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An Exciting Meeting

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The school caucus held in the court room last evening was one of the hottest ever held iu this city. Ie was called to nominate three trustees to take the places of Dr. W. B. Smith, J. T. Jacobs and Leonhard Grnuer, whose terms expire. Fully 800 people were present, a large portion beiug ladies. On the part of the ladies the pre-emiuent desire was first to uominate Mrs. Ida C. Finuey; secoud, Dr. W. B. Smith, and third, Ottiuar Eberbach. ïo this end a combine had evidently been entered intobetweeu the parties named, which was to work iu this way. First uominate Air. Jacobs and Mr. Eberbach with the aid of the ladies' vote and then the friends of these gentlemen to turn in and help nominate Mrs. Fiuney. But this did not work and as a result of the evident combine Dr. Smith was turned down and Mrs. Finney just managed to get a plaoe on the ticket and that was all. The slogan of the meu, at least a great rnany of them, was "anyone except Mrs. Finney," and that is what the ballot showed all throngh the evening. The meeting lasted two hours and a half. The ticket as finally put up was J. T. Jacobs, Ottmar Eberbach and Mrs. Ida C. Fiuney. Uapt. Manly stated the object of the meeting and ealled Martin J. Oavanaugh to the chair. He ruled the caucus in a flrm and fair rninded way and wonld uot be run off the straight track by anybody or anything. A. A. Pearson waschosuu as secretary. Miss Einraa E. Bower, Chas. E. Hiscpck and Johu R. Miuer were appoiuted tellers and to theiD later 011 was added Capt. Manly. On motiou of Capt. Manly it was decided to elect one trustee at a time. A. J. Sawyer moved that all the uomiuations be inade at ouce; that a ballot be taken and the one naviug the highest unmber of votes be declareö nominated, and then proceed to auother ballot for seooud and third ehoice in like mauner. This was objeoted to by Capt. Manly on the ground that the largest nuruber of votes would uot necessarily mean a ïnajority of all the votes cast. The inotion was defeated. Arthur Brown's propositiion to nomínate a minority ticket after the majority ticket had been nominated did not meet witb favor and be withdrew :he motion. Dr. W. B. Smith, .1. T. Jacobs, Arthur Brown, Ottmar Eberbach, Mrs. Ida C. Finney, Prof. B. A. Hindsale and Robert Campbell were placed in uomination. The flist ballot stood : Smith 93, Jacobs 60, Fiuney 39, Eberbach 25, Brown 18, Hinsdale 0, Campbell 1, Spencer D. Lennon 1. In the Eecond ballot the contest narrowed down to Smith and Jacobs. In the third Jacobs lad 143, Smith 127, the rest scattering, aud Jacobs was nominated For the second nouiiuation three balots were taken, Eberbach beiug uomïnated on the third with 134 votes to Smith's 119. Then carne the tug of war aud the flrst ballot stood Brown 104, Mrs. Fin ney 88, Smith 58. Arthur Browu withdrew his name in favor of Mrs. Fiuney but to no purpose his frieuds still kept voting for him. He wonld certainly have beeu elected on the nest ballot. Just before the third ballot Prof. F. V. Kelsey was put iu nomination but the idea did not take with the crowd who evidently did uot want uuiversity mes on the board. Before the final ballot was taken Capt. Manly put forward the name of Spencer D. Lennon. By this time the people were rapidly thiuning out and the ballot that followed decided the thing. Mrs. Fiuney got 93 votes, Lennon 40, Smith 26, Brown. 21 aud others scattering. It was uow 10:30 and the big cauctis rapidly dissolved aud the people left for their homes, but the man or woman who thinks there will not be more tickets iu the field next Mouday will be awfully fooled.