ïirs. A. M. Doty is visiting in Detroit. Miss Lizzie Esslinger is visiting relatives in Clinton. Lloyd Whituian is in Niles for a three weeks' visit. Miss Jeanetts Wilsey is visitiug friends in Illinois. Miss Winnie McLachlan, of Detroit, is visiting friends in the city. Henry DePue and daughter, Winnie, are in Detroit visiting relativfis. Mrs. J. F. Schuh and son have been upending the week at Whitmore Lake. C. F. Waterman, of Hartford, Conn., bas been visiting bis párente on División st. Prof. T. C. Trueblood and son have gone on a tvvo weeks' bicycle trip through Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Stofflet, of Hazleton, Pa., are the guests of F. Stofflet and wife, Miss Nellie Avery, of Milan, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Dieterle, on S. Fourth ave. Robert Phillips, cashier of the State Savings Bank, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation. Rev. Henry Tatlock arrived home Monday from his sunarner vactaion spent in New, York. J. E. Wyman and family, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting Mis. Wm Canwell,. of Chnbb st. Mrs. Wm. Haskins has disposed of her livery stable on W. Ann st. and will remove to Adrián. Herbert A. Williams and family have returned home f rom a two weeks'" vacation spent in Detroit. Miss Alice Coleman has returned home to Battle Creek, after visiting her friend, Mrs. Martin Schaller. Walter Seabolt, teller at the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, has been spending this week at Whitmore Lake. Dr. John R. Rogers, medio '95, of Detroit, was in the city the latter part of last week, visiting friends. Dr. D. M. Tyler will return home nf-xt wtek from his summer's stay in Lesli. He is much improved in health. Mrs. T. C. Phiilips, of Mihvaukee, Wis,, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whedon, of N. State st, I. W. Simmons, of Owosso, the successor of D. A. Hammond on the state board of education, was in the city Tuesday. Miss Etta Baxter, of 48 S. Fourth ave., is having a three weeks' visit with her parents and friends iü Aylmer, Ont. Dr. Robert Wenley and family have arrived from Scotland and are getting their residence on Packard st. ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Arndt and son, of Marshall, are visiting Mrs. Geo. Henne, of W. Liberty st. , and other friends. On Saturday last a boy was born to Dr. Clarence Miner and wife, of Fresno, Cal. Dr. Miner is a son of John R. Miner, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gates and granddaughter Mabel, of Superior, left Wednesday for Greely, Coló., to visit their sons for several months. Mrs. T. W. Mingay and Mrs. O. M. Martin went to Big Rapids, Wednesday, for a few days' visit with their friend, Mrs. Robert Ball. The Misses Bender aDd Elizabeth C. Mogk returned Saturday froru tbeir trip down the lakes, the river St. Lawrence and through the Thousand Isles. Miss Bertha Feiner and aephew. Mastei Ralph Barker, have returned home froru a seven weeks' visit with her brother, Charles Feiner and family, at Clinton, la. John Hillman, janitor of Harris ball and St. Andrew's churcb, who went to England some time ago in tbe hope that the ohange would benefit bis health, has taken such a serious tura for the worse at his parents' borne in Newbury, near London, Eng., that tbe doctors have given him up and his death is expected at any moment. James A. LeRoy, lit '96, who has been appointed principal of the Pontiac schools, left for his new field of labor Saturday. Mr. LeRoy has been a close, bard working student and a prominent figure in nuiversity oiroles for the past three years and his many friends wish him the greatest success. He pnrposes returning to his alma mater later in life to study law. A. A. Terry left Monday evening for St. Paul, Minn., and from there he will go to Clinton, Ia , where it is very likely he will make bis future home. Ann Arbor loses a good citizen in Mr. Terry's departure. During his 57 years' residence in this city he has enjoyed the respect, confidence and esteem of its residents. In the earlier years of his residence Mr. Terry was a contractor and sume of the bonestest puf up buildingrs in the eily are b;s work. last bnsinens enterprüe wns in the gerits' fornisinns business, in which he was greatly resppoted for bis upright dealings. Should Mr. Teiry reconaider bis -termination and return here to i-: ;ide. I is many friends in Ann Atbor will b pleaséd to bear of it. Charles Spoor is iu Owosso to visit his daughter, Mrs. O. P. Webster. Miss Genevieve Duffy is in Hancock making a rwo weeks' visit with friends. Miss Anna M. Forsythe is making an extended visit with friends in the east. Mrs. Fred Schaible and children, oi Manchester, are visiting relatives in the city. Dr. C. E. Burchfield, of St. Joseph, has been spending the past few days with his parents. A. E. Warren, of the Saline Observer, made the Agrns a brief but pleasant call Friday. E. P. Cook and farnily left Monday for a two weeks' visit with friends in Minneapolis, Minn. Harry W. Hawley, editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, is visiting his faiher-in-law, Christian Mack. Mrs. S. W. Beakes retnrned Wednesday froru a six weeks' visit with relatives in New York and New Jersey. Dr. John Dowdigan, of Owosso, was here the early part of the week for a short visit with friends and relatives Mrs. George and Miss Clara Feiner have been spending a week with the family of George Brucklacher in Webster. Mrs. Clyde Kerr and son Vernie, are ruaking a four weeks' visit with her uncle, Cbrist. Heinznjann, in Bay City. Miss Eliza Hill, of S. Statest., left Saturday for Jamestown, S. D. , where she has a positiou as teacher in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burchfield and daughters will leave next week for Texas City, Tesas, which will be their future home. Miss Amelia McLaren returned Tuesday evening from a five weeks' vacation spent with friends in Lansing and Minneapolis. Mrs. Micnie Vanderwerker and son Ernest, and Miss May Wing returned Saturday from a month's outing at Whitmore Lake. Mrs. Frank Mead, of Racine, Wis., is spendiug a month with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Matthewson, and uiece, Mrs. D. M. Tyler The Misses Ellen and Lizzie Howard, Elizabeth Weinmann and Snyder have beeu enjoying a vacation at Petoskey the past week. Miss Gertrude Beakes, of Bloominghnrg, N. Y., arrived Wednesday to speud tne fall and winter with her brother, S. W. Beakes. Mrs. Eli VV. Moore attended the wedding of Mr. George R. Miller and Miss üara Westgate, at River Raisin, Thursday evening of last week. Will C. Hollands, of the university book bindery, attended a meeting of the National Bookbinders' Association, at Cleveland, this week. fiev. J. Dieterle aud Miss Lucy Daehlor, of Troy, O., have returned home after a mouth's visit with friends aud relatives iu the city. Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson, who have been speuding the summer with her mother, Mrs. Aretus Dunn, left Monday night for their home in Centralia, 111. Mrs. G. H. Hicks, of Washington, D. C. , who is spending the summer with her father at Whitmore Lake, has been visiting in the city the past few days. Dr. Eliza M. Moshier arrived Tuesday night from Brooklyn, N. Y., and will in a few days take possession of Mrs. George S. Morris' house on S. State st. , which she bas rented for the coming year. Mrs. D. M. Tyler returned from her summer outirjg on Saturday. She will open her dancing school in Nickels' hall, Oct. 1. A children's sbhool will be a new feature of the school the ooming season. Mrs. Frank Howard will return home this week from the Tnrtle Mountains, where ene spent the snmmer. The thermometer never went higher than 70 degrees during July and August iu that región. Torry C. Thompson, formerly of this city. but now of Tacoma, Washington, is visiting his mother on S. State st., after au absencs of 14 years. A pleasant family reuuion was held Saturday, celebrating his mother's 70th birthday. Chas. Wagner, who is spending the summer at Wequetonsing, left his summer dnmicile Saturday and returned in the evening with at least a bushei of fine trout. Dr. A. K. Hale, who is rusticating about Little Traverse bay, is looked upon as the best fisherman in the neighborhood. Although he is there on account of his hay fever affliction, yet he erjjoys it as much as though he were on Zukey. George J. Haller is in Northern Michigan writing up Little Traverse Bay for "Head Light.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William G. Burchfield
Christian Mack
Amelia McLaren