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Bean pulliug has comrnenced in the vicinity of Unadilla. A farmers' basket picnic was held in Mr. Thom's woods near Willis yesterday. Irwin Hunter, of Ypsilanti town, will teaoh school in Illinois the coming year. Nearly aJl the farmers in the Deighborhood of Dixboro have flnished thrshiug. Indications point to an uuusually large attendauoe of foreign pupils at the Dexter schools this year. - Leader. The Manchester crearnery is making 700 to 800 pounds of butter daily and empïoys a day aud night gang of men. The Nowlin Lumber Co., of Ypsilanti, has filed articles of association with the secretary of state. lts capital stock is 30,000. A great deal of fruit, especially peaches and planas, which were badly injured by the hail storms two weeks ago, is rotting ou the trees at Dexter. The Yovmg Women's Christian Ternperance Union and Loyal Temperance League of South Salem are preparing to give a joint literary euterrainmeut in the near future. The South Salem Sunday school had a very enjoyable sooial at the residence of Nat Ryder on Friday evening. Light refreshmeuts were served and a goodly nuinber atteuded. FreJ N. A. Merohaut, of Ypsilanti, is to lectura next Sunday evening in the Presbyterian chuich, Saline, uuder the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E., on "Truth and morality." Wm. SVestphal, sr., of Bridgewater, is slowly recovering from the effeots of a fall which he got while climbing a fence the week before last. He was severely injcired internally. Miss Stumpenhusen has beenj engaged to teach school at the Centennial scboolhouse, in Ypsilanti town, and Miss Ella J. Moore will teaoh at the Kimmel schoolhouse in Superior for the next year. In speaking of the recent tornado, George Breton tells of a tree two feet in diameter, the roots of which were five feet across, being uprooted on bis farm aud blown entirely over a feuce, the fence being undisturbed. - Dexter Leader. The August meeting of the Saline Farmers' Clnb is being held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wood today. Tbe topic for discussion is "The fee system io county offices," opened by H. D. Platt. Miss May Hurd also reads -a paper and Miss Fredericka Josenhans gives a select readiug. The annual picnic of St. Mary's church, Pinckney, was held Saturrlay, Aug. 15. The whole country around Pinckney was representad, besides maDy from Chelsea, Fowlerville,Howell, Dexter, Buukerhill and many other sister villages. The crowd was good natured and all seemed bent qu having a good time and they had it. Two trainps tried to get into David Baymond's house at Chelsea, Tuesday morning of last week. One fellow kept watch in front while the other tried to gain admittaaoe through a back window. They were frightened away by a ueighbor, Mrs. A. Spencer. Mr. Raymond's family have been away for some time and the house was uaoccupied. Will Lehman, of Chelsea, had a narrow escape Mouday afternoon of last week. While a horse was being led past him it let fly one of its legs and struck Will a terriflc blow en the side of his head. Dr. Palmer was called aud dressed the wound but it was several hours before Mr. Lehman recovered the full use of his senses. - Chelsea Standard. The Soharf Tag and Label Co., of Ypsilanti, bas put a smoke consumer ou its faotory ou Pearl st. whioh eutirely does away with the black smoke that bas been so annoying to the resideuts in the vicinity of the factory. Within ten secoads after the application of the cousumer the black smoke ceased to pour out of the chimney and in its place only a light vapor appeared. Daniel Laikiu, a well kuowu resident of PettysTiün v;.s fouud eis ad in his bed Mouday nioruing of lust week. On Sunday, whieb was his 5th birtlulay, he liad been m hit; üsuüI good boalth and death ei the süghtest warning. JtiiiS death was canseil by fatty degeneración oí the beart. Tbe faneral was held m PettysviHe Tuesduy and the reruains %rru u.Il. tj Dexter for burial. Tbf ld Ladips' Aid Society W.ü iuf-( c ivith Mrs, Wiu. Jarvis uext Tnorsftuy aftPrnoou. 1 ' ly iihimt löö attfiLded the utrion i p oikc oi tlie Silnu Süurtay sohools at Wbiiuioie Lake ou Thursday of last week. The Ypsiiauti Baptist Sauday school Dicuined :u the grove across the river lroai the Peuinsnlar paper mili ou Fiicfuy Jast: Toa Ypsilanti Mptbortipt and Presbyteriau Sunday schools vfill have a joint excursión co Detroit aud Belle Isle, Wednesday of uext week. Ypsilauti schools %vi)l opeo ou Tuesday, Sent. 8. Monday the ?th, beiDg Lubor Day, accounts tor Ihe postponeinent tor oue day of the opening of the schools. John Fiyun, the oldost resideut of Wasbteoaw connty, settlei oa a farm near Manchester early in the '80s, is dad, at the age of 97. - Chelsea Herald. The aunual school meetiug at Manchester to elect two trustees in place of Geo. J. Haeussler and C. VV. Case, wuose terms expire, will take place Mouday eveuing, Sept. ? There is some talk of the Salem Baptist cbui'ch exteuding a cali to Rev. O. M. Thrasher, of Holly, to become its pastor. The reverend gentleman occupied the pulpit on Sunday last with great acceptability. Rev. H. M. Morey, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church, Ypsilanti, expects to eugaga in evaugelistic work, aud has accepted au invitation to hold evaugelistic meetings beginning Oct. 20, in Carthage, N. Y. Salem was well supplied with socials Jast Friday evening. One was held by the Congregatioual society at John Aspen 's, ou the Base Jjiue, and auother by the Baptist Youug People's Union at ths home of Dnella Sruith. Wm. Auberlin, of Detroit, was in Ypsilauti the early partof this week to see what opening there is for establishing a bicycle factory. He has the patents of sorne valuable improvements, and would give the factory bis pe;scnal supervisión. Baynor Haeussler aud Elmer Silkworth, of Manchester, visited J. W. Ranscheuberger's fruit farm near that village Tuesday of last week. While walkiug about the farm a big Newfoundland dog bit Haeussler in the arm and leg. Miss Estella Cross and Mr. Wm. C. Fisk were married Wednesday eveuiug, at Miss Cross' home, 512 Cross st., Ypsilanti. Mr. Fisk is in the employ of the Peninsular Paper Co., and Miss Cross is organist iu the First Badtist church. , One hundred aud fifty IC to 1 men of Milán organized themselvos into a Free Silver Club on Weduesday eveniug of last week. The club is officered as follows: President, J. R. Guiup ; vicepresident, Erve Case; secretary, Frauk Guy ; treasurer. C. H. Kelsey. The Milau Leader is authurity for the statement that the cornet baud of that village is pntting itself in good shape for fnrnishing campaign niusio this faïl. The band is like a fiddle - eau play any politioal tune - but for pay will reoeive sound niouey only. Miss Ida May Horn died at the home of her parerts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horn, af Ypsilanti, on TLursday of last week, of sciatic rheumatism after a liugering illness of fonr tuonths' duration, aged 24 years. The funeral was held Saturday. Interment in Highland cemetery. A limb ten inches lnug was cut plurnb oft' of one of Dr. Mesio's plum trees oue day this week. This bit of botany contaius sixty-five full growu plump, an average of six and one-half plnius to the inch, and though the ratio is nat up to 16-2-1, yet the Dr. thinks this is - like a rotten egg - hard to beat.- rMilan Leader. Frank Forcer, jr. , of Chelsea, narrowly escaped baring bis left arm shot off recently. The gun hung fire, and he set it ou the ground in front of him, witb the muzzle pointing toward nis left shoulder, while he took auother cap frorn the box. He had barely took the cap box froui bis pocket when the gun went off, inflictiug an ugly flesh wouud ou his arm just below the shoulder. The sejond anuual rouniou of tbe Suyder family was held Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Sally Poucber and Mr. and Mrs. William Gadd, of Bridgewater, Only five of the Snyder family are now living aud they were all present, Grandma Sally Poucher being the oldest, aged 88 years. The other fonr were, Robert Snyder, of Albiou, N. Y., aged 69; Andrew Snyd, of Cooper, Mich., aged 66; Mrs. Samuel Sheffer.of South Haven, Mich., aged 73, and Mrs. Maria Smith, of Clinton, Mich., aged 78. There were about 100 people present at the reunión, the most of whom were descendants and relatives, and all were royally entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Gadd. Visiting, feasting and an excellent program formed the basis of the day's entertainment. Samuel Sheffer, of South Haven, extended an invitation for the reunión of 1897 to be held at his house, which was accepted. Samuel Sheffer was olected president aud G. W. Case secretary for the eusuing year. A photograph of the party was then taken. Those present from abroad weie: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Suyder, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Suyder aud Airs. Delia Lathrop, of Cooper, Mich., Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Sheffer, of Snuth Haven, Mich., Kobert Snyder and son üeorge, of Albion, N. Y., fm, MilSaia aud Mrs. Henry Beckwith, of Kalamazoo, Mr. and Mes. Elmer Ponober, of Saud Creek, Mich., Mr. ■tf.d Mrs. B. A. Robison, of Boston, Mass., Miss Sarah Poucher, of Willïamston, N. Y., Mrs. C. M. Drake and rïanghter, of Philadelpbia, Mr. aud Mrs. L. C. Dewey, of Oriou, Mioh. Sarah E. McCord, of Manchester, i has beeu granted a widow's pension. Win. Hammond, of Sylvan, bas sold his crops, etc. aud will soou uaove from the Boyd farm. Rev D. H. Coíirád, of Salem, who receutly acoepted a cali to tbe First Baptist church of Belmont, N. Y., will leave for that place early uext week. His bousehold goods are already packed preparatory to shipment. The resideuca of Mrs. J. Culy, in Dex ter, was burglarized Monday eveniug of last week, while Mrs. Culy was attending tlie performance of Uncle Tom's Cab:n. The thief or tbieves gaiued entrauee by breaking oat one ofjthe back Windows. Every room in the house was ransackedv but the ouly property missiug is a box containing all of .Mrs. Culy's private papers, ainong whiph were several notes and wortgages. Court Milán, No. 1745, of the Indepeueut Odrer of Forastera, was reorgauized Mouday eveaiug of last week with a number of new members and the following officers: O. D. H. C. R., Fred Wilsou ; O. R., C. M. Debenham; V. C. R., W. F. Allen; R. S., Dr. W. R. Calhoun; F. S., G. M. Heath ; treasnrar, C. E. Patterson ; chaplain, Dr. Mesic; P. C. R., A E. Putnam; S. W., R. R. Wücox; J. W., W. P. Draper; S. B. , George Johnson; J. B. , Frank Ross; physician., Dr. Mesic. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Green, of Maple Grove farm, Manchester, celebrated their golden wedding on Wednesday of last week among a coinpany of over 100 frieuds and relatives who had been invited for tbe occasion. They were tbe recipients of many very beautiful aud valuable presents among which Mas a framed picture of their late friend, D. W. Palmer, vhich will be highly prized by them. Commenting on the weather, Mrs. Green said it was a pleasant day on which they were married, and it was a singular fact that the 19th of August every year since had been a pleasant day.


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