Justice Pond's Court
Jacob Dupper was before Justice Poud Saturday on a charge of selling iutoxicating liquors at or near Relief Park ou Friday, July 81, without a lio euse. He waived examiuation and gave a boud of 200 for appearance at the circuit court. Harry Masón, a colored barber, for being drunk on the streets was given flve days iu ja:l Tuesday. He is after that to keep sober or get out of the city. Wm. Mnlhelland, a laborer ou the Auu Arbür railroad, was giveu two days in jail Tuesday for beiug druuk ou the streets. The case of Kittie Heudersou vs. Myrtle Greeu for assault aud battery was adjonrned for oue week ou Tuesday.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News