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AMERICAN E 1 SBLVEfê 1 i L TRUSS. ! S CK f L.-■: v---' Nf5p licht, B - È S$ COOL, r " Easy 10 Wear. m Retains No pressure on P Severest Y Hips or Back. 2. Hernia 1 No understrapa. piwilh Comfort. Nevcr moves. x t il , MAN L'FACTUKED AT 290 naln St., BUFFALO, N. Y. THE TRSUaüPH OF 10VE! Happy and Fruitful Marriage. Everr MAN ivho would knmv the GRAND TRUTHS,the Piaiu Facts, (gi&s. the Old hecrets and the v'! New Dlscoveriea of Medij& -&& cíl Scienceas appJied to EVir 'Í,1 Married Life. who woulcl 4x flr s. atone for past follies and $P% J S avoid future pitfalls, rsSA ff-'-- JS JshouW write for our wonWï;M);,liSï'lerL'11 litt!e bcok. called íw&iwÍáMllVii''ComPlete Manhood and (lfWHv}')YñHmv t0 Attain It." To i il HmA 1!l WH any earne't man we wfll raail one copy EntlrcJy I'rec, in plain tealed cover. ERIEMEWCALCO.,Wí VC. HERZ, N0.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. ÜOUSE, SlGH, ONAMEhAL AND FüESCO PAINTEh, gilding-, calcirnining, glazmg and paper umiiu lnr. All work is done in the best tyie and warranted to tn'e Batisfaotion.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News