County Teachers' E:aminations. The exaLnJuations of teachers for 8P6 V will be held as lollows : Repular examination tor all grades t Aun Arbor, t!:e third Thnvsday nrl Friday of August, 1896, and the ast Thursday and Friday of March, 897. Regular exauiiuatious for second nd third grades, a1" Aun Arl'or, the hird Thursday and Friday of Octoher, 896, and the third Thursday and Friay of June. 1897. Special examiuatiou for third grades t Manchester, the third Friday of eptember. 1896. Vm. W. Wkdemeyf.k. Commissioner Estáte of Thomas Kearns. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV OF 3 Washtenaw, ss. At a sessiou of the Proate Court for the County of,Washtenaw, holen at the Probate Omce in the Citv of Aim rbor, on Tuesday. the lSth ilay of August, i the year oue thousand eijrut uundred. nd ninety-slx. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judjre of Proaie. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas earns, deceased. Teresa Kearne, the administrator of said stntc. comes into court ond representa 1hat ie is now prepared to reuder her Bnal ceoimt üssuoh administrator. Thereupon it ie ordered tliat Tuesday, the 5th day of September, ne.xt, at lOo'clock in the 'orenoon, be assiirned for examinlntf and al)wmL suoh account, and that the heirs at law 1 said deceased and all ui lier persons intersted in saideetnte, are roquired to apiear it a seseion of said Court, tlien to be holden it ie Probate Offloe, in the City of Ann Arbor, □ said Cuunty.and show cause if any there e, why the said account shouki not be lowed. And it is ordered that id admiolstrator glve notice to the perma interested in said estáte, of the pen:noy of said account, aBd the hearing there1. by oausing a copy of thip order to be pubished in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper rinted and circulatiiijr in said county, three iccessive weeks previous to said day of bearng. J. WTLLARD BABBITT, Judg-e of Probate. IA true copy.'t Wm.Q. Liotv. Probate Résister.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News