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Freedom farmers are cutting their corn orop. There are 11 teachers íd the Chelsea schools this year. Ragweerl was never so thick and lurge before as it is this year. It is rumored that the Hamion house, Saline, will chaDge hands soon. C. M Audrevi's. a forroer resident of Chelsea, died in Hersey, Wednesday of last week. George Chandler, of Milau, is convalesciug from a seven weeks' attack of typhoid fever. The Brooklya base ball club defeated the Manchester boys Wednesday of last week by a score of 15 to 11. Rev. Ross, of Cone, baptized several people in the Saline river, two miles south of Saline, last Sunday. Fred Maooinber, of Unadilla, lost a valuable horse recently, its death beiug caused by rapture of the heart. Hamburg people raised f280 towards pay'ng the salary of Rev. Hicks of the M. E. ohuioh during the past year. Chelsea has a silver club officered as f ollows : Mark Lowry president, Johu Beissel secretary, A. C. Pierce treasuter. The Manchester Enterprise says that merchauts and produce buyers 3n that village pay better prices than rule elsewhere. Fred Scbaible, of Manchester, is jn'akina a kiln of briok. He has about 00 made aud expects to get out 100,000. F H. Koebbe, of Freecioni, has takeu the school census of nis district and fiuds 47 chidren of school age against 36 last year. The Congregational scoiety of Chelsea has extended a cali to Rav. John S. Edrnuuds, of Oxford, to accept the pastorate of the chnrch. The colored people of Whittaker gave a picnic in Obilds' grove, Wednesday of last week, and a concert in the town hall in the evening. The Lady Maccabees of Milán give a harveBt home social at their hall this evening. The L. O. T. M. drill is part of the entertainment. Charles Van Orden and Miss Barbara Kalmbach, of Chelsea, were married at the home of the bride's parents in that village on Wednesday of last week. VVhen Fred Neihouse, of Lima, celebrated his 50th birthday Aug. 29, the carpentors and masons eugaged in building his new house presented him witli a handsoine chair. Mrs. Joseph LeRoy, of Belleville, while feeding her ohickens the other day stumbled over a stick of wood aud feil, breaking her right arm rnidway between the wrist and elbow. Ephraim Jude, of South Lyon, last week gatbered plums from his ycuag trees, which were at the time laden with ripe fruit, a second erop of green fruit and a large output of blossoms. Miss Bridget MoKune, of Lyndon, dierl Wednesday of last week, of cáncer, aged 83 yeara. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's church, Chelsea, on Friday morning, the pastor, Rev. W7illiam Considine, celebrated the high mass of Requiem, and Rev. Dr. Rielly, of Adrián, preached the sermoü. Milán Chapter No. 106, Order of the Eastern Star, elected officers Tuesday eveuing of last week as follows: Worthy matron, Mrs. Belle Zimmerinan ; worthy patrón, C. M. Debenham; associate matron, Mrs. Cora Clark; secretary, Mrs. Flora Debenham ; treasurer, Mrs. Etta Pyle ; conductress, Mrs. Mary Kelley; associate conductress, Mrs. Ella Bray. Installation will take place next Tnesday evening. Past Wortby Patrón A. B. Smith will be the installing offleer. The mischievous propensities of some "divils" of schoolboys in Milán has cost the school district $50 to $75. The Milan Leader says: "He or tbey had filleri the pump and casing of the well with gravel, sand, marbles, uails, etc. In consequence thereof the pump was ruined ; in cleaning the casing of the the screen the valve was broken, a nail having become fasteued iu it. The screen then had to be drawn, and when cleaned aud a new valve put on and lowered, wfaere boiore tbnre had 'een au abundauca of water, beüold, no water was there, ueitner .u tbe formei üeptb nor above ui tielow ; il h..d disappeared as if by magio." A üp-v sa to be dug and all tb-'s espeue aud uunoyan oe was e sper i tiwd ou m uonut of some kids who shoi; 'i i e uu." v better. '. Haven?, a forttier resident oí V';l:'.;ti, flit-d m Cheboygau last pr-K - Cínííi Spencer wil] teacb the it. D.aírict No. 3 of Milau townhliifi eins yi Soii'iutiti Tato, of Bndgewatér, lost y fire Tue.-day of last fttii! ílp b:irn was savert only by iiic prumpt aud hard werk of the neighIjOlll. Manu's olothin store at Pinckney, w:is bnrglarized receutly aud considerable Clnthiqg aud some valuable papers wero carried off. Rv. L. P. Davis, presidiug eider of the Detroit district, preached and aduiii)istei"d the sacrameut of the Lord's Supper at tlie M. E. churob, Milau, last Snuday eveuiug. The Manchester areamery started by W. C. Tew, carne to a sudden halt Satmday, Aug. 29, when his creditors maroheci ín aud flled chattel mortgages against bina to secure their pay. Lufayette Gee, a youug farmer of Dmidee, tooka wagon load of apples to Toledo, a d;stance of 25 miles The trip oonsumed tvvo days' titue aud be received 10 cerits a bushei for the fruit. Eckfrt post office, in Freedom towuship, lias been jmvod to near Bethel cbnrcb, vvhere tha postraaster resides, by order of the postmasíer general. The office is still supplied from Anu Arbor. Samuel Hale, au old aud respected resident of Mooreville, died Thursday ïrioruing of last week. He was buried Satarday afteruoou in the Mooreville cemetery of whiah he had been sexton for maDy years. Mrs. Mary A. Rogéis, wife of Charles Bogers, of Stony Creek, died Tuesday naorniug froru cauoer trouble. Tbe deceased was j4 years of age and was weli aud most favorably koowu in tbe comtnuuity in which she resided. Some of tbe farmers of Manchester were anxious to start a co-operative creamery and called a meetiDP at the Peoples Bank, Manchester, on Wjduesday of last week, but it was so slimly attende'1 that they connluded to drop the matter. Frederick Cleveland, of Ypsilanti, died Friday, after an illness of four or flve years' duration, aged 73 years. The funeral took place Suuday .afteruoou under the auspices of Ypsilanti Lodge, F. & A. JVI. He leaves a wife aud two daughters Two dogs worried a flock of sheep on Mrs. Dickersou's farm in Bridge water reoently. One dog was killed but the other f:scaped. Eight sheep were injured and a bilí of 16 for the injuries has been preseuted to the town board for settlement,as the owuers of the dogs are not known. Williiun Nelson, wbo lives on the old Beunett place, in Superior township, met with a serióos accident on Friday afteruoou. He was using some of tbe farm machinery and received a out on -the left leg, which severed all the muscles and arteries clear to the bone. The report of tbe expert accountants, W. L. Pack aud D. P. Sullivan, who examined the books of St. John's Catholic church, Ypsilanti, shows that the books of the church had been kept and posted with positive acenracy, thus completely esonerating Fr. Kennedy from the implication of not having conducted the fiuaucial affairs of the church in a proper manner. ' . SsSii1 Mrs. Martha Finch, of Rawsonville, was fouud dead at her home Sunday. She lived all alone and it was the oustom of her daughter to visit her every Sunday. Ou Sunday the danghter fouud the house locked and, growing suspicious, got a boy to crawl in through the window. The body was fouud lyiug on the floor and was badly decomposed, she having been dead nearly a week, probably. Death was caused by beart disease.