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Mffi' k SEAÜfS BAKERT. ÖROCERY AND FLOÜR AND FEED STORE, We keep consiamív or hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For WboLesale or Ketail Trade. We sh.ii; alpo keep a eupplv o' GOLD DUST FLOUR. r. SI. Swift & Oo.'s Beet White Wheai Blour, Kye Fleur, Euokwheat Flour, Corn, p ïed, &c, &C, &c, Al WholeSalB uut ftetail. A üeneri) stock ol .R00BJI3S aND P30VISI0NS mistnntly on hand, which will 'ie sojd on as. reasonahle terms as at anv other house in the city. SSCash paid tor Butter, TS.ggs, and Countr Prod'ice srenernllY. CfT-Cïoods Delivereif to anv par; ol the city with x ri it:i ree. Kinso & Se iholt TIME TABLE. Taking Effect June 7, 1896. Trains learc Arm Arbor bv Central Stanflard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:30 a. WE. "7:04 A. M. +fl:0ñ a. M. ll::!0 A. M. 4:23 P. M. +7:15 P. M. 10:f'4 P. M. 8:ñ5 P. M. Daily, exceptSunday. tSunday only between Toledo and Hambure Junction. 'Daily. sleepers between Toledo and Frankfort. E. S.. GILMORE, Agent. W. H. BESNETT, G. P. A ffilCHIGAN (TENTRAL " The Niágara Fallí Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect June 21, 1S96. GOING EAST. Detroit Nisht Ex 5 40 a. ra. Atlantic Express 7 35 '■ Grand KapidsEx ]l Ü5 Mail and Express 3 47 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 4 58 Fast Enstern 10 17 GOINU WEST. Gd. RapidsFa't N'pa'r - 2 SS a. m. Boston. X.Y. &Ch 7 35 Mail&Express - 8 38 North Shore Limited 9 25 Fast Western Ex 1 55 p.m. G. R. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicago Night Ex 9 50 Pacific Express ...12 15 O.W.RUGGLES H. W.HAYEB, i. P. & T. Agent Chicago. Ag't Ann Arboi A;-L. REVIVO f IV f RESTORES VITALITY. ïBtnay. 'ff Jiy'fcofeWell Man 15thDay.(pr Qf ye THE GREAT 3oth bay. produces tlie above resuHs in ÖO days. It acts powcrfully aud quicily. Cm-ee when all othevs fail. yoimgraeu willrefjaiu tbeir lost mauliood. and old men will recover their yonthtul vigor by using REVIVO. It nuiclvly and surely rectores Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Niglitly Kraiseions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wastius Diseasee, and all effects of self-abuse or cxces.s and indiBcretion, which unflt6 one for srudy, btisines or marriage. It not only cures by Etartiug at the (iat oï disease, but isagreat nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink grloiv to jialo cheeks and restoring the lire of youth. It wards off Tnsanity and Consumption. Insist on haviiiE KEVIVOiDO other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, 81.00 per package, or eix for 5.00, with a posl tive written pruarantee to cure or refund the mouey. Circular f ree. Address ROYAL MEDICfflE CO., 271 Waöash Ave. , CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Ann Arbor, Mich., by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Company.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News