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It. was 8 o'clock wheu President Hisoook...

It. was 8 o'clock wheu President Hisoook... image
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It. was 8 o'clock wheu President Hisoook called the Ann Arbor conimou council to order ou Monday nighr. All the members were present escept Aid. Maynard, Brown aud Danforth. The business was mainly routine iu its nature and the whole stssion only lasted ■about au hom. E. F. Mills, L. Gruner and W. C. Reinhart were present to advocate the passage of a hoense ordiuance by the council. The board of publio works asked for f75 to flll in the washout on W. Washington st. , 8100 for fixfng gutters ou Summit st , aud $50 for graueliug ou N. Main st, and recornmeuded the orderiug of a flagstone walk ou the south side of the Masonic block. Adopted. It also submitted specifioations for macadamiziug Detroit st., which provided for doiug the curbing at the es peuse of the city. Aid Moore, Koch aud Cady wanted the property owners to bear this expense, the latter wishiug to order them to put in the curbing, but City Attoruey Kearney said this could uot be doue. Aid. Cady inoved to couour in the specificatious with the exceptiou of the city putting in the curbing. Aid. Dell rnoved to do the whole job at once in the most complete and substantial manner. The vote ou the amendment stood 8 to 4, Aid. Koch, Coon, Soule and Cady voting nay. The speciflcations were then adopted complete. A nuinber of petitious for crosswalks and sidewalks were received and referred. The sewer contractors wanted money on completed work of Sewer No._ 5, but as no money could be allowed at this meeting without suspension of the rules, aud as no alderruau wished to do this, the request was ignored. Towards the close of the meeting the contraotors again asked the oouncil to take immediate action to get them some money with which to pay hands. Thns appealed to the council suspended the rules and on the engineer's estimate ordered 81,598.31 paid to Sharp & Schultz. A large number of business men petitioued for an ordinance against Street fakirs, peddlers, bankrupt sales, etc., by outside dealers, detnanding a rigid license law. E. F. Mills on permission of the counoil briefly addressed the alderrnen in support of the petition. It was referred to the ordinauce oomrnittee. The street committee recommended that bids be asked for a culvert across Felch st. near Ashley; that the tile drain on Prospect et. be corupleted, and that the snbjecc of a tile drain across private property near the córner . of Washtpuaw and S. Uuiversity ave. be referí ed to the city attorney. Adopterl. A 1 tfht was ordered placed at the motor ;unction. Assessor O'Hearn submitted the special a?sssinent roll of Sewer District No. 5. On Wednesday nest, Aug. 26, at 9 a. in. tne couacil will sit as a board of review on this roll. The board of public worka was instructed to proceed with the grading of S. üniversity ave. and the city clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for coal and wood for the pooi1.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News