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M A slice of minee pie made of the M JÊ right minee meat is a lunch in M W itself- an epicure's lunch. k I NONE SUCH I L MINCE MEAT Hl is the right minee meat. fl H some, fresh and delicious. For B V pies, fruit cake and fruit pudding. H T Sold everywhere. Take no substitute, K& s-nd name and address for booklet, " Mri. Ja IK Popkins' Tlianksgiviog," a humorous story, H ■I MERRELL-SOULECO.,SYRACUSE,N Y B ORDER ICE Of E. V. HANGSTERFER Having increased my snpply ünethird, am ready to fnrnish fiOO private honses with Pure Up-river Ice, guarantee both qnality and price. Delivered to aiiy Part of the City OFFICE: Cor. Washington and Fonrth avenue. SPECIAL Cappaigfï) - - OFFER The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press And The Ann Arbor Argus Botïi 4 Months, for only 50 Cts 9 The Free Press Is the Leading Semi-Weekly of Michigan. It will be of especial advantage to you during the Presidential Campaign, as it is published twice a week (Every Tuesday and Friday) and consequently is almost equal to a daily paper. It combines all the news with a long list of interesting departments, unique features and occasional illustrations. We offer thisunequaled newspaper and the Ann Areor Argus Both Four Months for Only 50 cents. Do not hesitate, but send in your order at once, as this offer holds good only until August 31, 1896. Sample copies sent free upon application. ADDRESS Aun Arbor Argus, ANN ARBOR, MICH. County Teachers' Examinations. The examinations of teachers for 1S96-7 will be held as follows : Regular examination for all grades at Ann Arbor, the third Tnursday and Friday of August, 1896, and the last Thursday and Friday of March, 1897. Regular examinations for second and third grades, at Ann Arbor, the third Thursday and Friday of October, 1896, and the third Thursday and Friday of June, 1897. Special examination for third grades at Manchester, the third Friday of September, 1896. Wm. W. Wedbmeyer, Commissioner


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News