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Erastns P. Masón is very siok at his home ou the north side. Miss Farinie Gardner is vieiting her sister, Mrs. Masten in Chicago. Miohael Staebler is confined to his bed witb a serious atack of illness. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore aud Harry Hitohcock are at Portage Lakö campÏDg. Harry DonnelJy, of Chicago, is visiting his pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly. Clarenoe Noble returned froni his bioycle trip tlirough Europe on Wednesday evening. Conrad Georg, jr., returued home Satnrday froni a trip through Canada aud the eastern states. Mrs. John Pflsterer is visiting the family of Jacob Helber, in West Bay City, for a few weeks Miss Amanda Allmendinger, of the White Laundry, has gone to Chicago for a three weeks' visit. Mrs. Mary Dowdigau has returned f rom her visit with her daughter, Mrs. Corson, in Indianapolis. Jesse F. Orton, instructor in political economy at the university, is in Chicago for a nouple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmid who have been spending the week in Buffalo, N. Y., will return home tomorrow. Dr. George Clark, medie '96, of Detroit, spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Laura J. Hess, on Thompson st. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patterson, of Datroit, have been guests of Win. Goodyear and family for several days past. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kearns, of Detroit, visitèd his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kearus, in this city over Stinday. Prof. B. M. Thompson was in Iouia Friday night, where he addressed a meeting of the sound money club of that city. Arthur Brown left Tuesday for Sf. Paul, Minn. He was called there by the death of his sister, who had been ill for some time with cáncer of the liver. Charles Collins, of Chicago, visited bis cousin, Miss Ida DaltOD, of 25 Sptiug st., last ■week. He left Monday evenmg for New York on his way to Europe. Prof. V. W. Beman aud dangbter, Winiíred, have retnrned íroiu their slimmer outing in the Traverse Bay región. Mrs. Beman has not yet return ed. H. D. Armstrong, traveling passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway, has moved from Jackson to this city to reside. He is located at 51 Washteuaw ave. James H. Pruitt, law '98, of Watseka, III.,' has returned to Aun Arbor early in order to take charge of the preIiarations for the next year Studenfs Lecture oourse. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar P. Webster, of Owosso, have been in the city the past week. They were called here to atteud the funeral of the late Charles Spoor, who was Mrs. Webster's father. Mrs. Geo. Kingsley, of Paola, Kans. has oome to Ann Arbor to euter her son, Toni, in the high school. Her hus-baud was formerly senior partner of the law firm of Kingsley & Morgau, in this city. W. G. Burohfield and family left Friday ïnorning for Texas City, Texas, which will be tbeir future place of abode. The Argus is sorry to see Burch leave Ann Arbor, but it wisbes him 8U0Ó8SS wuerever he goes. John Myler, of Cleveland, O., was in the city the latter part of last week called here by the death of his wife, Mrs. Lottie Myler, at the home of hu sister, in Miiford, where she was visitiüg. He returned home Mouday. Judge aud Mrs. L. M. Goddard and daughter, of Denver, Colo. , and Mrs. Snow, of Winona, Minn., are visitiug Mr. and Mrs. W. Gr. Doty. Tbe ladies are sisters of Mrs. Doty. Miss Goddard will enter the university this fall. President Angelí has been honored by the Americian Association for the Advaneernent of Science which has made him its president. It was an entirely unsonght distinction and an honor to the state and uaiversity as well as to him. Mr. Lusby, of Seafortb, Ont. , was in the city visiting his wife and family the latter part of last week. He also attended the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. John Myler, at Miiford, on Thursday of last week. He returned to Seaforth'on Monday.