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A FINANCIER. lnto the sactum Sadly be carne; "Times are too hard; Cross off name." A monster circus, .Tust o'er the í'ence- Hé blew in eisht dollars And nineieen cents. The price oí coal has gone up to f 6. 50 a ton. The open season for ducks commenced Tuesday. J. V. Sheehan has purchased the vacant lot on E. Huron st. , west of and adjoining his property. Price $2,100. During the month of August 141.68 was paid out in this county for sparrow bounties. Of this amount Ann Arbor paid $92. J. W. Wing will address a silver rally at the schoolhouse in Scio, between Ann Arbor and Dexter, tomorrow evening at 7 p'clock. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campion, Monday afternoon. a girl. Frank's smiling face shines brighter than ever these days. The Michigan Furniture Co.'s factory has again resumed operations after being shut down for three weeks to make some important repairs. Hon. George H. Durand, of Flint, was ou Monday appointed by Gov. Rich a member of the state board of law examiners for a term of five years He will succeed nimseii. Dr. Frank Bournes, assistant to the chair of surgery iu the medical department of the aniversity, bas been appointed a full professor in the Southern Medical College of Atlanta, Ga. The Salvation Army had a jubilee service on Monday morning at which Major Higgins, who is known in army circles as the "globe trotter," delivered an address. Many aoldiers from out of the city were present. John Smith, of Ann Arbor town, los 16 brace rods belonging to a windruil on the Whitmore Lake road.near the J C. Allen farm, on Thursday of las week which he would be glad to ge track of. Any information that will lead to their recovery will be thank fully received by him. Eugene Daly, of this city, has been granted an original pensión. New gutters are being put down in front of the business blocks on S. State st. Wni. Potter, of Alpena, a brother of Rev. T. G. Potter, of E. Huron st., died in that city on Tuesday. The nest meeting of the A. M. E. conference of this state will be in Flint the last Thursday in August, 1897. The Ana Arbor Railroad excursion to Toledo to bear William J. Bryan speak carried 106 people from Aun Arbor. There will be 16 instruments in the Young Men's Christian Association brass band. Waltor Crego will be its instructor. The Wolverine Cyclers will not have a road race this year. The encouragement they receive does not warrant the trouble. The first number in the Choral Dniou series of coneerts tbis season vill be Thomas' Chicago Orohestra, .Tuesday, Nov. 10. The next regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held on Thursday nest. Sept. 10, at 3 o'clook, in the post officie block. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Electric Railway Co. flled articles of incorporation with the secretary of state Thursday of last week. lts capital stock is $100,000. . A first class cafe is about to be opened in the south store of the Pratt Block by Corroa & Ryan, of Jackson. Timothy Ryan, the junior member of the firm is au old Ann Arbor boy. Miss B. McKone, daughter of the late Patrick McKone, of Lyndon, died Wednesday morning after a long illness of cancer. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's church, Chelsea, this morning at 10 o'clock. W. G. & E. Dieterle have sold an order of 500 worth of beautiful oak and mahogany furniture to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davis, who are students in the medical department, which in the spring will be shipped to their home in South África City Clerk Mills got funny the other day and he got so funny that he had to erpetrate a pun on the proposed tranient traders' ordinance. He said the jroposed ordinance would undoubtedly apply to all "bicyclers who pedaled witnout a license. " Florian Muehlig has gone into the undertakiug business and has purchased he hearse and other funeral equipments used by hi3 fatoor, John Muehlig. He will put in a complete stock of new askets aud add a fine new funeral car o the equipment of nis establishment. Survices will be resumed in the Uaiarian church next Sunday morning. ïev. J. T. Sunderland, the pastor, who as been absent duriug the past year raveling in Europe, Palestine and udia, has returned and will occupy he pulpit. Evening services will uot jegin until Oct. 1. Poor Commissioner Mason says that ;he county house has only 36 inmates t present which is the lowest number n many years. The ordinary suramer dumber is abóufc 75 and in winter there re usually over 100 inmates. Of the 6 one is insane and one imbecile, sevral are weak-ruinded, aud nearly all of hem are very old. There is only one hild. And still the number of divorce suits on file in the county clerk's office to be ried at the ne.xt term of court iucreases. On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Hattie Marken, of York, filed a )ill for divorce against her husband George Marken on the ground of exreme cruelty and failure to provide 'or her and her children. The couple iave beeu married 12 years and have two children. F. E. Jones is attorney 'or Mrs. Marken John Jacob Gutekunst, of 25 Pontiac st. , north side, was found dead in bis )ed Tnursday evening when his family returned home from the Gerruan Day exercises in Relief park. A coroner's lury returned a verdict of death from heart disease, from which the deceased aad been for some time ailing. He was over 70 years old. The funeral seivices were held at his late residence Saturday afternon, Rev. Max Hein officiating. His remains were buried in the Fifth ward cemetery. The fire department had three runs on Wednesday for small blazes. The first was in the afternoon to 39 División st. , where some bot coals had fallen from the door of the chiinney in the cellar, and burned up some waste papor. At 7 o'olock a lace curtain in M joodale's bonse on E. Washington st. caught fire but was extinguished before any damage was done. At 8 o'clock a chimney blaze at Prof. Cooley's house on Packard st. again called out the depariment. Prof. J. F. Schaeberle, whose new music store advertisement appears in today's Argus, has a very neatly arranged store at 8 W. Liberty st. He is ag?nt for several makes of pianos, also for the Farrand & Votey organs. In addition he has a nice stock of all kinds of musical instrumens and merchandise. The professor also repairs stringed instrumenta and occasionally makes a violin. He is au old Ann Arbor boy and should ïeceive a generous patronage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Esslinger celebrated the silver aDniversary of their wedding on Saturday. Among the guests present were Gaspar Jacob and family, of Sharon ; Fred Tag and family, of Clinton ; Wm. Stein and family, of Aurian ; Christian Schlegel and family, of Btidgevvater, Mrs. Fred Graf and children, of Bridgewater ; Fred Schlezzel and family, and C. Esslinger and family, of this city. Rev. J. Speek - mau made a speech, whicb was well received. Mr. and Mrs. Esslinger wero the recipients of many bandsome presents. - Times. The tepublicau ward canonses will be held Monday evening, Sept. 14. The Young Men's Christiau Associatiou night sohool will commence cm or about Oct. 1. The outlook is good for a large attendance this year. G. G. Sfimson will give the address at the YouDg Men's Christian Association rooms SunSay afternoon at 2 :46 o'clook. Subject: "Iodustry, duty and reward. " The amonnt to be raieert for the construction of District No. 5 sew6r is 110,808.50. The rate of assessment will be 127.10 on eaoh $1,000 valuation in thu district. The first tea social of the year given by the ladies of St. Andrew's parish will take place next Thursday evening, at 6 o'clock. The ladies are desirous that the people of the parish and their friends should all make it a point to be present. Among'Wë star route postal changes announced Tuesday is the following : "Route 371T8 - Eckert to Ana Arbor; modify order of Aug. 7, 1896, changing service to begin at new site of Ëckert, so as to state increase indistanoe as five miles." Wm. Walsh has sold a Deering corn harvester like the one that won the contest on O. A. Ainsworth's farm in Ypslianti, Saturday, to A. F. Smitb, of Webster. Fully 75 people were present on the farm Tuesday morning to see it start at work. Present indications are that the attendance at the state normal school, Ypsilanti, this year will be greater than ever. Over 1,200 applications for year books have been received, a number greater than in any previous year at coresponding date. J. W. Hart, the strong man, who was giving exhibitions of his strength iu this oity some days ago, is anxious to meet A. Ed. Myers, of the U. of M., in a lifting con test. He says he can lift more with one finger than Meyeis can with his whole hand. A jolly crowd of 16 in nnmber went over to Saline Sunday to cali on Mrs. Wiedhammer, mother of Miss Elizabeth Wiedhammer, of this city. As the peach oruhard was not f ar f rom the house they all went out and spent about an hour there eating and looking over the orchard. Before leaving for home they wete given an el9gant supper. - Times. Hon. C. E. Belknap, of Grand Rapids, had a conferenoe with Gov. Rich Mnndav relative to the nublication of the history of Michigan regiments in the battles of Chickamaugua and Chattanooga. Mr. Belknap is chairuoan of the committee appointed two years ago to prepare the histnry. The manuscript is now complete, and if the state does not see fit to publish the work, Mr. Belknap says he wil! undertake the job himself. John M. Stahl, secretary of the Farmers' National Congress and PaoAmerican Agricultnral Parliament, asks in the September number of the North American Review, "Are the Farmers Populista?" contendiug that American farmers, as a body, have always by their votes proved thetnselves solicitous for the national honor, and they will do so again in the approaching election. .Charles J. Gardner, a well known carpenter of this city, died at his home, 71 Miller ave., on Tuesday morning about 0:30 o'olock, of smokers' cáncer, frorn which he had been a sufferer for sume time. He was 57 years old last March and had lived here for many years. He leaves a wife and several children. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon and the burial was in Forest Hill cemetery. Through the resignation of JohD C. Lodge, city editor of the Detroit Free Press, and the promotion of tbe night city editor, Phil J. Reid, to flll the vacancy, E. J. Ottoway, formerly of this city, has received a boost up the ladder. He has been appointed to the night city editorship and bis many friends in this city are glad to hear of it. Ott. is not an old newspaper man by any meaos, bnt he is a good ooe as his present promotion indicates. The fire department was called out at 10 o'clock Sunday morning by a fire in Mrs. Fincham's house, No. 9 E. University ave. SVhen the boys got there tbey found a brisk blaze in the upper part of the house. It was quickly extinguished, and the dainage to tbe house will be 1200 or more, covered by insurance. The conteuts weie damaged as innen more by water and smoke, also insured. There was no one in the house at tbe time of thé fire. Next Monday evening, Sept. 7, the city democratie ward oaucuses to elect delegates to the county convention next Thuisday, will be held. Good democrats should see to it that only such men are selected as delegates who will go to the convention prepared to vote for the men who will bring the greatest strength to the ticket tbis fall and not be governed by tbe selfishness of one man who may be dispose:! to pull the delegation to him and the office he seeks regardless of how the balance of the ticket may be manned. An exchange says: "Will some one kindly teil us why it is that people are ei-ying 'bard times' and, as soon as there is an excursión, show, or a patent medicine fakir come aloug, they always have eight or ten dollars to invest? There are many who do this. The editor notices this, as well as the grocer, the druggist, the merebant, etc, because bilis long past due remain unpaid. Do you see the point?" Well, yes, we do see the point. We have noticed it time and again that men who owe us gopd large bilis are never able to pay them wben they are dunned, but if they want to attend some lodge convention or other large gathering, where they expect to have a good time, can spend doublé the amount of the aforesaid bül in order to go there. Tickets are sold and seats reseived for entertainments at the Grand opera honse at the U. S. express office, ou W. Hurón st., now. Mrs. J. 8. M-ann, of Ann Arbor town, died yesterday morning of cáncer, aged 43 years. The funeral services will be held at the house tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The reorganization of the Lansing Iron & Engine Works Friday sbowed two Aun Arbor stockholders: First National Bank, $2,500; Farmers & Mechanics Bank, $2,500. The fire departnient boys are digging a trenoh 135 feet long in which to lay a pipe to connect with the waste pipes of their new bath tubs. The pipe will oonnect with the sewer on E. Huron st. Applications for admission to the University School of Music are coming in rapidly. More have registeied than iu any previous year at a coriesponding time and Prof. Stanley is accordingly jubilant. Mr. E. N. Bilbie will leave in a few days for Pittsburg, Pa., where be has secured a fine position in the Symphony Orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Frederick Archer. What is Am Arbor's loss will be Pittsburg's gaio-. "Eailroad Jack," a young fellow who rides arouud the country in a hammock which he hangs under freight cars, spoke to a large crowd of people on the court house square last evening. It was a barangue in favor of Pingree and the republican party. John flatpst, father of Fred Harpst, of this city, died Friday at Maybee, aged 77 years. The funeral servioes were held Sunday afternoon at the Sandy Creek Lutheran church. Mr. Haipst was one of the pioneers of that part of the country. The political debate at Cbelset on Wednesday between Thomas E. Barkworth and Charles G. Townsend, of Jackson, on "Gold vs. Silver," is said to have been a most brilliant one. Only a slim crowd was present, however, to listen to it. Wm. Whiteman, of Miller ave., raised on one branob one-half inch in diameter and two feet in length, 3? good sized Meloooton peacbes. He has 175 peach trees and will get 200 bnshels of peaches from them. He is now picking them and bnyers say they are superior to the late Crawford. The estimated popnlation of Michigan for 1895 is 2,273,579, including urban population, 448,498, and rural popnlation 1,430,081. These figures are reported by the secretary of state and were based on the United States census of 1890, the state census of 1894, and the aunual per cent of inorease. Reports to the state board of health show that diarrboea, rheuinatism, neuralgia, bronchitis and cholera morbus in order named caused the most sickness in Michigan duriag the past week. CoDsumption was reported at 217 places; typhoid fever at 59, diphtberia at 10, measles at 8, scarlet fever at 16, whooping-cough at 8. The will of Mrs. Jane Cuddeback, of Vernon, has been filed for probate. The estáte involved is abont f5,000. Tlifi hñirs intareifftd ara the smis. Eli. J. ilG 1 1 C: J. 1 O IJJlC'll. THAI Ul liJL) ,'UII.T XJil, of Ana Arbor, and James A., residence nokuown, and the grandchildren, Walter and Homer and Rockwell, of Mexico, and Editli, of Ann Arbor. James A. is to receive her property in the village of Veruon. - Owosso Argns. The county clerk has in hispossession supplements in book form to the township offlcers' guide coutaining all the changes anrl additions to the duties of township offieers, enacted by the legislatures of 1S91, 1893 and 1895, with sopreme conrt decisions to December, 1S94. The book is compiled aud pnblished nnder the supervisión of Secretary of State 'iardner, and copies are now awaiting the arrival of the varions township offlcers to carry tbem away. An exchange says a new party bas addsd three new planks to its platform, "The first oue is to cross the lightning bug and the honey bee, so that the latter can see to work at night, thus donbling the supply of honey aud making it cheaper to the consumer. The second plank demands that tbe bog shall be crossed with the cjntipede, so that eacb hog will have 100 hams and the new party can eat ham tbree times a day. The third plank proposes to engraft the strawberry npon the niilkweed so tbat the people ean have strawberries and cream without having to mix them. These planks are so seducive that it is expected tbat everycne will flop over to tbe new parry. "