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Chancery Notice. THK TWF.NTY-SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUÍ1 tor the state of Michigan. In the Oircuit Oourt lor the County of Washtenaw, in Ohancery., Elln Harrlngton, complainant, va. Charles F Harrlngton, defendant, It satlsfaotorlly appearlng to me by affldavii ihai the defendant, 1'. Barrington, a non-resldunl of i hls state and thai be resides In the State of South Dakota: Ou 1110tion of E. B. Non-i, of counsel for eomplainant, ordorod tliut defcndiint do cause his appearanoe in this cause to be entered within tour tnonths from the date of tbls order; thut in delault thereof the bill of complalnt whloh iaflledln thlg oause be taken as contessed by the defendant. ■ It la turther ordered that the complatnant do ca,use this order to be personally served or duly published pursuant to law. Dated. Ann Arbor, MayRth. 1896. E. B. NORBIS. E. D. K1NKE, Solicitor forl'omplainant. Circuit Ji A true oopy.] AN8INQBÜHG, Register. Estáte of Thomas Kearns. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP Waahtenaw, ss. Ata gestión of the Probate Court tor the County of VVashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iu the City of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the I8th day of August, in the year one thousand eight bundred and ninety-six. Present, J.Willard linbbitt, Judjre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi Thomas Kearas, deceased. Teresa Kearne, tbe administrador of sald estáte, comee Intocourt and representa that '-lic Is prepared ti rendei her Bnal account rs such adminlsi rator. Thereupon it is nrdered that Tuesday, the 15th dnv ,t September, uext, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon, be assigned for examinin and allowing suoh account, and thai the al law ui said deceased and allother persons interested iu said estáte, aro requlred to appear at a session of said Court, theii to bc holden at the Probate Offioe, in the City of Anu Arbor, Insaid Cuunty, and show uause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it i8 further ordered that said admiuistrator give notiee to the poreona Intereated in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causinga copy of this order to be published ín the Aun Albor Argüe, a newspaper printed and olroulating Ín sald oounty, three successive weeks previóus to said day of hearing. J. WiLLARD BABBITT, Judgeof Probate. I A true eopy-1 Wm.G. Duty. Probate Register. Estáte of Catherine Mclntyre. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washienaw, ss. At a aessíon of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Office in the City ol Ano Arbor, on Mondar, the 24tta duy of August, in the year one tbousand eight huudred and UHiety-six. Present. J. Willarü Bubbiit, Judge ot ProbHte. In the muiter ot the eatate ol Catherine Mcintyre, deceased. Onreadiugand filintr the petition, duly verlfied, of l'atiick Mclutyr, prayiug that a ceriuin mptruinent nowun tile in tuiscuurt, purport ug to he the last wil] aiul testament of said deceaaed, may beadniittod to probate and that administra tion ot' said estáte may be ranted tohimsclt the executor in saiil wili miiued oröome other suitable person. Thereupon it Is ordered, thm Mouday, the list day of September next, at ten o'clock In the forenoun, be assigncd lor tbe heariisg of said petition. aud that the devise s, legatees and beirs at lawof aitid deceased. aud uil other persons i uterested in said estáte are retjuircd to appem at a sts siou of fRÚl Court, tben to be holden at tbe Probate Ollicc in the city of Aun Arbor, andshow cause it any tuure be, why the prayer ut" tbe petitioneröhould not bp granted: Aud it is t'urther ordered that said petitionerive notice to the persons interesled in said estáte of the peodency ut said petition and tlu; hearing thereof by causiugucopy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbob Argus, u newspaper printeJ and cu-oulctted in said county, tli iet sucoeasive week f previóus to said day of hearing. J.WILLAKD BAUBITT, [ A true copy.] Jude oi l'robatö Wm. G. üóty. Probate Rtüiater. Notice of Drain Letting. VOTICE [S IIKKEBY 8IVKN THAT I, ■L" Daniel W. Barry, County Dratn Coinmissloner of the County of Waahtenaw, state of Michigan, will, ou the 12th day of September, A. D. 1896, at the lower end uf drain. In the Township of Augusta, iu said County, at ten o'clock in the forenoun of that day, proceed to receive bid for the cleaningoui if u eertuin drain kuown md deslgnated us"theEast Branch of the Big Marsh uraln," located and established in the said Township of Augusta, and deseribed as iollows, to-wit: Commencinir where said drain intersecta witn the líiií Uarsb Drain in the s w SL of s e 4 of section 24. Township of Augusta, aud continuinjc ou the line of said drain to wher e it terminates on the highway between sed tions l'ó and 14, in the said Township ot Au - gusta. Saidob will be let by sectlons. The section at the outlet of the drain will be let flrst, and the remalning sectlons in their order up stream, in acoordance with the diasrram now on flle with tbe other papers pertalnlng to said drain, in the office of rhe Drain Cotnniisgioner, to which reference may be had by all partles interested, and bids wil] be made and received accordlngly. Contracts will be made with the lowesi responsible bidder giring adeiiuate security for t.e performance o( the work, in a sum then und there to be iixed by me, reservinü to myself the right to reiect any and all bids. Tlie date tor the completion ofsuch conliact, and I be tei of payment therefor, Bhall be innounced at the time and place of letting. otíce is further hereby given, that at the time and place of said letting', or at such other time and thereafter to which I, the Drain Comini-iouer aloresaid, may adiourn the same, the asséssments for beneflt and the landa comprised witliiu the"East Branch of the Big Marsh Drain Special Asseesmeui District," will be subieot to review. The foilo Ing Is a descriptionof the several traots or pan-els ol land constituting the i-pecial Asêessment District of suid Drain: Sr ' l Of s e ' SeC. 11, S W ü of S W '.i S6C. 18, e ' 'f n e 14 sec. 14. w '; of uw', of e ' of s e H sec. 14. s 5i of a e U of se} sec. 14, n W ', ol 9YM sec. 18, s V? ', of s w ü , ■ ol h i -■■'■. 13, - ■ oi se H sec. 13, n w M ol - e 'i sec. IS, n ; ol n :- oi n w % sec. '-'t, e : - ni' ii w ! i sec. 24, n w ! i al ■ i sec. 'i, e w 't of u e , sec. 'M. - "■■ of w '_■ of n -,■,■. ii n e 'i of e ■'. , - e. 24, n w ],j of 9 c sec. 34, s Tí 'i ui s e 4 sec. 24, all In the Township of Augusta. Dated. this 21st daj of August, A.D. 1896 DANIEL W. BARRY, County Drain Commlssioner if the Couuty of Washtenaw.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News