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Saline's Maccabees

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Tuesday was a gala day for Saline aud it is safe to say that more people were tbeu gathered iu the little village thau have bteu seen there iu one day before in years. The occasion for the gathering was the Maccabee picnic which had been extensively advertised to take place at the Arbeiter grove aud which would during the day be addressed by a uurnber of prominent people. The resideuts of the neighboring towns, villages and cities responded iu large nnmbers and in the afternoon fully 2,500 people were gathered on the grouuds. Many of the stores aud resideuces were decjorated and aoross the streets aud at the entrance of the Arbeiter grove had been stretched banners beariug the pleasant word " SVelcome. " The politiciaus of both parties were there, but the republicana outnniubered the demoorats four to one, iu fact it was soüiewhat of a republican lovefeast, with politics barred from the speeches. Those who were down on the program for addresses were Hod. H. S. Pingree, of Detroit, D. D. Aitken, past great commander K. O. T. M., of Flint, Miss Emma E. Bower, great reeed keeper L. O. T. M., and V. W. Wedemeyer, of Aun Arbor. Owing to Miss Bower not beiug able to be preseut Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister, past great lady commander of the L. O. T. M., adiiressed the gatheriug ia her stead. Amoug the republican politiciaus who were present the Argus uoticed Sheriff Wm. Judson, Prosecutiug Attorney S. C. Raudal], Circuit Court Commissioner Butterfleld, Prof. E. F. Jobnsou, Couuty Clerk Wm. Dansiugburg, and others from Anu Arbor, Congres man Spalding, of Monroe, Frank E. Jones, of Saline, H. Wirt Newkirk, of Dexter, and others. Amoug the democratie war ! orses were noticed Capt. J. F. Schub, of Ann Arbor, candidato for nominatiou as couuty clerk, Jas. McKinstry, of Ypsilanti, who would like to rnake the run for -register of deeds, aud Aid. John Terns, rif Ypsilanti, who has au itohiug to be representativo to the legislatore from the secoud district of this couuty. The day was an ideal oue for a gathering of the kind and everyone seemed to eujoy it to the fullest. The program commenced at 11 a. ru., when a procession composed uf the Milan Coruet Band, Acrne Tent, No. 40, K. O. T. M., aud visiting Maccabees, the speakers of the day, visitors in carriages and about 80 ladies and gentlemen ou bicycles marched to the Arbeiter grove where the picnic was to be held aud the speeches delivered. Arrived there the procedings were opened by music írom a mixed qnartet, prayer aud auother selection of music. The platform was profusely decorated with bnnting and green branches of trees aud had displaypd upou it large pictures of Mayor Pingree, D. D. Aitken, Maj. M. S. Boyutou and Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister. Mrs. Lilliau M. Holiister was the first speaker introdneed by S. R. Crittendeu, commander of Acmé Teut, No. 46., K. O. T. M., who offleiated as chairman. She adJressed her remarks priucipally to the ladies present and showed up the benefits of life iusorauce iu the L. O. T. M. A coinic séleation by the quartet entitled "'Bill of fare" followed and theu an adjournment was had for diuner. Those who were fortúnate enough to have them, produced lunch baskets wejl filled with appetizing viands and picuiced iu the grove. The other less fortúnate ones adjourned to the village hotels. In tbe aíteinoou after a selectiou of music, Mayor Piugree, of Detroit, was iutroduced. His honor is uo speech maker at any time and ou Tuesday he was laboriug under a cloud which he could uot break through. He had attended the funeral of a favorito nephew the day before and the loss of the youug man, who was like oue of his owu family, weighed heavily on him. W. W. Wedemeyer, of Anu Arbor, was the next speaker aud he did himself proud iu an eloquent eulogy of the great Hebrew from whom the Maccabee order receives its uame - Judas Maocabeus. A solo by C. B. Herbert, of Saline, "You'll fiud it all right in Chicago," was followed by Gen. George Spaldiug, of Monroe, who ccncluded his few remarks with the hope that he would see his aunience later and talk to them politically. He also related his well kuown fish story about vhe Cape Cod fishermen. D. D. Aitkerj, of Fliut, was the next aud last speaker. His was the bpst speech of the day and he caught his audience froni the very ontset of bis remarks when he declared hirnself the ouly man on the platform who was not a candidate for office. He gently roasted the politiciaus present and theu eutered into a deep aud polished discussion of the principies of the Maccabee order which was listened to most earnestly and applauded most heartily vrben finished. In the eveaing speeches were delivered by H. Wirt Newkirk, of Dexter, J. Nelson Lewis and Prof. E. F. Johnson, of Ann Arbor. During the afternoon a dance in the paviliou on the grounds occupied the attention of a nnmber of the younger people and was fairly well patronized. It was kept going in the eveuiug aud was mnch more successful.


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