Argus Auguries
Friday, Argust 28- "Washtenaw Lodge, I. O. O. F. Friday, August 28- Anu Arijo r Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Friday, Augu6t 28- Open air Democratie Eally in evening. Speakers: F. A. Baker andT.E. Tarsney. Saturday, August 29- Annual Farmers' Picnic of Washtenaw, Oakland, Livingston and Wayne counties at Whitmore Lake, Saturday, August 2a- Open air democratie rally in evening. Speakers: F. A. Baker and T. E. Tarsney. Tuesday, Sept. 1- Re-opening of St. Thomas' Conservatory oí Music. Thursday, Oct. 1- Re-opening of all departments of the university. Satuiday, Sept. 5- Grand opera house, "A Breezy Time." Monday, Sept. 7- Work begins at St. Thomas' school. Thursdav, Sept. 10- Democratie county onvention to nomínate county officers, at the court house, Ann Arbor. Mouday, Sept. 14- Re-opening of High School and ward schools of the city.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News