Ann Arbor Savings Bank
REPORT OP THE CONDITIOX OF THE At Ann Arbór, Michigan, at tht' ctwe o) imsii esa, Jul 14, 1896. KESÜÜKCES. LIAB1UT1B8. Loans and Discounts (519,637 18 ,. stocks, Bomls, Mortjrages. etc 491,1128 69 Capital ook puld in 50.000 '10 Overrlrafts K34 3H Surfliif lurwi 150,000 00 Ban kin? House 20,500 00 ui'rt-VHiiil iiroflt lcw ontrent exponFurniture and Fixtures 8,417 .12 Sl' interest anit pald :J.188 40 OtuerReal Estáte 23,820 VS "viHUsiinci"1. 517 00 Due from banks in reserve cities ...134,276 98 IIEPOTTS. Due from ottaerbanks and bankerB.. 72 80 rnmmarrini .,,,,.„,, „h:o„, t„ Cbecks and cash items ],4:r 17 X,'k llt'1. 'hject to Nickels and Cents 351 29 f-nviam "iV'r -S'tóH SR p?IM sáonaYBnk-s;:::::: S - - '■■ 11.271,560 6Ü $1,271,560.52 STATE OF MICHIGAN, i ' Cotinty of vvashtenaw. ( 88i I, Charles E Hisccx.'k, cfistaier of thf abovf rintncHl iinük. do -iK-muly swear that the abovt statement is best of my krimvlei-U-r nrid i..J' Ohas. E. Hiscock Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. thiê20i)i uní .i Jnly. u-m MKii'Al" .1 Fbitz, Notary Public. Corhect Attest: Christian Mack, Y. D. Haniman, Davkl Ulnsey, Dtroctors. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, SI50.000 Resources, $1,000,000, Transacta i general banking business: hny. mO sells exebanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; sella drafts on uil t"c irn-ipa] cities of Europe. This bank, already having a largt; bnsinebM, ti iu-s n.uTutiants and othera to open accounts with them with the assinstii of tbmoai liberal dealing consistent with safe bankintr. In the Savings Depaitment interest at flu' rate ui four percent, is paid semi-annually, on the lirst days of Januury aiid Julj, uu all sums that were deposited three months previoits to tliose (iye thus iiffordingthepeople of thia city and county a perfectly safe depository fin thir nds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan üii apnroved securities. Dikectobs.- Christian Mark. Daniel Miscock, Wllard B. Smith, W. D Harrimon, William Deube!, David Riusey, 1 Gnm.-r. Officbbs.- Christian Alack, President; W. D. Harriman, Viee-President has. E. Jliscock, Cashier M. J. Fritz Ass't-Cashier.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News