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Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MI( 'HIGAN, COUNTY OF WA8HO tenaw- 88. Notice is hereby given that by au order of the Probate Court for t ho Cornil v if Washtenaw. made on thé 7th day oí .luir. A. li. i-ii, six months froin that date were allowed for creditors to present their clalnu against the estáte of Caroline M. Gott lateof said caunty, deceased, and tha1 ;ili creditors of said deceased are requii ed to preBent their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Vroor roí examlnatlon and allowancë, on or before the 27th day oí January next, nul that 3uoh claims wil) be heard before said Court 011 the 2Tth day of October and on the Ï7th day ol January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofeach of said days. Dated, Anti Arbor,July 27, A. D. 1896. j. wilLard babbitt. Judge oí Probate Estáte of Catherine'Hangsterfer. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY KJ of Washtcnaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the Countyof Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbcr, on Wednesday, the 5th day of August in the year one thousaud eight hundred and ninety-six. Preaeut, .1. Wlllard Babbitt, Judge ot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Catherine llangsttrfer, deceased. Edward V. Hanusterfer, the administrator of eaiil estáte, comes into eourt and represents that he is huw preparcd to rendar his ñual account as such administrator, Thereuponit isor.iered thatTue-day.the lstday of September next, at (en o'clock iuthe ioreuoon be as.signed for exaoiining aud allowing such accouDt and that the htirs at law ofsaid deceaaed. and uil other persons interested iu Suid estáte, are reqmred to appear at a .sessiou of said court, then lo be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Aun Amor, iu aid eouuiy, aul show cause, il' auy there be, why tile said account should uot be allowed, And it 18 further orfli-red that sofd administrator give notice to thepersonsinteiested iu said estáte. of the peudeuey of said account and the hearing theteof, by causing a copy oí' this order io be p'iblished in the Aun Arbor Argus, a uewapaper printcd and oirculuiiog in said oounty, two suoces&ive weeks preüous lOFaiddavof hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judge of Probate. (A I rn e copy. ' William U. Dotv. Probate Eegister. Mortgage Hale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the couditions of the payments ot a certaln mortgage made by James li. Baai) and Biíinch K. Bach, dis wile, to John Allen. dated the 9th day of Maroh, l'i. and rei-orded in the Register's office of Washtenaw County, iu Líber 84 of Mortgages on page ó(i7, on the 8rd day of'.!4,at5o'clockp. ui.,on whicli mortga:e there is chümed'to be due at the date of Kiis notice one tuousand, oue buudred and six ocllars and eighty cents, til.Ho'SO) and no suit ut law or in equity havlng been mstituted to collect the autount due on said mortgage or any uart thereof. Now, therelore, iy virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute ín such case maee and provided, notice is hereby given that on Jlonday, the Hth day of September, 1890, at rbe fetót front door of the Court House, in the City of Aud Arbor Jlich.. (that being the building where the -ircuit Court for sald County is heul,) there will be sold at public auction to ihelnghest bidder the premises described iu said lüortgage or so mucli thereof as may be ueceswiry to satisfy the amount due on said mortgag and the legal coste of this foreclosure. The premises so to be sold are described as follows: Lot Qumber S9and 7i in Miller's addltion to the City ol' Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dated June lüth, ].. JOHS ALLEN1. Thompson & Habbiman, Mortgagee. AttorneyS for murtgagee. Mortgage Sale. WHEBEAS, DEFAÜLÏ HAS BBBN MADE In the conditioD8 of two certain mortgages, made by Josepb B. Steere of the City ol' Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Lewis S. Anderson ol Plttsfield, Washtenaw County; Michigan, bi uring date MarchlSth. 1881, each securïng the payment ol' the sum ol' ïwoTbousaud Dollars witli Interest, (the saine being a part Of the pinchase money lor the premises thcrein and hereinafter described), wnlch sald mortjrages wero reoorded in the Keglster's for Washtenaw County on the I9th day of April, 1881, at 2". o'clock p. m., in Liber "i"i of Mortgages, on pages U8 and (19, botli of said mortgages being long past due, and whereas, by reason ot said default. there is claimed to be due uponone of said mortgages the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and interest from Maroh 12t h, 18i. and upon the other tin of Two Thousand Dollars aud interest from March 12th, 1886, each at .-ven per cent- and no suit at law or in equity haring been instituted to recover the amount due oa said mortgage8 or any part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgagesioontaioed and of the statutes oí the btate oí .Michigan, notice is Uereby giveu that the undersigned will sell at public auction to the hlghest bidder on Mouilay, the Ï8th das' of September, at 11 o'elock a. m., Standard time, at the east front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (that being the building where the circuit court tor said cquuty is held , the premises described in said mortgages or so much thereof as may be oeoesssry to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said mortgages and the legal oosts of this foreclosure, The premises to be sold are described a followe: That certain piece or pareel of land sitúate in the township of I'ittsfield, Washtenaw County. Michigan. Beginuingon thequarter line running east and west on section tour Of said lownship at a polnt near the center of the south Ypsilauti road, touth (4 degrei - wesi 89H links from a hickory tree six luches In diameier and south 43 degrees west ö'4 ünks from a yeiiow oak tree elght inches in llametei1; thence uorth-westerly along the eentor of said road IS clialns and 28 Links; thence noith 29 degrees west along the center of said road 1 chain and 86 links; thence north i;i' ; degreeseasi n chalns and '& links: thence north 22'. degrees west 1 chain and 56 links: ihence north 72 degrees easi 16 chainsand 40 liiks; tbence soutn 2H degrees east 6 chaina on the section line between sectlons tbree .ind four; thence north dcgiees east Hl 3hains and 90 links; thencesouth on the line ietween the cai and the wes( half of the nonh-west quarter of sccii n three ín townf hip and range aforesaid löcbujnsand 88 links o the quarter line ol said section three: henee trest on said quarter line SSchains and "1 links to the center oi Bafd i'psllanti rond ni i be east and west quarter lines of section four in &aid township to the place ol beglnnng, containiug 64 acres and 10U of an acre. more or k. Dated Juue29tb, I.KU I . &NDEBSON, TaOMPSOK v H.uiKiM .. Murtagee. Attoineys for Mortagee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News