The Word "dollar."
According to one authority, the word "dollar" is a corruptiou of the Germán ■word "thaler, " the foiia in Dutch being ' 'daalder. " All these different forms were derived froni Joachim's Thai, a Bohemian town, where the count of Schiiok, A. D. 1518, coined sorae excellent piecps in silver of one ounce in weight. "írom the name of the town came Joachim's thaler, applied to the above named coins as well as that of Schlicken thaler. Henee, Joachim's thaler pieces were flrst contracted into Joachim's thalers and then into thalers. These coins gained such a reputation that they became a pattern, so that others of the srane kind, though made in other places, took the name, the word assuming diñerent spelliug through the low countries, reachmg tepain as dollars, and through its proviuces transmittedto the western hemisphere, where it was appiied to coins prior to the adoption of the federal currency. In coinage the word 'dollar' is a favorite, being fonnd, tinder various spellings, in almost every part of the globe. "
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News