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Chancery Notice. THE TWENTY-8EC0ND J I' DICI AL CIRculi tor the state of Michigan, in the ClrcuH Oourl for the County ol fi'ashtenaw, in ( 'ha ncery. Ella Harrlngton, eomplainant, v#. Charles F. Harrington, defendant. Il satisfaotorlly a pjt'a fiti'-ï to me by alliduvit thiu tbe defendant. Charles F. Barrington, Is a non-residanl of thls state and that he resides In the State of South Dakota: On nw tiob of E. 1!. Norris, ot' counsel tor complalna ut, ordered that defendant di oause liis appearance In thls canse to lo entered withfn tour nionilis 1'iom the date of thls order; that In dptanH thereof ihe hiu of complalnt whlch Is flled In thls can-o bc taken as confcssed by the öefendant. It is further ordorcd That. the complainant do oause tlils order to be personal 1 y ser ved or duly published pursuant to law. Dated. Ann Arbor, .Muvinii. I896. E. B. NOEWS. E. 1). KINNB, Solioitor for Complainant. Clroult Judge. A true oopy.] AN8INQBUH0, Register. Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY ol' Wiiehtenaw. Tle undersigned havlog heen npFoinled by the Prolwto Court for said Coiinty, OommiSBlooors to receive, examine und adjusi all claimw and demanda of al] peraona again8t the estáte ot Ktlix IHmlavy, late of aiiid ccunty. deoeased, hereby give noiice that 8ix uionthsfroni date are allowcd ,hy order of said Proba i e Court, for oreditors to present their clalma agaiDSt the oatato of eaid deceased. and that they will meel at tho late resideoce of suitl deceased, in the township of Webster, In sald county.nn the lOth day ofíNovemher. and od tbe lOth !.: oí February noxi, at ten o'clock a. ni. ofeací ot'snid dns. to n-ceive, exaratre and adjusl sald chiini Datec!, ámjrust mth. 18! I P TlíH'K GA1 LAGHEK, THOMAS VFALLAi 1 niisioners. Notice to Creditors, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTJf ol Washteuu'w, ts. Notice is hereby given, tnat by an order of the Probate Court foi the CouBty of' Wa&htennw, made on the 13th day pï July. A. JU 196, six inonths from thftt die were allowud for creditors to preeent their elaimp against the esta te of A lpbeus Felcb, late of snid eounty.,dejt'ased, and tb at all creditors of said üeceased are required to prese ut their claims ios;iid Probate Oourt, at the Probnte OÖice in the city oí Anu Arbor, for examiuntioo and allovance, 011 er beiore the isrh day ot' Jtiuuary next, and that such claims will bbeard before said Court on the 13th day of O et ober, and ou the I3ih day of Januaary next at ten o'clock in the foreoooii of each ofaiddays. Datec, Add Arbor. July 18, A. D. 1896. J. W11.LARD ItABBITT, Judgeof Probote. Estáte of John Crandall. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 01 Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Piobauj Court ior the County ol Washtentiw, holden at the Probate ütüce in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Friday, tbe 31at day of" July in tht year one thousHnd eight bundrw] and ninety-six. Present, J. Willard Uabbiu,,Tudie uf Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol John Cl&adall, deceased. Ou reading and fllinL the petition.duly veritivd, of' Andrew J. John-on, praying ibat he may be liceused to sell tbe Keal Eslate wbereol' saia decea&ed dted seized. Thereupon n is orde red, that Tuesd&y1, the lst day of September nest, at ten o'clock in Úw forenoon, be assigned ior the hearing of eaid petitiou,and that tho heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persous interested in eaid estnte, are reqnired to uppear tu a seraiOD of 8ati court, then to be holden at the Probate OrBce, in the city oí' Ann Arbor, and show canee, il' any there be why the prayer oí the petitioner should üot be fjrauted. And il is furtber oidered that said petttloner t;'ve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, pi the pendency oi said petitiOD and tbe hearing eausing a copy of thta order to be publiehed in the Ann Akdok Ahguh.h uewspapez priuted and c-innhittd in said couniy throe successire weeks prev!oua tosaiddav ol' hearine. J. WII.LAED BABIilTT, (A true ccpy; Judgeol I'robïH Wm. G. Dotv, Probate Heeister. Notice of Drain Letting. VOTICE IH HERBBY QIVBN THAT I, ■■' Daniel V. Barr.v, t'ounty Draln Coiimii-.tiioner ui' the County of VViishteuaw, ftuie of Michigan, wlll, on ilie I2th day of september, A. D. Iïshö, at the lowor end of draiu, lu the Townshlp of Autrusta. in said County, at tin o'clock in the forenoon of that day, proceed to receive bids lor tho cieaning .ut í a eertaln drain known ind deiunated :is"theEaet Brancb of the Mg Marsh ürain." ocated and established In the snid Townshlp of Augusta, and descrlbed follows, to-wit: Comuiencinsi where said draln intersects wit" the Uig Marsh Drain in the s w U oí s e ü of section :4, Townebip of Augusta, ;td continuinK on the line of said drain to where il terminares on the highway betwean sectlonslSiind 14, iu the said Township of Augusta. Said job will be k-t by sections. The section at the outlet of the drain wili be let flrst, and the remalniuK sectious in their order up stream, ín acoordance wlth the diagram now on file with tbe other papers pertalnlng to eaul drain, in thoilice of the Dratn Coinmisgioner, to wbich ret'erence may le had by all partlee iuterested, and bids ill bo made and recéived accordlnifly. Oontraots wlll be made wlth the lowest responslble bidder ïiviaL" adequate sectirity lor tie performance of tne Work, in a sum then and tliereto be Bxed by me, reservlng to myself the rijfht torejecf any andall bids. The date ior the compleiion of sucli contract, and the of paymen t tberefor, shall be annouDced at the time and place of letting. lotice w furtlier bereby glven, that at the time and place of said letting, or at suchothei time and plRce thereafter to wbieli I, the Drain Commlssioner aioresaid, may adjourn the -unie, t'm assessments. ior beueflts and i ba lande eomprlsed h i bln t he '"East Branch ol the Big Uarsb Drain Special Assessmeni I j i - t Mot," wlll be Bubjeot to review. The followlng is a desorlption of the several tracts or parcela of land conntltutlng the Special Aseessment District r Baid Draln: Se M "f b e H sec, il, s w ! i of e w ;i sec. ia, e : ■ ol n e li sec; 14, w y ol n w H sei of e H of se U sec. 14, s4 0f n e 'i oí sec. H, n w H of s w '.-. e. L8. s v, , ol - sec. 13, e ■' oí s w ' seo. 13, - w ' of - e 13, u w H Of f o !i 6ec. 18, u ' : Of w '.. .V n h i.i sec. 24, ■ ■ ol n w ü sec. 24, u w of n e U. seo. 24, s w !4 of n e , ,-,ec, 2 I n w '-i, sec. 24, ri ■ ■ ol a v, ', -■ c. '4, a w '.L if - e H tec. :.i. s w !.i ol s e '.i see. 'ii. all in the Townslilp of Augusta. Dated, thl82lstdy of August, A. I. 1896 DAM KL W. BAERY, Couutv Drain Commlssioner ol ihu (Jou;.ty of washtenaw.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News