today and from Ziou chnrch at 2 :8.0 p. m. Rev. A. L. Nicklas will officiate.