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Miss Florence Potter, of E. Huron st. , is visiting in Tecumseh. Miss Lottie Ottley has gone to Bsrriea fov a few weeks' vaoation. A. F. Rockwell, lit '96, will teaoh in the Howell schools the coming year. Mrs. Horton, of Garrettsville, O., is visiting her'cousin, Mrs. M. C. Petersou. L. C. Noble and danghter, May, have gone to Mt. Clemens for a brief stay. Miss Eppie Fisher, of Nebraska. is the gnest of Rev. and Mrs. W. W, Wetniore. Mrs. Jacob Volland is visiting her soa, Prof. A. J. Volland, of Grand Rapids. Mayor Walker was too unwell yesterday to take part in the exercises of German Day. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Brooks left Wednesday for a three weeks' visit at Three Rivers. Mrs. J. G. Lynds left Monday for a rnonth's visit at Sturgis, Kalamazoo and Chicago. Miss Fannie Kline, of Jackson, is visiting the Misses Corson, at 37 E. Washington st. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Howlett and faiuily returned home from Cavauaugh Lake on Saturdav. Miss Matilda Kuhn, formerly with Mack & Co., has taken a position with E. F. Mills & Co. Miss Emma Schauenberger, of Phil' adelphia, Pa., forruerly of this city, is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Vandawarker have returned from their month's outing at New Hudson and Pontiac. Miss fíattie M. Benham arrived home from a six weeks' visit with friends in Cleveland, O., yesterday. Dr. Emil Baur, of Chicago, formerly of this city, was married to Miss Marie Becker, of that oity, Aug. 12. Philip Krausman and wife, Mr. Kuhn and wne, of Detroit, ,were the guests of Edward Camp and family over Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wessinger and Be .7 Wessinger, of Howell, were here yesterday for the Germán Day celebration. C. A. Peters and wife left Monday for Lancaster, Pa., where Mr. Peters will teach nest year in the Normal School. J. H. Wade, Mrs. Slocum and Mrs. B. F. Wade, of Jonesville, started for an outing at Les Cheneaux Islands on Saturday. Mrs. Sed James and daughter, Miss Gnssie, of Indianapolis, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown, of 21 Lawrence st. Born, August 22, to Prof. and Mrs. Carson, of Indianapolis, a boy. Mrs. Carson was formerly Miss Mary Dowdigan, of this city. Mrs. S. G. Benhain aud Mrs. W. W. Watts left yesterday for & thrie weeks' visifr with Mrs. Gershom Powers, of Grand Rapids. Mrs. Parshal], of Wayne, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. S. G. Benham for the past two weeks, will leave for home tomorrow. L J. Lisemer, editor of the Washtenaw Evening Times, has been absent frora his post this week taking a brief period of rest and reoreation. Mrs. W. H. Whitmarsh and daughter Imo visited Mrs. W. VV. Watts on Modday, aud left for Inkster, Tuesday to vieit Mrs. Whitmarsh's sister. Mrs. Martin Schaller, Miss Lizzie Kemper aud Miss Alioe Colemau, Battle Creek, went to Detroit on their wheels Tuesuay morning to visit friends. Rbv. M. Sullivan, S. J., is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, of N. State, Et. He has just returned from Innspruok, Austria, where he has been following a course of special study at the uuiversity and where he joined the Jesuit order. Frank and Donald Mclntyre and Harry Browu took a pleasure ride on their wheels to the home of Miss Berdie Nixon, in Ann Arbor town, last Tuesday. Frank favored his friends with inany songs and music, and at the close of the day they bid the family good bye, mounted their wheels and rode home by the light of the moon.